
Downtime Events do not occur individually and instead are server wide.

Players may take downtime from the current date up to as far back as 7 days total in a downtime. Downtime may not be taken for days before your character was approved, and may not be taken in advance.
Any time over seven days is lost, no matter what circumstances led to it's loss.

Downtime Cap: A downtime cap is the amount of capital and gold a character can generate per in real life month. A character is capped at 5,000gp per month. This expands to 10,000 gp when they open a business as it gains its own pool, and each pool doubles when the character reaches 11th lvl (to a maximum of 20,000gp). Any method by which a character uses to generate wealth counts against this cap other than selling items to other players.

Businesses run on their own, separate from players. Managers required. Skill checks are 13.

As a note, Crafting also take downtime. For the rules for crafting, see here.

Earning GP follows altered rules: a character can generate gp at the rate of (20gp x the permanent modifier of the skill they attempt with) Tools and magic items that add bonuses to skill are allowed, but spells and aid are not.

Skills that can be used to Earn GP are as follows: Appraise, Artistry, Craft, Handle Animal, Linguistics, Perform, Profession, Sleight of Hand.

A character may generate experience as long as they are below level 10. As soon as you are level ten or higher, this is no longer an option. That is, as soon as you have 105,000 exp or more you cannot use this downtime option.
This method cannot be used to level up without doing a quest. If you have not done a quest, then you will loose any additional experience needed to level up. You will reach whatever you need to level up, minus 1.
The exception is if you have done a quest since your last level up. If you have been on at least one quest at this level, you may use downtime experience to level up.
Please note to mention this has occured in your downtime post.

Retraining: Hybrid classes have synergy with their parent classes for retraining.
If something requires a teacher for retraining you may find a player with a similar enough ability to retrain you, IE. spell knowledge for alchemists can be retrained with an arcane caster.

The Following activities cannot be taken:
Alibi, Blackmail, Coerce, Enforce Order, Heist, Infiltrate, Lead your kingdom, Promote a Business, Recruit for an Organization, Research a Spell, Scheme for an Upcoming Adventure, Smuggle, Transport, Street Violence, Earn Capital by player

Adding Spells to Your Spellbook activity is allowed. If you cannot find a PC willing to share that spell, paying usual cost for having to hire an NPC for the spell.

When doing downtime, please follow the following format;
Character Name: The character that is doing the downtime.
Dates: Which dates, in real time, this downtime is using. Remember, only the last seven days of unused downtime can be used; any time beyond that is lost.
Description: Please write a brief bit of flavour text, describing what your character is doing. This shouldn't be very long, rarely more than a sentence or two, but it helps flavour what is being done.
Mechanics: Please list the mechanics of what you are doing, mentioning the experience per day and the number of days taken if earning experience, or the skill, the skill modifier and the time taken for earning gold, and the amount you have earned towards the gold cap this month.
Crafting follows slightly different rules, and can be found here.

Building Alterations

A player is allowed One building per character. This building can both be used as a home, and a business for the character. This does not conflict with the building gained from being part of a settlement.

Constructing a building requires a permit; this serves as the base cost for the land required to construct the building. The base cost for the building permit is 1000 GP. You are allowed up to 50 rooms max without the Extra Room item from the rp store.

Alternatively, a suitably large vehicle can house a room. This has the advantage of being mobile, but be warned if you take such a building on a quest; the GM can target it.

Much like character sheets, every building must have a sheet associated with it. This may take the form of a spreadsheet, a google doc, or a simple text document. However, it must contain the following information:
The name and theme of the building: ( Cozy Cottage / Player Home ) The cost of the building’s rooms and permit: ( 1,000gp permit + 430gp rooms = 1,430gp)
Any statistical benefits those rooms provide and their names:
Bedroom: gp or Influence +3
Bath: gp or Influence +3 and +2 bonus on your next ongoing Fortitude save against disease.
Total number of rooms: 50 max.

When a PC who owns a building dies, the player whose character owned the building may choose to put the building up for sale to other PC's. The buyer has to pay the full construction cost of the building and must not already have a building of their own. If the building has additional rooms beyond the ordinary limit, they must also buy the extra rooms with RP points.

    Buildings claiming downtime fixes.

The business check to make GP is upgraded from 1 SP per skill check result to 1 GP.

You may only generate one type of capital per day.

Capital is doesn’t need rounded down and upkeep will not be enforced Managers don’t exist as per hireling or servant but can exist as part of your business, they do not cost money.

Even personal rooms are allowed to be claimed, claim everything.

Buildings earn income via skill to earn the capital or gold x20 with the amount the building generates.

Teams and Managers will take up a room.

Homebrewed Rooms are available for all players Rooms, Build time Alteration, Rooms that normally take over 20 days to build, take 20 days only. That includes rangelands.


Establish a settlement

Player teams of 5 or more can start their own settlement. They must quest to claim a hex, and defend said hex during raids while their settlement is being built. The settlement is a free 50 rooms worth of buildings that the players can gain the room benefits of and an RP channel for the settlement as long as it’s active. It’s expected that you come up with some lore for your settlement, this is your mark in the world.

It’s up to players to establish laws and alignment of the settlement Quests may be ran involving your settlement as requested after it’s establishment Players may not use multiple characters to fill the player requirement The settlement will be considered abandoned if when players leave they aren’t replaced in a timely matter.