Tieflings rarely appear in the cities and towns of Khorvaire, with most dwelling at the fringes of civilization. Many tieflings are born to the Carrion Tribes, the barbarians who live in the Demon Wastes. The other common source of tieflings is the Venomous Demesne — a city-state hidden on the far side of Droaam populated by tieflings. These tieflings descend from Sarlonan mages who bargained with dark powers, with the Demesne’s lords being powerful warlocks and wizards. The Venomous Demesne has had no significant contact with the Five Nations and few know it exists.
Due to their rarity and their demonic or devilish traits, tieflings make an easy target for less open-minded Thranes. Some regressive ministers use tieflings as “proof” that innate evil is real and must be fought through zealous faith. Some have gone so far as to label tieflings “entities of unnatural evil;” beings so twisted by malevolent forces they cannot be tolerated.