Aroden (Air oh din)


An immortal Azlant human who was raised to godhood and eventually died in mysterious circumstances.

History on Aur

Attempting to alter their fate will have in Inevitables correcting you out of existence. As it stands he is considered to be both alive and dead.


Humanity has always been the primary servant of the Last Azlanti.
Iomedae - A former herald, the Inheritor took Aroden's place in Golarion's pantheon when he fell.  


Obedience: Spend one hour studying and meditating on the life and deific ascension of Aroden. If you studied the last time you performed this obedience, instead practice with a longsword or with magic for one hour. If you practiced the last time you performed this obedience, instead spend one hour writing down what you learned through your practice and meditations on Aroden. If you wrote the last time you performed this obedience, instead study. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on all Knowledge checks.

1. Command 3/day, Embrace Destiny 2/day, or Paragon Surge (Human)) 1/day
2. Un-Timely Absence (Su) Once per day as an immediate action when you would fail a saving throw or be reduced to 0 hit points or fewer by an effect, you can die and disappear from reality altogether and avoid the immediate effects (not being hit or poisoned, for example). At the beginning of your next turn, you reappear and return to life in your space (or the nearest available space if that is now occupied) and are staggered until the end of your turn. When you use this ability, note the number of hit points you have before you die. When you return to life, you have that number of hit points.
3. Armory of the Last Azlanti (Su) Three times per day, as a standard action, you can summon swords from Aroden's personal armory. This functions like Mage's Sword, except it summons one sword plus one more for every five character levels you possess, and its duration is 1 round. The swords can all be targeted independently.

1. Human Potential 3/day, Aroden Spell Sword 2/day ,Aroden's magic Army 1/day
2. Unquestionable Ally: Once per day as a standard action, you can summon a Nephilim. You gain telepathic communication with the to a range of 100 feet, and the Nephilim follows your commands perfectly for 1 minute for each Hit Die you possess before vanishing back to its home. The doesn’t obey any command that would violate its lawful alignment—such commands are met with grim refusal, and the Nephilim could even prompt the to attack you if the command is egregious enough.
3. Banishing Strike (Sp) Once per day, you can channel the effects of banishment through your weapon, though you don’t need to cast (or even know) the spell. You must declare your use of this ability before you roll your attack. On a hit, the target is affected by a banishment effect. If you openly wear a holy symbol of Iomedae, you gain a +1 bonus on your caster level check to overcome the target’s spell resistance (if any) and the saving throw DC increases by 2.

1. Lead Blades 3/day, Crusader's Edge 2/day, 1/day
2. Excalibur's Blessing (Su) As a swift action, you can increase the damage die of your heavy blade by one step for a number of rounds per day equal to your HD. These rounds need not be consecutive.
3.Hilt Strike (Ex) If you make a full attack while wielding a two-handed melee weapon, you may make a single attack in addition to your normal attacks. In essence, after you complete your two-handed weapon attacks, you smash with your hilt of your sword against an opponent. This bonus attack is made at your highest base attack bonus, and provokes an attack of opportunity. If you’re Medium, you deal 1d6 points of damage; if you’re Small, you deal 1d4 points of damage. Add half your Strength bonus to the damage dealt. The attack roll for the hilt is subject to the normal penalties for two-weapon fighting unless you have the feats to reduce these penalties.

Unique Aspects

Traits: Devotee of a Dead God, Faithful Arodenite.

Deific Code
The Paladin Code:
  • One must always engage in fair play, including never attacking an unarmed foe, never charging an unhorsed opponent, never attacking from behind. We abhor cheating and torture.
  • One must be noble in their everyday actions, exhibit the self discipline in your actions, show the respect to those above you in station, protect those that cannot protect themselves, Respect those of all genders equally, and administer justice to those that are guilty without prejudice.
  • Act with valour when you exhibit courage in words and deeds, avenge those who have been wronged, defend those who are innocent, fight with honour in your sword and shield.
  • Do not abandon an ally, friend or noble cause unless it has been shown to be the path of betrayal.
  • Act with honour and purity by keeping your word, always maintain your principles, never betray someone's confidence or a comrade in arms.
  • Life must be respected, so if surrender is given take it, with the high road.
  • Act with courtesy for others, always exhibit manners, while being polite and attentive.
  • Always be respectful to those around you, especially to those higher then your station and the host of the place you are visiting.
  • You must be loyal, do not be tricked by those whom are lower then you, often times they will lead you astray.

  • The Antipaladin code:
  • One must always play to win, and winning at any cost is righteous, including attacking an unarmed foe, charging an unhorsed opponent, and attacking from behind. Torture is a just punishment for the defeated.
  • I am the administrator of justice to those that are guilty, with prejudice.
  • Do not abandon an ally, friend or cause unless it has been shown to be the path of failure.
  • Act with purity and keep your word, always maintain your principles, always support your fellow human’s betterment.
  • Man must be respected, but there is no surrender for my enemies or myself.
  • Act with courtesy for humans, always exhibit manners while being polite and attentive.

  • Always be respectful to your superiors, and seek to improve your own standing.
  • Do not be tricked by outsiders, oftentimes they will lead you astray.

  • Table of Contents
    History on Aur
  • Heralds
  • Worshippers
  • Deific Obedience
  • Evangelists
  • Exalted
  • Sentinel
  • Unique Aspects
  • Paladin Code
    Anti-Paladin Code

    Titles: Last of the First Humans, The Last Azlanti, The Living God, King Roue Arzhur
    Adjective: Arodenite
    Realm: Axis
    Alignment: Lawful Neutral
    Areas of Concern: Humanity, Innovation, History, Culture, and Fulfilment of destiny
    Cleric Alignments: Lawful Neutral, Lawful Evil, Lawful Good and Neutral
    Domains: Community, Glory, Knowledge, Law, Protection, Water, Sun
    Subdomains: Solitude, Legend, Hubris, Memory, Sovereignty, Oceans, Revelation
    Favored Weapon: Longsword
    Symbol: Pyramid eye with wings
    Sacred Animal: Dog
    Sacred Colors: Royal Blue, Gold, Red
