Basic Character Creation

Character creation is where your characters story on Aurea will begin. Although this can be daunting, remember that the staff on the Discord are happy to help with any rules that might confuse or befuddle. The basics of Pathfinder character creation apply, although you will note there are quite a few amendments to the basic Pathfinder 1e system here.

Character Creation

Starting Level: Third level, with 5000 exp.

Starting Gold: 3000gp. This includes the alterations from Automatic Bonus Progression mentioned below, and can not be increased beyond it by trait bonuses. Background and Occupations and Class starting money are also ignored - everyone starts with a flat 3000 gp. If you do not spend all of it during character creation, don't worry, this rolls over to the start of play.
In addition, you get one starting outfit worth 10gp or less, and are in fact required to do so.

Attribute Generation: A 25 Point Buy, as described here. We recommend using the Jody White Ability Score Calculator to help with generating your attributes.

Classes: All Core Classes, Base Classes, Hybrid Classes, Unchained Classes, Occult Classes, Alternate Classes, including the Omdura and Vampire Hunter. No third party or homebrew classes are available at this time.

Gestalt: The server uses the Gestalt ruleset. Players are allowed to use both Variant Multiclassing and regular multiclassing rules, but may not have levels or abilities from/in more than 5 classes. Please ignore the 4x at 1st level in the document for skills, as that was for 3.5 only.
Sneak Attack: While many things in gestalt add together, it should be noted taking two classes with full sneak attack, such as the Vivisectionist Alchemist with a Rogue, will not stack. You cannot permanently gain more than 1d6 of sneak attack per two character levels. It also doesn't stack with the Vigilante's Hidden Strike, and you cannot use both.

Traits: You must select three Traits, following the rules allowing one per category only as normal. You may also select Exemplar Traits and the Additional Traits feat. Campaign traits are an acceptable choice.
You may take finding your kin/harlequin trait. You must select an npc or a pc to be that kin.
New trait tiefling (racial): Keeper of Wrath - Benefit: You may take levels in barbarian even while maintaining a Lawful Neutral or Lawful Evil alignment.

Drawbacks: Your must select one Drawback - this does not earn an additional trait. You may take more than one drawback, but it does not add additional traits to your character. Please note that with both these and Major Drawbacks, if taken, may not be accepted if you attempt to choose one that will not affect your character at all. In addition to the normal drawbacks, you can also select from our extra list of drawbacks.
The drawback Entomophobe works for all creatures that look like vermin.
Major Drawbacks you may not take: Spell Vulnerability: Abjuration, Slow Runner.

Backgrounds: The server uses both the Background and Occupation rules and the Background Skills rules. With Background and Occupations, please note that choosing a Background that doubles up on a feat you already have does not allow you to chose another feat in its place. This includes feats that have been removed by Elephant in the Room.

Races: All Core Races with the exception of Gnomes, who are unavailable at this time due to story reasons, and Humans, who are temporarily unavailable to apply as, are allowed. Standard Races are and Advanced Races with a RP point value of less than 17 are also accepted, and other races are allowed on a case by case basis. The following races have been accepted for play;
Fetchling, Wayangs, Rougarou, Changeling, Kitsune, Nagaji, Samsaran*, Duskwalker, Rabbitfolk, Strix*, Wyvaran*, Gillman, Insectini, Tengu Variants (Crane, Rooster, Seagull), Aphorite*, Vine Leshy*, Kuru.
Sin-Galemren are allowed, and count as Half-Elves for all purposes.
Galemren are allowed, and count as Elves for all purposes.
Grachukk are allowed, and count as Orcs for all purposes.
*Races that begin with a fly speed instead are treated as having Permanent Featherfall until 6th level, then they gain their fly speed as per normal from their race. Bat shape via werebat skinwalker included. Unless the Race already has something to replace the fly speed ie: Gathian sticky tendrils, then that alternative racial trait should be taken instead.
Aerieborn Werekin have been modified, with additional racial traits and feats added.
The Storyweaver Werekin are a playable option.
Werekin that are from a Golarion, a Earth or Aurea itself is an obligate cannibal. Skinwalkers from other planes can be, at the player's discretion.
Androids cannot have nanite surge, but instead gain repairing nanites.
Samsaran cannot take the Mystic Past Life alternate racial trait.
Aphorite cannot take the Eternal Smith or Shared Knowledge alternate traits.
Any race that gains a racial poison can use their poison for Alchemist Discoveries, this includes things such as Grippli's Toxic Skin.
Kuru, Wyvaran, Gathlain and Androids may be without a gender. If so taken they are not affected by effects that rely on gender, positive or negative.
Vine Leshy can be chosen as a race, but must take the Lashvine or Poisonous alternative racial traits to replace Change Shape.
Special Note: All characters must be at least 18 years old, as well as whatever the minimun age to be considered an adult in there race. We do not allow non-adult characters to be played.

