Anfortas NPCS

Below are the movers and shakers of the pirate town and fishing village of Anfortas, and are most likely to be found within its borders and locals.


Other Major Non-Player Characters

The Pirate King - Brenin
(Mythic Beng) This is the leader of the city state Anfortas, he is often out raiding the seas in his ship called The Maimed King, he isn’t seen much by the public but seems to make sure his land holds throughout whatever attacks his city. Rumors has it he made a pact with the sea to make sure his city last throughout whatever time throws at them. In turn he was given a wound that can’t ever be healed unless it comes from an holy artefact. No one is sure if this person exists or if he is just a legend the council of 8made up to get out of duties.

Harden 'Mad Eyes' Gabranth (Level 11 CN Skinwalker Pirate Captain)
A Somalian Pirate from Alt-Earth, he has found his Yar-Har Stride here on Aurea's high seas as a deadly pirate and privateer. Can be an enemy or a quest giver pretty much anywhere, given the boat's ability to go... anywhere.
Character Sheet.

Has a ship known as the Star Sabretooth, an intelligent animated object with the ability to fire shards of itself at its enemies, or form giant hands out of the port and starboard and a mouth at the bow, good for literally eating other ships.
Ship Sheet

Has a crew of 200, 50 of those being level 5 Gunslinger / Swashbucklers

Minor Non-Player Characters

Pearl - Quarter Master
(Fighter/brawler, Oread) It is rare to see an Oread settle down by the sea but he did it for his merfolk Wife Turquoise. He is a "guard" for Anfortas.

Clan Badd
The children of Finnegan and Astra Badd. Or at least the ones related by blood. The eldest, Thomas Badd, is a cleric of Morgana and is married to Lefran Chambers, while the youngest, Sigrid, is the only girl and shows clear signs of celestial heritage. The half orc triples, Osmond, Tyr and Garth round out the family.


Thomas Chambers-Badd (Divine Strategist Cleric of Morgana/Loremaster/Songhealer Bard)

(Barbarian/Spell warrior Skald), Tyr (Psychic/Ancestor bloodrager) and Garth (Barbarian/ ancestor bloodrager)
Clan Chambers
The sprawling Clan Chambers was originally from Aurelian, but followed there brother out to Anfortas after there parents were killed by the Archrduid, Talida. Despite this, the youngest, Seile, has been apprenticed to Talida, something that not all of her siblings entirely agree with...
Currently, only Arnu Chambers, apprenticed to Grandmother White, and Seile and Keish, are present in Anfortas, with the elder Danfal there when his ship is in port.

  Lefran Chambers-Badd and Boris (Woodland Sniper slayer/Wild Soul Ranger)
  Arnu (Seasons Winter Witch/Winter Mystery Wrecker Cursed Oracle)

Brigdet (Bard/Inquisitor)
An Undine who manages the Songbird Hall is a high priestess of Shelyn and has helped build this place from the ground up. She is a kind artist and helps maintain these sanctified grounds with her team of Acolytes.
  Elm (Wizard/Investigator)
A white motherless tiefling currently is the accountant for the Sun Art in Anfortas.

Clan Connolly
A 3rd generation of natives to Anfortas and the majority of them can be found at The Brenin Clwyfedig workhouse. Max, Melenda, Barakas and Geva are some of the children of Clan Connolly who live and work in the run-down place.
  The Dinabin crew- Often seen around port, causing ruckus and trouble due to not sailing very often. They are very loyal to their captain.
  Tham Lam (Unlucky Halfling)
A halfling with a big opinion of himself, and a curse that means he's too unlucky to make it big...or die. He can found in Anfortan bars and the docks, telling tall tales about his big adventures and being made fun of for that terrible pair of puns.
    Smiles (Grey Paladin of Cayden Cailean /Fighter)
The man who mans the bar with no name is A wereshark with had half an anchor through his great white-esque head - straight through one eye. You'd expect him to have tremendous brain damage, but all he ended up with is a permanent, toothy smile.

Izzy (lvl 5fighter(cad)/Barbarian (the breaker) Chaotic Good)
Izzy was once in a Lizardfolk army. His last actions in the war was eliminating an innocent gnome towns. While he was doing this he had to cut down a family but he couldnt kill their daughter named Lizzy as shown in his picture. Running from the army he once served in, he accidently ran into the portal coming over to Aurea. His one of his first quest adopted another gnome daughter named Mary. one of his last quests had him killing a tiger only to find out they had a cub, so as history repeated itself Izzy adopted the cub as well. He retired from adventuring to focus on his family and starting up an orphanage in Anfortas called Izzy's house.

Melindris Investigator/Druid Runs Lorastic Lumber out of Anfortas, ten minute older sister to the multiorc, Colrizan. Calm, collected and rather dangerous.

The Arbenjack Company/Family
A family of halflings who run a mercantile business in Anfortas.They are a smaller shipping company located in the warehouse district and often fight with the 3 finger boom gangs. They are relatively succesfful as a merchantile.

Merrity 'Momma' Arbenjack (Black Powder Hood slayer / Eldritch Scrapper Sorcerer)
Family matriarch. A warm, kindly sort of woman, as long as you're on her good side. Gets dark and cold fast when you wrong her or the family. You should try her Cornbread Cakes! Just, you know, check it for poison if you're not sure about how the family likes you.

Norvel 'Numbers' Arbenjack (Pirate rogue/Rover Investigator)
Runs the mercantile side of the business. Honestly has little idea what all goes on with the criminal side, only sees the money and goods coming in. Likes it that way. Crime is messy and assets like intimidation are harder to keep ledgers for.

Lencas 'Suits' Arbenjack (The Deckfighter brawler/ True Silvered Throne Shaman)
Eldest son of the family. Capable but not very charismatic. Helps with the legwork and logistics. Sometimes acts as a straight-lace respectable face for above-board business deals.

Visband 'Cap' Arbenjack (Dread Thane Skald/Daring Infiltrator Swashbuckler)
Charismatic, second son. Captains the family ship. Helps his mother in running the deals and shady.

Munt Thug rogue/Viking Fighter (Half Elf brute)
Enforcer and muscle for the family. Treated like an adopted son.
This family makes most of their money as a fence for ill gotten goods, flipping them as legitimate ones coming in off their ships from another 'successful business deal'. It is rumored they have a couple city guards secretly on their payroll, and that they have serious blackmail on a couple of the city's mayors, which helps them get things through the system occasionally.