13 mayors of Anfortas

The Mayors of Anfortas

1 - Catena As well as the former Sheriff of Aurelian, Catena serves as one of the mayors of Anfortas. It has been a shock to more than one fleeing criminal to see the chain devil there, attending to his duties.
He is in charge of the gang in Anfortas called the Cabanna boys, most are unsure if that name is his idea or somone elses, most people are too affraid to call him out on it.
With the loss of Aurelian, Catena's contract with Anfortas allows him to return from hell every now and then, much to the continued horror of many.

2 - Lord Cadriel (Lawful Eevil Human Werecrocodile Slayer/Warpriest of Akuma)
Once a meek farmer, an ill-fated series of events led him to posses the blood of the beast. Now he lives by The Rule of Strength - "Take what is Earned" - after all, even his name and title was taken from a slain foe. Mayor of a gang of pirates, called the scaledhearts, who follow the same brutal code of honor, often ramming and boarding enemy ships.

3 - Mayor Vel-ga
Fear the orcordian. She starts off first encounters coyly, teasingly, lulling you into a false sense of complacency. Then the conversation takes an abrupt turn and she becomes brash, rambunctious, and cacophonous. It's too late, the accordion is out of her bag and she is playing it. Her crew is dancing and dragging you along on some idiotic scheme that could get everyone killed. Fun time. High turnover rate.
She holds her small band near and dear to her the Carni's are just as crazy as she is.

4 - Lord Disin Victor Fluffymittens (CN Swindler rogue/ Dashing thief)
He is usually filled with contempt and seems to rule the meadow. He is a noble one who seems to have some very loyal followers. He was a noblemen before and seems to have quite a hand in several shipping companies as his wealth grows.
He seems to think the loyist among the people to him are more a small following but they call themshelves the Cats. He isn't very fond of that name and would prefer it if they called themshelves anything else.
Character Sheet Here.

  5 - Motir (CG Minotaur Hungry Barbarian/Chief)
He loves eating, He love eating sweets. He protect the blackbridge. He owns about 50% of the bakeries of Blackbridge. He got a gang of pirate cooks. On sundays, he gives away food to orphans and their homes for free. He is the only who put up the pole of shame in his area. Mayor of Blackbridge.
He employes the largest gang in Anfortas called the bakers.

  6 - Bubbles (NE Awakened Goldfish Wizard//Brawler)
Bubbles lives in Diver Suit construct armor. Her hobby is being a villain, she concocts maniacal plots and nefarious plans which often involve sinking a ship to the bottom of the bay. She is supported by comically incompetent goons who are managed by her butler, a depressed triton named Alexander. When she isn't conducting evil, she enjoys long walks on the beach, long walks on the sea floor, working on her memoir, and lately has been getting into some new music that she'd love to play for you. Mayor of the quaint residential housing development The Aquarium. Perhaps it's not a surprise those that are loyal to this mayor are called the Minnows.

  7 - Madam Estrada (Neutral Evil Viskana, Deadly Courtesan Rogue/Spell Warrior Skald)
Well known for several brothels and being head of the drug trade in anfortas she's ambitious and doesn't mind getting her hands dirty. She mainly sells and deals in the honey dust, euphoria, harlot sweets, Serpent's Kiss,haze mind midst, haze mind consecrate and slaver drops. With her group of debacchery she does lead a mighty band of pirates and is pretty proud of them, their name leaves something to be desired or perhaps it doesn't, they go by The Menagerie.

8 - The Sable Rat (Neutral Dosojin Kami Urban Ranger/Streets Oracle [Site-Bound])
The Sable Rat is a spirit that watches over, is bound to, and consequently is the Mayor of the slums of Anfortas. She is the mother of orphans and a guardian to the dispossessed. The Sable Rat is furtive and mysterious, and cares deeply for her community. She often uses her connection with the alleyways and ramshackle buildings of the slums to subtly alter events by hindering the path of those that would hurt her charges, while simultaneously easing the travel of her favored folk. The locals revere The Sable Rat with small, unpretentious statues and paltry yet meaningful offerings, hoping to earn her blessing. Though typically unseen, that signature feeling of being watched often indicates her presence. Her gang is made up by orphans and those left destitute by the brutalty of Anfortas, they call themshelves the Outsiders.