Hit Points: Characters and animal companions, eidolons, phantoms and such all take max at each level. Familiars take half there masters HP as usual.

Companion Sheets: Animal companions, familiars, eidolons, phantoms, intelligent items or any other sentient creature that is part of your items or abilities must have its own sheet to be used in combat or skill encounters. They will not exist mechanically at all without one, so Witches and other classes that rely on there Familiars won’t be able to prepare spells without a sheet for there familiar.

Hero Points and Major Drawbacks: We use the Hero Points and Major Drawback rules. Either Anti Hero or a single Major Drawback can be taken for a single bonus feat. You can select both, or multiple major drawbacks, but you will only gain a single bonus feat. In addition to the usual Major Drawbacks, you can also select from our own list.
Major Drawbacks you may not take: Spell Vulnerability: Abjuration, Land Legs, Slow Runner. In addition, if an item or ability is acquired that negates a drawback then any benefit that it offers is also permanently negated.

Elephant in the Room: Aurea uses the Feat Tax Rules, but just the feat alterations on the main page, not the full PDF of alterations. As an amendment, all characters gain Agile Manoeuvres as part of the EitR feats.

Automatic Bonus Progression: We are using a modified set of the Automatic Progression Rule found here with the following adjustments and amendments, to make things more balanced, fair, and streamlined for the players at large.

As with standard ABP, items that solely and permanently add to a character's natural armor, deflection bonus, saves and attributes are no longer buyable, craftable or exist at all. These items have instead been replaced by automatic bonuses at set levels.

Items that granted these bonuses but also had other effects can still be purchased, with their price reduced to reflect the loss of the bonus granted. An example of an item that one would modify is the Lesser Belt of Mighty Hurling, which in addition to its function to allow strength-based throwing adds a +2 Enhancement Bonus to Strength. As this part of the belt no longer functions the cost is reduced by 4000 gp, from 14,000 gp to 10,000 gp - the same cost as a +2 Belt of Giant Strength.

Weapons, armor and shields function as normal, and do not get any (enhancement) bonuses from Automatic Bonus Progression.

Any bonuses can be split between the character and any (Class given) pets (mount, animal companion, eidolon, etc) they happen to have, in any way the player wishes - if they wish to give the entirety of there bonus to there pets this way, they may, although this is rarely advisable.

At 6th level, 11th level and 15th level the character may choose if they wish to gain the mental prowess or the physical prowess bonus. The other is taken at the next level.

Special Note:Templates and other methods of becoming a monster fall under a special rule:
Gaining a template, or otherwise becoming a monster (via create undead, lycanthropy, etc) is considered grounds for the retirement of the character and becoming an NPC. You may request a special quest to remove your template (for example: if you were unwillingly turned into a vampire) instead of retirement (such as if the NPC was family, an employee, etc)

Other Creation Rules

We have modified or clarified several of the rules for Pathfinder. We have found that, sometimes, Pathfinder 1e requires a little love and attention to work better, and occasionally it needs The Hammer of Correction.

