
Capital city, Metropolis, Population 150,000   From afar, Flamekeep resembles a gigantic fortress enclosed by high walls, its buildings perched atop a rocky plinth surrounded on all sides by a water-filled crevasse. Deep within this crevasse sits the city’s bustling harbor and more crowded districts. The magnificent Cathedral of the Silver Flame, its white alabaster walls agleam, surmounts the rocky plinth—a glorious beacon visible for miles in every direction. West of the Cathedral rise the slender spires of Thalingard, the ancestral home of Thrane’s kings. Unlike the Cathedral, the royal palace is sculpted from gray rock and looks somewhat glum by comparison.   Built where the divine battle between the paladin Tira Miron and the abomination of darkness and shadow was fought. Flamekeep began as a small temple built around the purified fire. In time, a cathedral replaced the temple, and the church's evolution from cult to religion brought people from all over the realm until a city took shape. The city bears the signs of its devotion in all things-icons, flame imagery, and stone placards bearing sacred texts adorn nearly every surface. Architects were commissioned to use light and soaring construction to capture the nation's devotion to the Silver Flame, giving the city its distinctive look.   Flamekeep is, in all respects, the heart of Thrane. Nearly half of the nation’s population lives here, both in the city and in outlying areas. It is Thrane's spiritual and political center. Pilgrims descend on the city from all over the nation and beyond to behold its beauty, to enter the Cathedral of the Silver Flame, and, if they are lucky, to catch a glimpse of tile miraculous flames within. Although the presence of the divine infuses the city, with statues and imagery devoted to the church wherever space allows, the city is also a hotbed of intrigue. Influential religious officials. foreign emissaries. and others meet to negotiate secret alliances and make backroom deals to advance their agendas and grow their power.   Most of the city rises from a tiered pedestal of land surrounded by a deep channel. The waterway leads all the way south from the Scions Sound, enabling ships to sail in and dock at the low-lying western ports. Three bridges span the water, to the north, east, and south. On a clear day, one can stand on the highest parapets of the Cathedral and barely make out the distant island of Thronehold, the seat of the Kingdom of Galifar, to the east.    

Notable Features

  Only three features are called out on the map of Flamekeep, and these are described briefly below.   Cathedral of the Silver Flame: The Cathedral rests atop the highest tier of the city, an indomitable bastion and source of great inspiration for the Silver Flame worshipers who call the city home. The Cathedral has white alabaster walls supported by massive flying buttresses and fitted with dozens of tall, stained glass windows set in ornate, wrought iron frames.   The interior of the Cathedral, with its silver inlaid black marble floors and pillars, seems a perfect marriage of majesty and decadence. Deep within the Cathedral, beyond heavy doorways and well-armed warforged guards, sits the Chamber of the Flame. The Flame itself rises from a fiery pool at the center of a brilliant circular mosaic of floor tiles.   In addition to housing a veritable swarm of clerics and paladins, the Cathedral is home to the offices of the cardinals and the private chambers of the Keeper of the Flame, Jaela Daran. Anyone lucky enough to be granted access might stumble upon Jaela in the halls, for she paces them often, murmuring quietly to herself. Of course, wherever Jaela goes, so too goes her ferocious pet and guardian, Skaravojen.   A gray stone causeway connects the Cathedral to the tall spires of Thalingard.   Thalingard: It is customary for the imperial ruler of Thrane to name the royal palace after himself (or herself). Thalin was the last of Thrane’s true monarchs, and thus the palace retains his name. Thalingard has narrow spires that reach higher than any other structure in the city, including the Cathedral. Although stocked with vigilant warforged guards, it feels strangely empty and neglected. It clings to the west side of the city’s central plinth, its sheer walls and precarious balconieslooming high above the rest of the city.   Thalingard serves as the primary residence for Thrane’s royal regent, Diani ir’Wynarn. Every few months, Diani leaves the city and retreats to Silvercliff Castle farther north. The Council of Cardinals pay little heed to her coming and going unless they need her for some diplomatic function. Diani keeps Thalingard clean and ready for visiting dignitaries and important gatherings, but she considers Silvercliff Castle her “nest.”   Lightning Rail Station: The lightning rail station is the northern terminus for a line connecting Flamekeep to Sigilstar, Aruldusk, and Vathirond. It connects to an even larger line that runs the length of Breland, passing through Starilaskur and Wroat before terminating in Sharn. The lightning rail departs twice daily, in the morning and evening.   The distances, times, and costs (first class passage) involved in traveling the lightning rail from Flamekeep are summarized below.
From Flamekeep to: Distance between stops Time Cost
Sigilstar 270 miles 9 hours 135 gp
Aruldusk +130 miles +4.25 hours +65 gp
Vathirond +230 miles +8.75 hours +115 gp
Starilaskur +420 miles +14 hours +210 gp
Wroat +1,290 miles +43 hours +645 gp
Sharn +450 miles +15 hours +225 gp
Leadership: The Council of Cardinals, which is based in Flamekeep, rules the city. High Cardinal Krozen is the man responsible for maintaining order, and he does so with an iron fist. Demographics: Humans 70%, dwarves 9%, halflings 6%, half-elves 4%, elves 4%, other 7%. Economics: 100,000 gp purchase limit; no asset limit.