Azoa (Ah zoe ah)

Countess Dorothy Faen Tlabbar (Drow - Azoa)
One of the leaders of Azoa's Resistance, and a powerful spellcaster, the Countess is not well-loved or liked by many, but she is useful and skilled. Well taught in the old Drow ways of espionage, poison, torture, and fleshcrafting, she is a useful ally - and a deadly enemy. She is also the mother of Miz'ri Faen Tlabbar.

Oros (Werewolf Witch/Monk - Azoa)
A servant to the Witch Queen. Sent to Aurea by his patron, he had some problems in Anfortas and Aurelian when he discovered he was in some way related to the demigod Khors in a previous incarnation. He decided to leave for Azoa, where he found himself almost immediately put into a position as Tactician to the RĂ©sistance, much to his bafflement.

Isabela Queen of Bellvar
The current queen of Azoa as a whole was raised by Alister, the King Reagent. She has grown up strong and ready to take her place as the religious and formal leader of the continent. She seems to agree with the antimagic stance of the white cloaks and is often seen at public events. This is of course after the Resistance kidnapped her and her resolve has become stronger in the fight against magic much to the Regent's delight...if he can be found...

High Priest Infernus Todd Robinson of the Cult of Star Fire the Red (Cleric/Dragon Sorcerer)
He's one of the founding Priests from back during the civil war and a former resident of the Capitol who witnessed Star Fire's first appearance. He'd led rebel groups ever since and when the King fell, he and his sect abandoned Azoa, seeking out a new place to live. He has a LOT of hatred towards advanced technology and the Cult that ruled Azoa. His favorite method of executing heretics is immolation.

Dr. Estella Everbane (Technician/ Alchemist) Originally from one of the many earths and a leading pioneer in werekin vaccines there, when she walked through a portal into Azoa, the Kingdom of Bellavar saw her gifts as an asset and she began making tech for control and stopping magic. She was testing this on the local slave population until she was given a proper lab with different lab rats or mages of various skill sets. She seems to have disappeared rather recently at least this is the rumor.

Darius Maximus (Human Fighter/ranger)
Firmly on the side of the White Cloaks, truly believes that all magic is evil and to be punished. Wields a blessed greatsword with zero realisation that this might be in the slightest hypocritical. Not massively bright but very good at following orders. Not an original thinker in the slightest and views new ideas with the sort of zeal and hatred you might expect from a member of the Spanish Inquisition.

Dr Angela Langley (Iteration X Project Lead)
Cybernetically augmented human with enhanced neuroprocessors, a mind shield, cybernetic eye bionic arm and reinforced spine. A human supremacist who views magic users as deranged reality warpers. Her skills are in Engineering and she can, given time, resources, and her lab, provide terrifying technological marvels for those she's working with at the moment. Her only true loyalties are to the Technocratic Union and Iteration X. Good at thinking on her feet and can mentally take over advanced robots. If she's serving the Crown, she has a hidden agenda.

Zadkiel Siceo (Gnome vindictive bastard paladin/with killer slayer)
Was sworn in as a paladin on Arete, but quickly realized that the biggest danger of people is the use of magic and decided to eradicate all of it.
Using her magic to stop mages might be seen as hypocritical, but sometimes you need to fight fire with fire.
Joining the White Cloaks was a very easy way of getting both equipment and targets

Scooter (Lawful Evil Stalker Automaton Savage Warrior Fighter/uRogue)
Scooter is the top licensed independent bounty hunter in Azoa. A contract killer and the goodest boy, Scooter loves long walks, playing fetch, and murder. He uses his good boy points (gold) to buy unlimited snacks. Scooter is currently on retainer for the White Cloaks.

Kazov (Neutral Werebear Adaptive Shifter/Castellan Cavalier)
A powerful werebear and one of the leader's of the Azoan Resistance, there are rumours that the giant has some strange connections. Still, where he plants his banner, he defends.

Bill Silvermane (True Neutral Ancestor Oracle/Vestige Sorcerer 10)
Bill grew up under White Cloak rule, learning from a young age to keep quiet about things he doesn't understand when his mother was "disappeared". He keeps his stark silverly hair shaved and insists that the odd gifts his mother displayed are simply rumors, and that he'd know better anyhows since he is his mother's son after all. Bill doesn't like to help people but will show someone the ropes of keeping your head down if he sees someone being really stupid. He cares most for keeping his family safe and has a wife and three kids of varying ages who all help out on his farm. Bill is in denial about his magic status, but if put in a life or death situation, he might instinctively use his magic. Bill is not a fighter and is just as likely to turn you over to the authorities to get you out of his hair as he is to direct you to his cousin Gabriel who knows a guy who knows a guy who knows where to find the resistance. The truth is that his family was once a great and heroic dynasty of Azlanti nobility, descendents from Aroden himself. That storied history is now long dead, erased with the death of his mother at the hands of the White Cloaks, living only within Bill's suppressed blood.

Lex (Human Lawful Evil Ruthless Agent Investigator/Techslinger Gunslinger)
He is on the Resistance hit list, he is well known as a manhunter and mage slayer. He hunts the rouge and magic elements out ruthlessly. He is an old white cloak. He uses a Mindrender and Id Rifle generally, however he is trained in all tech weapons. When shit hits the fan, he uses Plasmathrower and a Rail Gun for when his normal weapons dont have enough power. He is a rude blunt person who cuts straight to the facts and takes no shit. He doesnt like being in the spot light as it makes his job harder on him. Oh and he loves his dog Rex a lot.