If there is anything you would like to see changed, please swing by the suggestion channel on the Discord. The staff will then review and vote on your suggestion. Please do not attempt to repeatedly submit the same thing with slightly different re-wording; this will not be accepted, and the suggestion deleted out of hand. Please wait at least three months before proposing a change again. And please, please make sure that what you are suggesting is not already allowed, as if the vote is a no it will be removed. Double checking in questions and answers is never a bad idea, or reading the Frequently Asked Questions.

Item Modifications and Clarifications


A thrown weapon can be used as and enchanted like a ranged weapon with the following exception. Any special qualities, abilities or effects that would apply to a ranged weapon only apply when the weapon is being used to make a ranged attack. All thrown weapons have a maximum range increment of 5 instead of the normal 10 that other ranged weapons get.
Clarify for Special Weapon Enchantments;
Enchantments for Ranged Weapons and Melee Weapons only work with their respective attacks, Ranged Attack and Melee Attack.

Firearms are also ranged weapons.

We have added the following modification to Trip weapons; weapons with Trip weapon quality to enhance the user's effective size only for the purposes of what they can trip by the following stages: +1 enhancement bonus = +1 to user size, +3 enhancement bonus = +2 to user size, +5 enhancement bonus = +3 to user size.
Custom Firearm Setting: Guns and the specific tools, blueprints, and means to make firearms are very rare.

Firearms no longer hit touch AC, except when using the Deadeye deed.

Advanced Firearms are allowed, but Modern Firearms are not.

When using the Conductive special quality of a magic weapon, special qualities such as Flaming are overwritten.

Using Weapon Cords is a free action.

Kitsune tails cannot support Kobold Tailblades.

Sliversheen and Sunsliver do not take a -1 to damage but still count as Alchemical Silver for all purposes.

Handwraps are allowed for both feet and hands, however only one slot can get the bonus from them.

Consecrated weapons can be charged by any class with channel energy.

Bo Staff counts as Quarterstaff for feats and abilities that require one.

Mundane Items

All weapons within the Fighter's Polearm weapon group are now considered a reach weapon.

You can buy any item from NPCs in downtime for market price. Scrolls with costly material components add their cost to the scroll cost.

Items can be sold to NPCs for half market price outside of quests or crafting price, Whichever is lower. Post sales in #downtime channel. Please make sure to include the item sold and amount gained. Please note character locked items cannot be sold or traded.
In the same vein, items can be bought from NPC's at full price.
Please consult with your GM before attempting to buy or sell during a quest.

Hemp rope weighs 1 lb per 50 ft.

Magic Items

Rings of Eloquence can be crafted with any four languages. The creation of undead, constructs and other such creations need to be supervised by a full GM or Staff memeber.

We allow the Prosthetics rules and items found here.
Special Note: If an item would remove a major drawback or other penalty acquired, then any benefit - such as a bonus feat - is also removed. Even if this item can be removed and the penalty returned, the benefit is still lost.

Cyclops Helm Requires a 24 hour attunement period.

Magic items sets and Collector’s Boon feat line are not allowed.

When implanting ioun stone you can only implant 2 stone per existing magic item slot, they must be of the same type.

The Shadow Shooting enchantment is treated as an Illusion effect for saves.

Swarmbane Clasp also affects Troops as if they were Swarms if they have the Distractible ability.

Players can make or buy rods of the Logical Spell and Intuitive Spell metamagics for the same price as Rods of Still/Silent Spell.

Bane Items are now a thing for walls, doors and other GM approved items. (Also works for inquisitor bane).

Magic Items automatically resize as the wielder desires.

Blessed Books are not limited to just Wizards, all classes that prepare from spellbooks or formulae books may purchase and make use of them.

A phylactery of faithfulness is now a slotless item.

Ghost touch allows incorporeal creatures to be grappled.

Elemental Abilities on weapons such Flaming or Corrosive are only active one at a time.

Unique Items

The 3.5 item pocket of endless cigars is available for crafters to craft, ignoring the XP requirement.
Pocket of Endless Cigars (3.5e Equipment).

