
  The Town Hall has been constructed from a repurposed Artillery Hanger. The exterior remains the shape of a loaf of bread but construction crews have given it a welcoming facade of stone and wood with Crowley's town hall emblazoned in Common above the double oak door entrance. Pot holes litter the grounds all over the place, even though they are slowly getting fixed it is a slow process. Farms surround the foundling city are built in trenches like crazy people. Ever since the master of Blades of the order of the chain set up shop in his Inn the eclipsed eye, the town has grown into a small city that is over looked by the founder's castle. Not much is seen of the original council that was made up of Duchcess Angela Langley, Duchess Demis Zesheaste-Langley whom later became ex Duchess langley, Miz'ri Faen Tlabbar, Dr. Stephan and Shank the goblin. Those who stayed noticable of the original council was Duchess Angela and Lord Solomon as important leaders of the town being the landlord and Sheriff. The second council is made up Emerald Eyes,Lord Solomon, Dr. Stephan, Meave Drewitt-Wilt and her husband Flannigan Wilt, Master of blades. Dr. Stephan has not been seen recently as he stays in his lab called Alavaska R&D.

The Crossroads
Recently founded with the aid of Angela Langley, the Crossroads has faced some tribulations during the Day of Stars, due to...volcanoes.

Places of Interest

  Hospital of The Holy Saints
Built in nary a few days, seems to be founded by a man called Blue according to the paperwortk on file at town hall, this massive stone and wood hospital lies within the clearing in a grove of massive redwoods. Clerics, alchemists and healers of all sorts seem to have flocked to the place - seemingly happy to aid those in need.
The woods surrounding the Hospital of The Holy Saints are quite thick... growing and spreading like bamboo and has already fully surrounded the path connecting the hospital to the main roads.
The multi-story hospital itself is this massive stone and wood building - built with the wood of these beautiful trees and the stone beneath one's feet. The interior was filled with rooms and hallways kept warm by these fire-enchanted heat lamps and clean by small purple and red oozes that kept things quite sterile. Though most of the hospital was not for public use, there are beds in the waiting rooms and various other rooms, like a game room for children.
There was even an open commissary for trading goods like provisions and even some minor survival equipment - like cooking and campfire kits, bedrolls, tents and even things like fishing rods and light crossbows.
The color themes were bright reds, black and purples - from the tapestries with no sigils or iconography to the uniforms people would wear.
Not much is known about those who serve in the Hospital Of The Holy Saints, but suspicion always comes as a price for free services.

  Em's Empossible Emporium
It seems that the outer stone facing of the building has been magically sculpted to be shaped like uncut spikes of gems, though made of gray and (usually) colorless stone. Out front is a sign which reads: "Em's Empossible Emporium" in many languages.
Just inside the front door, there is a door on the left that leads to a store front, a door on the right that leads upstairs, a door straight ahead that leads into a large open room, and a pedestal in the center of the vestibule. The pedestal currently has no statue on it.
Attached to the store area is a publicly available lavatory and a door to an employee's only area (containing various storage and working areas). The second floor of the bookstore has the very large library and magical repository of the establishment which cost about a few silvers to use, as well as what might be considered a tiny temple dedicated to Yu.
A place open to most, Em's Empossible Emporium is a place that welcomes all from all sorts of backgrounds and races, though there seems to be an odd air around the place... Em's Empossible Emporium appears to be ran by one person, but visitors often cite that they often see glimpces of the owner in more than one place...

  The Marshalsea
The Marshalsea is a large group of buildings surrounded by a brick wall. It is located outside of the city of Crossroads. The buildings located inside are the jail and prison, the sheriff's office, and Solomon’s estate. The facilities inside of the prison are relatively nice on the inside. Solomon likes to keep the place nice and clean. That way the conditions for the inmates in good. The prisons beliefs are a happy inmate is a peaceful inmate. The sheriff's office is small and quaint. There's a reception desk, 3 offices, 2 interrogation rooms, and 2 holding cells. There isn’t a lot of work that goes on there. The sheriff and the police force are normally out patrolling or relaxing in the barracks. Inside Solomons Estate is well kept. There's a rather large library and kitchen. The other rooms are average sized and average decorated. The estate is always changed on the inside and being made into a cozy house. Outside of Solomon’s estate is a stable where a handful of animals are. The compound is rather busy throughout the day. Between inmates and workers there's always people coming and going.

