Azoan Technology

The Azlant continent of Azoa has, during it's anti-magic period, seen a massive surge in technology as a whole. Although uncommon, items such as cars, computers and aircraft have all been developed there, all powered by a variety of resources. While many outlying areas are somewhat lacking in these marvels, the more populace cities and areas are very nearly the same standard as one of the variety of Earths seen at around the 20th century.

It is important to note, however, that this technology comes with an intrinsic condition: one must carry Azlant genes to be able to use it at all. At least some Azlant blood is needed to use these devices, something that can cause some issues for visiting adventurers.

Beyond that, some of the other technological advancements one might encounter are listed below.

Green Collars - When placed on the neck of a spell caster, these refined Noqual collars cut a mage off from there ability to cast. They cannot be removed by the wearer, and cause hideous pain to those that try to cast in them, but are usually a simple latch to anyone else.

Red Collars - Red Collars are a sinister device that removes the person's will when wearing them. They obey any and all orders to the best of there ability, until new orders are given. Some strong-willed individuals may be able to resist somewhat, following the specific wording of an order rather than the intended spirit, but even this is rare.

Control Chip - The most insidious device yet, and an upgrade on the Red Collars, these control devices are implanted in the brain, completely overiding the person's will. The person is shunted into the Dreamlands, there body left as a tool. It takes a surgery in both realms to remove these devices, and very few are skilled enough to do it. Thankfully for some, so far these devices only work on those of extraplanar origins, such as tieflings and geniekin - but work to perfect them is no doubt under way.

Azoan Sending Stones - These potent tools operate similarly to the Shell of Sending, but instead of two shells connected to each other, it is an entire network. A number of these stones were 'modified' by the Resistance and handed out to adventurers during the Azoan conflict, without the need for Azlant genes, although how is unclear.