Agreement of Coliseum Dispute Resolution

Accordant parties:
Anfortas of Aurea. Eralis, Kingdom Under the Waves.

The contract is between Arthur, Namung, The Fight Knight, Demis, Ananqui, and Tess as themselves and as representatives of the surface and The Fishing Village and The Royal Vizier AND The Sea Hag Queen, representing themselves and Eralis, The Underwater Kingdom.
Instead of war, a coliseum shall be built on a neutral ground between the two - built and maintained by coin and with materials from both sides. Any and all grievances between both sides - Add. Including piracy, which is not recognized as a crime by Eralis but is by the surface world - shall be settled in said coliseum.
Each side will agree upon what shall be done in said coliseum to appease the grievance, both competitors must be there of their free will and be compensated with an equal amount to the both of them.
The coliseum shall also be used as a place of sport and excitement, where any and all income shall be split as following: 2 shares to the competitors, 1 share to the surface world, 1 share to Eralis. Parts of the shares to each kingdom MUST go to maintaining the coliseum, as to represent true equality.
(The rest of the contract goes into detail about how to set up a Grievance bout, duties of each kingdom to maintain the coliseum and run events, and the establishment of the Competitor's Union to recognize employee rights.)
Treaty, Diplomatic