Magic Item: Wizard TV. Take 20 once a day while flicking through its channels, taking ten minutes. Costs: 20,000gp.

Blue Granite Ioun Stone: When initiative is rolled a theme song of your choice is played. Costs: 1000gp.

Class Modifications and Clarifications

Specific Class Modifications

Filcher Rogues are now available to all races.

Antipaladins are now able to use there Touch of Corruption ability as a swift action to heal themselves, assuming they are healed by negative energy.

The Rageshaper Shifter's Devestating Form now functions thusly;
Devastating Form: Size increases affect ability scores in reverse of this table
(Large would give +4 str, -2 dex, +2 con. Huge would give +8 str,-4 dex,+4 con, and Gargantuan would give +12 str, -4 dex, +6 con)
Normal modifications to attack, CMB, CMD, reach, fly and stealth skill, and damage dice would still apply.
Invulnerable Defenses: Scales at the levels Defensive Instinct does. (+1 to Natural armor bonus and DR at 4,8,12,16,and 20)

Kobold Alchemists may now apply there Favoured Class Bonus to the Alchemical Ordnance of the Gun Chemist archetype.

Investigator and Alchemist qualify for Brew Potion without meeting the prerequisites.

Any spell on the Oracle's Spell List, which specficially calls out a need for Wisdom, such as Spiritual Weapon, can instead use Charisma when being cast.

The Court Poet Skald's Insightful Contemplation counts as Inspired Rage use of abilities and feats.

The Cleric's Oceon Sub-Domain ability Surge has a range of 30ft.

The Serendpity Shaman no longer require a racial feature or feat with luck in the title to take the archetype. Guess we're all lucky now.

Vexing Daredevil be allowed to target mindless creatures with their hypnotic stare for the purpose of benefiting from that feat, but they do not take any penalties or other effects of the stare.

The Brawler's Flurry ability now counts as Flurry of Blows for the purposes of feats and Prestige Classes.

An eighth level Shadowdancer’s Shadow companion advances to a Greater Shadow, with the same modifications to statistics and restrictions as previously.

The witch's Slumber hex to affect only creatures with hit dice equal to the character's witch level plus their relevant casting stat mod. While this does put some things (Like Great Old Ones and Kaiju) outside of the normally affectable range.

The Combat Hypnosis hex has been modified to bring it into line with our new Slumber hex. Remove the rolling of 2d4 to determine random HD affected, and instead allow it to affect up to witch level plus relevant casting stat mod (as per the Slumber hex alteration). This removes the use of standard action to 'check and see'.

Ninja gains access to the Unchained Rogue’s Finesse training class feature as if they were a rogue of their level.

Ninjas can take rogue archetypes they qualify for, and rogues can take ninja archetypes they qualify for, due to a ruling by the designers from this thread.

Clerics with the Healing domain can take positive energy channelling regardless of alignment of deity or character.

Swashbuckler weapon training counts as a Fighter’s weapon training and can be used for feats and magic items that affect weapon training.

Cavalier can receive a challenge’s bonus to damage with gun attacks.

Dune Drifter’s challenge allows him to deal extra damage whenever he makes attacks with firearms against the target of his challenge. His challenge ability doesn’t allow him to deal extra damage with weapons that are not firearms.

Alchemists may learn the spell knowledge discovery from prepared Arcane Casters as the discovery teaches the Alchemist an arcane spell which is prepared like a Wizard.

Divine Characters who require a god to function, such as Paladins and Clerics, must worship one of the Pathfinder Deities to gain their power. In addition, they may choose to worship one of these the setting specific deities found here.

Unchained Monks may take normal Monk Archetypes by replacing ki powers around the levels of the replaced class features for normal monk. So, like Lifting Hand Monk - instead of replacing abundant step, it would replace the 12th level ki power because Un. Monk doesn't get abundant step.

The Dinosaur Druid archetype can take colossal size dinosaurs as their wildshape option when they reach the level to take elemental shape due to losing the elemental shape class feature in the archetype.

Druids get Beast Shape and Plant Shape as spells on their list.