  The Town Hall
The Town Hall is a repurposed artillery shed by the Empire from the northern tundra, abandoned when the artillery base was abandoned after the dubiously successful test of a zombie plague shell on a nearby logging encampment (since destroyed by adventurers). Much of the exterior has remained in its prefabrication half cylinder state while extra rooms made of brickwork or local stone from the southern ruins have been added on at need. Just outside the Town Hall is a decommissioned Imperial artillery gun turned into a statue as a trophy.
The City State of Crossroads sits, appropriately enough, upon an intersection of the east-west trade route from Anfortas to the western mountain range. Stout walls ring the city to protect from invasion by hostile animals, undead or marauding bandits or war bands. Castle Langley sits atop the highest of the local hills, acting as a redoubt for the city in case of siege or invasion. Upon another hill sits the best Inn and Library around, belonging to the Hell Knight Wall and his wife, Meave. Close to the Town Hall is the headquarters of the Chief Justice Retribution, which doubles as the City Watch's headquarters. There is no official town guard, as the local Adventurers with a vested interest in seeing the city state continue to exist provide a very stout defense. Outside the City Gates are what the Duchess has described as the Bread Basket of Aurea. Acres and acres of farmland and ranches built up in a time when Rosilla called for foreign aid.
The main west-east throughfare of Crossroads provides the city state's lifeblood and is wide enough to accomdate heavy traffic. Many shops catering to adventurers line the main road and the airship dock stands tall next to the main Inn.
The only oddity is a sign posted at each entrance to the city stating that nobody claiming to be Brightpollen or acting on Brightpollen's behalf may conduct business within the city. For some reason the sign is always defaced with the name Brightpollen crossed out and Anish Kapoor written above it.
The Town Hall is primarily run by Mayor Samuel Vines, a former City Watch Captain from the lost city state of Aurelia. he prefers that the city run well and with as little disruption as possible, trusting adventurers to be civic minded (or self centered) enough to keep the city from collapsing in on itself and providing massive economic boons in the process. City Laws are... MOSTLY impartial and focused on free commerce. Laws against necromancy require permission from the corpse in question (Prior to expiration) or the next of kin before necromantic arts are used. Not all people agree with this, but destruction of unclaimed or problematic undead is not just encouraged but a small bounty is offered for the adventurers or citizens who enact such cleanup. Slavery is 100% illegal within the lands held by the Duchess of Crossroads, which by happy coincidence, is all of the lands as she holds the deeds to the lands in trust to prevent corporate takeover by buyout of land.
While arguments have been made that creation of undead is a form of slavery, the laws of the city do regard the creation of intelligent/self aware undead as illegal and unintelligent/non self aware undead are treated as organic machines. Already extant intelligent undead who have created themselves elsewhere (such as Litches) are ineligible for citizenship but will not be hunted by the City Watch. Commerce Afterall, can come from (almost) any source.
  The Eclipsing Eye
A massive, stately inn rests at the crest of a hill in the town of Crossroads. The building seems imposing to some at first, with its sharp architecture and sturdy build. The fortress-like nature of the building is quickly offset by the lively music and laughter echoing out down the street from the open windows of the inn, the mirth the sounds carry is positively infectious. Upon approach once one passes through the gate to the land of the inn, they'll notice two things. Firstly a massive, gently glowing tree made of blue crystals. Its massive boughs swing and dance in the wind, just as flexible and strong as a normal tree, but its leaves clink together in passing like a thousand gentle wind chimes. Secondly, just to the right of the property, a swathe of steam channels endlessly into the sky from a rocky outcropping. A lovely natural spring sits just next to the Inn, functioning as both bath and relaxation destination. Once one crosses the threshold of The Eclipsing Eye's welcoming doors, they are immediately met with the scent of gentle perfumes, the sight of friendly smiling faces, and the possibility of warm food, drink, and a cozy place to stay for as long as they require. Behind the bar which has an intimidating, massive black dragon skull mounted over it, are doors that lead to a huge amphitheater attached to the inn where live music is always playing. At that self-same bar will usually be the proprietor of the Inn, Wall of Aurea, Master of Blades of the local Hell Knights. Upstairs is a bustling casino where people can gamble with newfound fortunes and even earn new ones without concern about skullduggery or foul play from any parties involved. This building also serves a few other functions in addition to being a cozy place to stay and relax. Firstly the proprietor, ever wary and protective of the people, fortified the building in every way he could think of during construction and built several bunkers and escape routes into the building in case of emergency. In addition, Meave Drewitt-Wilt constructed a library just behind it which is open to visitors and contains the largest known collection of braille books on Aurea. Beyond that, directly to the east of the building, a small distance off the property, lies an imposing dark fortification. From this building comes a constant stream of Hell Knight activity as it is the main land base for the Hell Knights on Aurea. Luckily, the Master of Blades keeps them in line and ensures the more zealous of them respect the autonomy of Crossroads so far as they can allow, to the point where some of them have even been entrusted into the local guard.
In the end, the Inn and the hellish company have but one defined purpose: To win the hearts and minds of the people. The proprietor does everything in his power to prove Hell Knights are warriors of the people while honoring his deal with Angela the Red to respect the town of Crossroads’ autonomy. No one pays for food or lodging at The Eclipsed Eye, and can always find help should they need it. That being said, the building and owner are still agents of law. Evildoers and criminals should be wary of the locale, for even though Wall tries to be kind, he is not above putting those who violate the law in chains himself.
Outside back of the Inn in the most forested areas of the town is a public library called the Sleepy Bear and Restful Butterfly Library. It is home in a tower that looks like it is slowly claimed by the greenery around with moss and vines cover the outside. There is telescope poking out from the top and a bell chimes every hour. There an area behind that where people can train and spare if needed.

