
The Age of Melding, 50; The 2nd of Endem

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Aurd is a planet filled with history and secrets forgotten to time and war. The torch of civilization has been passed from dragons, to dragonborn, to dwarves, and so on. Now the world is hanging by a thread of peace as many past civilizations have formed their own societies away from the grand theatre of total domination. War hangs in the air as demons have come to invade and dark secrets are being discovered of ancient powers and prophecies.   Fifty years ago, a meteor struck down into the world that lead to an invasion of demons and devils united under a single banner. This invasion was thwarted by a few unsung heroes who tore open a rift into the domain of their king, Gulgomet as they slayed him and his son, Thialad. Once slain, it was found that Gulgomets crown held the vessels of the old gods, arch devils, and demon princes. With the crown destroyed and Gulgomet killed, all of the old deities were restored as the rift closed violently, tearing the weave where it once was. Now only a few demons and devils remain on the planet as the old ways and gods are restored.   Things have been quiet on Aurd. Gods have reasserted themselves in common religion, replacing the false idols the mortals made of immensely powerful golems, magic has regained stability and no longer runs wild and rampant, and kingdoms have grown to become bastions of safety once more.   To the West lies the island nation of Aranviel, a simple kingdom of elves. To the East is the respectable kingdom of Junihoshi and their warriors bound by honor. Taking up the majority of the world is Ferda, a large continent with a multitude of kingdoms and varying ideologies. Here is where tensions rise and conflict boils. For now, it is the Age of Melding, but soon, it shall be the Age of Blood.