Omdura count as their own ally when taking their deity’s 1st level evocation and 11th level class abilities.

Arcanists are allowed to use "mnemonic vestments”.

Ex-anti paladins are allowed to become Vindictive Bastards (the paladin archetype) the same way paladins are allowed.

Touch Of Cruelty: Beginning at 3nd level, a Fearmonger Antipaladin surrounds his hand with an aura of pure fear, wracking waking nightmares to those he touches. Each day he can use this ability a number of times equal to 1/2 his antipaladin level + his Charisma modifier. As a melee touch attack, a Fearmonger Antipaladin can inflict a Cruelty of his choice onto a single target. Using this ability is a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. This ability is modified by any feat, spell, or effect that specifically works with the lay on hands paladin class feature. For example, the Extra Lay On Hands feat grants an Fearmonger Antipaladin 2 additional uses of the touch of cruelty class feature.
This Ability replaces Channel Negative Energy.

Divine Champion warpriest choose which obedience feat they get for their bonus feat 3rd level.

Ex-paladins are allowed to immediately retrain any favored class bonuses upon taking the Vindictive Bastard or Grey Paladin archetypes.

The Crossbow Expert feature from the Crossbowman Fighter archetype qualifies as Weapon Training for the sake of prerequisites.

Deadeye has been changed.
Deadeye (Ex): At 1st level, the gunslinger can resolve an attack against touch AC instead of normal AC when firing. Performing this deed costs 1 grit point per range increment. The gunslinger still takes the –2 penalty on attack rolls for each range increment beyond the first when she performs this deed.

Any character with gunsmith feat can craft metal cartridges fir "advanced firearms" at half price. As described by being optionally allowed in the feat.

Metamorph Alchemist modification: Instead of Brew Potion feat, class gains Endurance and Diehard feats.

Sylvan trickster rogue doesuses the following DC for hexes: 10 + 1/2 the rogue's level + rogue's Intelligence modifier.

General Class Modifications

Hirelings begin at level 5 rather than class level -5.

Variant Multiclassing on one track still reduces the total number of feats the character has. They gain secondary class features but not feats at those levels. (Feats a 1, 5, 9, etc and Secondary Class Skills at 3, 7, 11, etc).

Archetypes that change the basic ability score scaling of a class (such as Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger) now modify all abilities of that class.
Get confirmation from the person approving your sheet if the archetype you choose follows this rule.
  • Ninja tricks use Cha in place of other stats for Rogue talents.
  • Mysterious Stranger Gunslinger uses Charisma instead of Wisdom.
  • Champion Of The Faith Warpriest uses Charisma instead of Wisdom.
  • The Mnemostiller Alchemist now uses Charisma for all abilities the standard Alchemist would use intelligence for.

  • If the class skills on different archetypes that are changed are different, stacking archetypes is allowed. That is, if one replaces Diplomacy with Bluff, and the other replaces Perception and Sense Motive, and this was the only place the archetypes clashed, then they are considered compatible.

    Animal Companions, Familiars and Other Companions

    A Parot familiar can now speak a language in the same manner as the Raven and Thrust familiars.

    Improved familiars can take Familiar Archetypes, such as Valet.

    The Snark familiar is treated as a bird for item slot purposes for both the larger and smaller variants.

    Animal Companions may make use of the Smart Kitty rules found here.

    Animal companions can take Aspect of the Beast as if they’re a Ranger with Natural Weapons fighting style.

    If a Familiar, Phantom or Animal companion has a favored class through a feature, they get a FCB also, Like a spirit binder wizard's familiar.

    Animal companion archetypes are available to plant, vermin, and magic beast companions.

    Animal companions that qualify(3+ int, bite attack) can take Blood Feast feat.

    Corset of dire witchcraft works with witch archetypes that replace their familiars.

    When a PC gains Undersized Mount feat or similar ability, they can select the mount choices that would be available for the same character if they were small sized.

    Sage familiar gains its masters level x Int mod instead of creature HD x Int mod skill points.

