Azoan Resistance


Azoa has become and unkind place for the spellcasters resident to it. Still, spell casters have not gone quietly, nor without a fight. The Azoan Resitance is made up of those too magical by there very nature and blood and those too stubborn to give up there gifts to bow to the new laws and the White Cloaks whims.


Not shockingly, the Azoan Resistance has become organized into cells, each operating within a small territory or area. Code names are commonly used, especially between cells, as a single agent taken by the White Cloaks and forced into a Red Collar or put under the influence of a control chip will spill every secret upon command.

While this limits the impact the Resistance as a whole can usually take, they do have various means of communicating, especially Azoan Sending Stones. As a result large scale efforts can be made.  

Important Members

Oros - When the former king Ein vanished, he took his advisor, Oros, Tactician of the Rebellion with him. Their dual loss was a large part of why the Resistance fell out of power. When a young man who looked almost the same, with the same temperament, the same skills and none of his memories appeared, the Rebels put him in the same position. So far, it's working.

Countess Dorothy Faen Tlabbar - The Countess is one of the more successful rebel leaders, and one of the most infamous. Respected and feared for her skill in Fleshwarping, she uses these abilities to make unprecedented spies, warriors and assassins for the cause.
Kazov - The leader of the rebels in the north, where they tend to prefer to hide in the wilderness and countryside. Kazov is rarely seen in the cities except during the largest operations, where he and his people inevitably act as a vanguard.  


The Countess' Cell - Based in one of the larger ports, this cell is not shockingly run by the Countess. It is also the one that most commonly interacts with adventurers for Aurelia, thanks to its position.

The Northern Cell - Informal even by the rebel's standard, this loose network is hard to pin down and attack because of how rarely they gather. There leader, Kazov, is an exception, occasionally making his wearbouts known. The Azoan military has long since found out these traps are never fun.
Table of Contents
Important Members
Illicit, Rebel