Aerieborn Lore

Wereraptor-Kin are common in forests and mountain areas. They love the freedom and the open sky. They are able get up to high places loving every second they are able to be off the ground. Rangers and Druids find use of the bird blood that’s in their veins, giving them wisdom and gracefulness only can be found in a bird in flight. True Aerieborn find Society often stifling, they don’t go off to find their kin other than when looking for a partner for life. They aren’t well known by everyone else preferring to hunt in their claimed area. Aerieborn often become a silent protectors of a small community near the woods.
The worst thing one can do is Cage an Aerieborn cutting off their ability to fly. They have been known to become famous singers in times where they are required to migrate and can’t hunt for their food. The aerieborn are known to be a little airheaded and birdbrained but underestimating how perceptive they can be, they noticed but just like to live in the moment.

Wereraptor Characters
Wereraptor first transformation is commonly triggered by the yearning for flight, for leaving the nest they jump from a great hight without any plan on how to survive, but their blood activates generally saving them, this happens around puberty. The first thing Wereraptor-kin notice is to make a Secluded nest in the forest or mountains or something high out of place. After that is to find a hunt, getting the drop on them from above. They are respect another Wereraptor hunting area but less so for other skinwalkers. They do get along with witchwolve somewhat as they have similar places they like to hunt. Actually finding and outing an Aerieborn is met with suspicion and eventually hostility as they realized what has happened to those missing children and small pets.
Aerieborn have places of high honor as shamans, hunters and protectors of small tribes out of the way of Society. They are also very musical and all have wonderful voice, they seem fey like and whimsical. They resemble the raptors they get their blood from. Their hair is generally very fluffy and flowing. Smiles have homes on their faces until the time for the hunt comes, they take that very seriously.

Aerieborn Attributes
Ancestry: Wereraptor
Typical Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Ability Modifiers: +2 Wis, –2 Cha (+2 Dex while shapechanged)
Alternate Skill Modifiers: Perception, Sense Motive
Alternate Spell-Like Ability: feather fall 1/day

Bestial Features
  • Bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage
  • 2 talon attacks that each deal 1d4 points of damage
  • +4 racial bonus on Perception checks
  • Increase fly speeds from other sources by 10 feet

  • New Traits
    Trait (Racial): Free Bird - You have been caged once and you learned that was no go. You got to be a free bird.
    You get a +2 on escape artist and it becomes a class skill.

    Trait (Racial): Bird Brain - Birds are always extremely wise, and so they can justify some actions other, more tradition bound races can't...
    A Wereraptor-kin with this trait can take Barbarian levels even when maintaining a lawful good or lawful neutral alignment.

    New Feats
    Birds of a Feather
    Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +5, Wereraptor-Kin
    Benefit: As an additional bestial feature, you can use your change shape ability to gain a fly speed of 30 feet with poor maneuverability if carrying a light load and wearing no armor or light armor, or a fly speed of 20 feet with clumsy maneuverability if carrying a medium or heavy load or wearing medium or heavy armor.

    As the Crows the Clies Prerequisite: Base attack bonus +8, Wereraptor-Kin, Birds of a feather, Fly-by Attack Benefit: improves the fly maneuverability from Clumsy to Average. Gain a +2 bonus to fly-by attack"