    Feat Modifications and Clarifications

    Angel-Blooded (Angelkin) variant for Aasimar does not need the Angelic Blood feat in order to take Angel Wings and Angelic Flesh.

    Any character that gains the constrict ability qualify for the Final Embrace, Final Embrace Horror and Final Embrace Master feat lines.

    The Final Embrace, Final Embrace Horror and Final Embrace Master feats are now available to anyone who gets Constrict, via class features, feats or other abilities. Note that they only function so long as you have access to Constrict.

    The Grenade Expert has been modified as follows;
    Instead of you select how many rounds later the grenade explodes (minimum 1 round, maximum 3 rounds), make it you select how many rounds later the grenade explodes (minimum 0 rounds or upon impact, maximum 3 rounds). Allowing you to cause the alchemical grenade you throw explode the same round that you throw it, similar to how other splash weapons like the Alchemist's Bombs and Alchemist's Fire work.

    Ability Focus may be taken by players for abilities such as a Witch’s hex, but must be taken per ability (such as once per hex).

    Players with Spell-Like Abilities can take the Extended Spell monster feat.

    The Extra Summons feat applies to archetypes that gain summons via a Spell-Like Ability when replacing Summoner class. However if you’re evil you must summon an evil type of that creature. Good and Neutral have the same clause here. You may template most neutral creatures to make them evil.

    Hirelings above 5th lvl are not available. Leadership is not available.

    Cohort Feat: With Leadership banned, we have replaced it with the Cohort Feat, allowing a Cohort but not followers. The cohort must follow all standard character creation rules. The cohort consumes a character slot available to the player unless the cohort is gained in place of Leadership via a class feature. The cohort does not gain experience when the character gains experience as normal, and must level as an independent character.
    Cohorts gained via class features do not consume a character slot. The only exception to this is if a player brings a cohort on a quest with them.

    Feral Combat Training applies to all natural weapons, not just a single natural weapon.

    Spirited Charge functions as vital strike, in that it only applies to damage dice.

    Recruits are allowed, but only for 12th lvl characters and above. Only 1 downtime pool, and still consumes 1 character slot. (Short list to be banned if abused.)

    The Raging Blood Feat counts as having Bloodrage for feat requirements.

    Animal Companion levels don't stack across Gestalt, however, Boon Companion applies to both sides.

    Oozemorph Fluidic body counts as wild shape for intents of taking wild shape feats prerequisites.

    Diehard and enduracne feats are paired, taking one grants the other.

    Improvised Weapon Proficiency combines Catch-Off Guard and Throw Anything. We are using the following rules alteration:

    Improvised Weapons An improvised weapon includes both making an attack with an item not originally intended for use as a weapon, as well as using a weapon in a way it was not meant for (for instance, using a bow or arrow to make a melee attack, or throwing a longsword at an enemy). A character not proficient with improvised weapons suffers a -4 penalty when making an attack in this fashion.

    Improvised weapons have a base range increment of 10 ft. when thrown, and when throwing any melee weapon, the weapon deals its normal damage on a successful hit. When using ranged weapons as melee weapons, darts, pistols, and shuriken deal 1d4 damage (1d3 Small), while bows, larger firearms, and light crossbows deal 1d6 damage (1d4 Small), and heavy crossbows deal 1d8 (1d6 Small).

    A creature may use an improvised weapon two sizes smaller than they are as a light weapon, one size smaller as a one-handed weapon, and the same size as they are as a two-handed weapon. Generally, items larger or three sizes smaller than the creature are impractical to use as an improvised weapon. A GM may always rule that particularly dense objects (such as a stone statue) count as being one size larger than they normally would due to their weight.

    Improvised Weapon SizeDamage DieSample Item
    Diminutive 1d3 Toothpick
    Tiny 1d4 Fork
    Small 1d6 Fire Poker
    Medium 1d8 Chair
    Large 2d6 Table
    Huge 3d6 Wagon

    Spell Modifications and Clarifications

    Polymorph Any Object can no longer permanently modify an object or person, and instead expires at the end of it's duration.