  Alavaska Research and Development Facility
The Alavaska Research and Development Facility is a sprawling complex that stands as a beacon of innovation and scientific progress. Nestled amidst a picturesque landscape, this facility embodies a harmonious blend of victorian architecture and functional design.
Built and lead by Dr. Stephan, The facility's main building rises majestically, a towering structure of sleek steel and reflective glass panels. with clean lines and minimalist embellishments that exude an aura of professionalism and efficiency. Surrounding the central building are lush, meticulously landscaped gardens adorned with sculptures and artistic installations that mirror the facility's dedication to both science and aesthetics.
Founded by Dr. Stephan, this colossal facility that looms over the landscape like a titan, its entrance is a gateway that stands as a formidable threshold, its massive stone walls etched with intricate runes and symbols, guarded by constructs adorned with gleaming spears. The cobbled streets wind through the facility, flanked by buildings that rise with an opulent Victorian flair, a network of narrow alleys and unexpected intersections form a maze, gas lamps cast a warm, flickering glow upon the aged cobblestones.   some buildings boast an astonishing integration of steampunk technology, cogs and gears turn within transparent chambers, emitting soft hisses and metallic clicks, copper pipes snake along the facades, ornate brass balconies overlook the streets, adorned with potted plants and delicate ironwork.   The buildings serve a plethora of purposes, from small-scale factories to research hubs.

  Torag's Hearth
This building has two entrances. One, at ground level, leads to the chapel, the infirmary, and the library. The other entrance, below ground level, is at the bottom of a set of stairs, and leads to the forge and workshops.
Basement Floor
Just inside the lower entrance is a shop front with a stock of mundane, non-masterwork weapons and armor for sale. On the counter is a bell and a small hammer labeled "Strike for Service." Through an archway behind the counter can be seen the anvils and workshops of the main forge floor. The main workshop contains six anvils and work stations. Along one wall runs the main furnace.
Tapping the great heat of the earth and the nearby volcano, the furnace blazes with a yellow-orange light. The walls are decorated with carved frescoes depicting Torag performing various feats - smithing in the forge, swinging his warhammer on the battlefield, casting out his cheating apprentice Droskar, and standing proud at the center of his family. The forge features tools powered by water and steam, such as saws, presses, and trip hammers, each of which is elaborately decorated. Toward the back of the forge are doors leading to the clockwork workshops, storage area, a set of stairs leading to the upper levels, and the sturdy door to the vault, where valuable items and money for the business are stored.
First Floor
Just inside the ground floor entrance is a small vestibule. Straight ahead is the entrance to the chapel, an elaborately-decorated area devoted to the worship of Torag, suitable for holding religious ceremonies. To one side is the infirmary, a simple room with a few beds and medical supplies. To the other side is a large library containing books on magic and engineering. At the back of the library are stairs leading to the other floors.
Second Floor
The upper floor contains Bryenne Oathhammer's private residence. Simple and cozy, it has a sitting room, a kitchen, a bath, and two bedrooms - one for her, and one for any guests that might visit. This area is off-limits to the public, and is reserved for personal business.

The Laws of Crossroads:

  Ignorance is not a valid defense. The law is the law and all must follow it.
  What is done outside our walls is not our concern. What is done within our walls is entirely our concern.
  Society only works if law is maintained. Failure to maintain lawful status will result in explusion or worse.
  Trade keeps our land alive, attempts to disrupt or delay our trade will be met with hostility.
  Creation of undead without the express (provable) consent of the corpse to be animated is illegal.