council of 8

1 - Peredur (Lawful Neutral Cavalier/Swashbuckler)
Peredur is the first seat on council, he is a noble person. He looks out for his city. He is a little recluse and old. His ship is named the son of Efrawg is in the docks waiting to be used again. He was a pirate until he got old and settled down. He is pragmatic in how he does things.

2 - Grandmother White (White Haired Witch/Alchemist, Werewolf)
A famous and skilled herbalist whose home and shop is , Grandmother White is one of the few werefolk generally seen in Anfortas. She often recruits adventurers to help her locate and harvest herbs, and has recently taken on an apprentice.

3 - Valencia (Dreamthief Hag)
Valencia, Dream Eater Dreamthief Hag, leads a crew of Dream Eater Sandmans with her first mate Ricardo, a Dream Eater Satyr. Her crew will mercilessly subdue a ships worth of people and devour their dreams then run off with the plunder. Capable of being surprisingly non-lethal and very profitable, but since they can also pull weaponry out of dreams their arsenal is rather dangerous.

4 - Zeed Behirheart (LE Koboold Jynx Synergist Witch / Fey Trickster Rogue)
A loud and fervent sort that knows what he wants: treasure, booty, and gigantic explosions. With his iron collar of the unbound coven and often a common problem solver and minder of whatever kobolds or other short folk he can add to serve his coven and crew. Raids the unwanted boats trying to siege anfortas or any other problems he can find on the seas and cleans them out. His ship is called Ragespittle and the crew 'cannons' hurl a wide and colorful spectrum of epithets in draconic as well as similarly vivid lines of elemental warfare beside the occasional sparking cannonball. The last often fired by goblins or halflings since his ship except for the hold, isn't built for taller folk even if it's the same size as the rest. If he's not busy with pirating or witchery he's probably at the brothel trying to climb whoever is tallest.
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5 - Iris Thatcher CN// Velvet Red CG (Vigilnate/Sorcerer) Iris comes from a wealthy shipping merchant family and loves to party. Charming and seductive. He lives at the center of Antorfas gossip. Rumor has it that Iris has met the cunning and elusive vigilante Velvet Red, but he'd never say. Little is known about Velvet but what's sure is that if you truck with the powers of the lower planes, expect a visit from Velvet Red.

6 - Danfel Chambers (Swindler rogue/Angelfire cleric of the left-handed Hummingbird) A sailor who often is found on the Endless Summer a cargo ship known for shipping medicines overseas and inland. Not much is known about this haunted lad who seems to sail on his lonesome. Something is quite mysterious about this man who seems to take naturally to magic and healing, although he's slowly become more prominent in Anfortas' religious groups as one of the higher ranking clerics of the Hummingbird.
He's the newest member of the council, having replaced Finnegan Badd at the halfling's retirement. He is extremely confused, but coping. Mostly.
7 - Albrect von Kicklewerth (Abyssal Bloodrager/Transmutation Wizard)
Goblins are weak. Everyone knows this, goblins more than anyone else. Occasionally, however, a goblin goes...wrong. Rather than fast and sneaky, they're buff and sneak. Albrecht is such a goblin. Despite his stature, his blessings means that he is exceptionally physically capable - which often comes as a shock to those who don't know. Being picked up and tossed by your ankle is a surprise to man.
He is the captain of the galley Hostile Intentions, and is known for preferring to ram and board his targets.

8 - Melpominee Lawful Evil native outsider, Cecaelia/Assimar Celebrity Bard/Warlock
Captain of The Roil, she imperiously governs over her grindylow crew along with her cohort and other sycophants. The other council members accept and tolerate her oft times grandiose and childish actions because they know that its easier to appease her and wait for her to rapidly lose interest than to engage her head on. For her part, she treats Anfortas like her own little kingdom of loyal fans and just assumes its all fine when she's off plundering new shiny trinkets. The only thing that draws her full focus (and ire) is when she hears about true love, which she considers to be the worst kind of lie. Surely no one could love anyone more than her right?
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