    The Bladed Scarf/Kapenia Dancer Magus gets the Grappling Scarf spell added to their spell list.

    The Enlarge Monster and Reduce Monster spells are added to any spell list that gets Enlarge and Reduce Person at two levels higher than those spells.

    Alchemist add the Vanish spell as an extract as a 1st level extract.

    Witches can cast Nightmare as a 5th level spell.

    Shadow Jump is treated as as Dimension Door for the prerequisite for Dimensional Agility, Assault and Deverish.

    Draconic Malice requires a will save.

    Pup shape can be permed via permanency spell, cost is 7500 gp.

    Bard gains Sending on their spell list as a 5th level spell.

    Pants is a cantrip/orsion for casters and first level admixture for alchemist (can be applied to effect a bomb.)

    Rare cantrips are not rare and are allowed to be selected as normal.

    Wandering Weather is added to the permanency list. This requires the caster to be able to cast 8th level spells.

    Fly variations, as seen Here are allowed to be taken and used.

    Hallucinogenic Smoke secondary effect applies to Divination (spell, not school) as well, instead of just Augury.

    Salvage is now a 7th level spell instead of 9th.

    General Modifications and Clarifications

    Characters may purchase or craft (Taking 10) whatever they are capable of at third level during character creation.

    Characters cannot gain bonuses or penalties from age during character creation only via spells given by gms.

    If there is a roleplay or gameplay requirement for a prestige class or Story Feat, it must either be justified in character backstory or a quest must be run to fulfill that requirement.

    Your base caster level cannot exceed your class level. This does not include items like ioun stones, but does include caster level increases from prestige classes.

    Due to the feat tax rules, if your character gains a feat via class features that you either already possess or is gained automatically through the feat tax rules; you instead gain a bonus feat. This does not apply to feat selection bonus feat lists such as monk feats or bloodline feats.
    You can only gain one bonus feat per level using this rule.

    Intimidate Checks: DCs have been modified to HD+10+Will Save OR Sense Motive, whichever is highest.

    VS players:10+HD+Will save OR intimidate, whichever is highest.

    Alternate Rules including skill crits and failures are at the discretion of the GM.

    Monsters CR count as levels for the purpose of Awaken and Create Undead. Awaken gives animals and plants 1 level, and no creature with class levels owned by a player can gain levels past 20th (CR+Lvls cannot exceed 20).

    Awakened animals and plants gain +4, +4, +2, +2, +0, and –2 adjustments to their ability scores.

    You may not use monsters as pc rules in order to create a character. This means Awaken Animals and undead have to be cohorts or companions as a side to your character.

    Deity specific archetypes, feats and other abilities are changed to require deities of the same alignment as the printed one. This does not include Obedience's or Divine Fighting Styles.

    The use of magic items and spells to avoid sleeping, eating and drinking is non-sustainable, as the mortal form eventually realizes that it is running on nothing but magic and becomes...unstable. It will be up to the GM's discretion during a quest if these abilities are being used too heavily, and you may gain some mild insanity from prolonged use.
    This does not include class features, feats, racial abilities or other ways of gaining these abilities, only magic and magic items.

    Sheet Submission

    Use Mythweavers for your character sheets. Please do not use the experimental sheet. Please post it in our sheet-submit channel, with the following information;

    Discord User Name: Your Discord User Name.

    Character Slot: You get five character slots as a default, and so we ask you list which number this character is.

    Character Name: What's the character called?

    Classes: The character and archetypes for each side of your Gestalt.

    Race: What species is your character?

    Other: Any other additions you might want to add.

    This should end up looking something like;
    DiscordName/1/IAmACharacter/Archetype And Class 1-Archetype and Class 2/Race.

    Post your Character sheet in the #sheet-submit channel. Do not private message a sheet to a staff member, please.

    Buildings follow the same process and are also submitted in sheet-submit, and do need to be an excel sheet or a google spreadsheet.

    Articles under Basic Character Creation