9 - A new mayor Territory has opened up and a territory war has started

10 - Mr. Happy (Lawful Evil fey Level 10 Bogeyman Wizard(conjuration specialist)/Slayer) Purview: The Black Market and Guild Negotiations. While the lights may go out at night, the black market trade never ceases due largely in part to Mr. Happy's skillful maneuvers of its location and access points. Officially his job is one appointed to him when the various guilds who left Aurelian City and joined the ones here. He is tasked with overseeing any guild to guild negotiation and to ensure that should they come to blows, at least the resulting melee doesn't affect the citizens (too much). Strangely he is also often found wandering the streets at night 'saving' citizens from criminal elements. This of course can never be proven, as the criminal elements are never seen again (he eats them). But day or night he's always got a smile for whoever he meets in his outlandish garb. He only activates his fear aura while hunting. The Candystrippers are at his beck and call, some may even say they owe him, more then their soul.

11 - Bryon the Bandit King (Chaotic Good) Human, Haunted, Superstitious Barbarian/Bandit Rouge)
Byron the bandit king hails from the north, having grown up in the barbarian tribes native to Aurea. One day he and his party of raiders crossed an exceptionally powerful wizard. His men slaughtered and him defeated, the wizard blinded the barbarian and cursed him to be followed by those he had wronged/failed. He learned from this, and reflected upon himself. Now he tries to do good in the world, both because it is right and to ease the ever-growing band of ghosts that follow him. He did so by interrupting slave trade caravans between Rosilia and Wyrm's Rest for a time, but when both went under he and his gathered crew moved to Anfortas to continue their life of raiding 'legal' but immoral vessels. From aboard his vessel "Freefall" he hunts, acting as something of a 'Robin Hood' of the high seas. This, coupled with his surprisingly brotherly nature and penchant for 'adopting' young ne'er-do-wells to teach them how to get along in the world, has made him a fairly popular figure in Anfortas with surprising backing from the youth of the city. It's something of a tradition now for a sailor to go through Byron's crew before 'graduating' for hire to other vessels. Byron the Bandit kings crew call theshelves the Wet Bandits to their leaders delight.

12 - Jack Solomon (Neutral Evil Human - Vivisectionist Alchemist / Butterfly Blade Slayer)
One day a small clinic opened in Anfortas, and one of the small gang leaders decided to send a couple of men to teach newcomer the "rules" of the town. Next morning the gang had a new leader. During the day one more often than not can find Jack happily operating his clinic, skilfully treating the customers with with a strange set of instruments. But those who know of his other job, know not to get on his bad side as those who are seen dragged into the clinics basement never seem to be brought out. His reputation exceeds him with his following and the doctors union he has formed which are called the Scalpers.

  13 - Rossi "3 fingered" Ickelburm (CN, Goblin, Raven Master Hunter, Smuggler Rogue)
Rossi started off his life as a typical goblin. But with his skill set he decided to work for some less than savory people. Upon doing so he found out that he was really good at it. He quickly became one of the top smugglers in the land. He acquired a crew of trusted members. He had a shipment go bad for a customer. Instead of losing his life he lost a finger. That is how he got his nickname. After that incident he changed for the better. So the next step to a life of crime is politics. He moved to Anfrotas a budding town and made a name for himself. He quickly found a chunk of territory that he called his own. The small area runs on a grey area having a former criminal as a mayor. But with a mayor like Rossi somethings will get over looked for a price. Most will notice in Rossi's territory there are a ton of birds around watching everyone and everything. This gang also has a very unimaginitive name called the 3 fingered booms, but what can you expect from goblin stereotypes.