
Large Town, Population 4,500   Once the cold capital of Thrane, Daskaran now serves as the nation’s gateway to the north. The town is nestled in the rocky foothills of the Starpeaks and is probably best known for its white-needled coniferous trees and neatly cobbled streets.   In 696 YK, a terrible fire swept through the community, destroying nearly all its wooden buildings and leaving over half of its citizens without homes. With no time to rebuild before winter, the homeless bundled up their few remaining possessions and fled to Flamekeep.   They never returned, and Daskaran’s population shrank greatly. A few of the original stone buildings remain, though they seem weirdly out of place near the newer stone-and-wood structures. Two prominent temples stand in the center of town: the Temple of the Silver Flame and the Temple of Dol Arrah. A stone statue of Tira Miron on horseback stands between the temples, her sword raised high. Careful observers quickly discover that the statue is actually the centerpiece of an enormous sundial set into the ground, with the shadow of Tira’s sword counting the hours.   The priests who oversee the two temples do not see eye to eye on a great many things, but they are not rivals.
Large town