Ezira NPCS (ER Zee Ra)

Ezira is some distance from the continent of Aurelia, and traffic between the two is limited. As a result, you are much more likely to find the following NPC's on that continent than at home.   Mordred the White (Alchemist/Cleric)
Sometimes called the White Necromancer, Mordred was a well known site in the former township of Wyrm's Rest. An alchemist who has had a disagreement with his mother, there are rumours that Mordred is a lot more than he seems...
  The Witchdoctor (Witch Doctor Shaman/Hex Channeler Witch)
A benevolent healer and fey who often travels along with a bandit camp. She can be found almost anywhere in Ezira once you go pass the port town that outsiders are not allowed to pass. She seems to take on those who have been harmed and are missing something and is always willing to help for a price you set yourself. She is often seen with her owl familiar, although it can regularly be seen without her as well doing tasks on her behalf.

  The Bandit Carvan (Collective/Group)
Ezira is not kind to the criminal. Or those that might be a criminal. Or those that they might have committed a crime. Many of these people gather in a wandering caravan for mutual aid and protection, the alarmingly high number of lost hands and limbs an indicator of the nation's rough justice. The Witchdoctor is often found here, helping as best she is able.

    Lord High Muky Muck BLRGHL (Follower of the Aboleths)
He's a long standing, loyal member of the cult of one of the Aboleths... or maybe multiple cults... he's been mind controlled so many times he has no idea who his Living Underwater Lord is so he just follows whoever gives him his marching orders. He doesn't even remember his name, so just goes with the noise most freshly caught slaves make before they've been mind controlled into doing the right thing for their new gods. He does seem to enjoy handing out explanatory pamphlets which are always soggy and illegible.

  Marshal Baramat Whei, Disciple of Aroden (Monk/Warpriest)
During the time he lived before the great escape to Ezira, worked in mainly physical and martial professions for years. In truth he was constantly trying to pursue physical achievement to distract from a dark secret. His mental potential, or more specifically, his innate magical ability that would have gotten him killed in the land of his birth. After a lifetime of hiding and acting as though he were less than he was, he jumped at the chance to escape to another continent when it was suggested by a band of like-minded folk. In the escape, he proved himself invaluable fending off would-be captors of their escape party nearly single-handedly. As a result, when the group landed he was put in charge of their military forces to defend them should they be pursued, and he remains there to this day. These days he mostly oversees the training and retention of the military and militia he is in charge of, impressing upon those beneath his command a heavy focus on balance between mental training as much as physical training. Likely a leftover quirk from his many days spent martially training himself. He is a calm, but strict individual devoted to keeping his people safe and a sense of duty.

  Captain Helen Pureheart (Human CN Wild Soul Skirmisher Ranger / Planar Sneak Rogue)
Captain Pureheart once reached the highest rank a military member without the ability to use magic has ever reached in Ezira before she was honorably discharged under suspicious circumstances. Now she is the leader of a fledgling anti-establishment political party, Unity Reform. The only reason she's been able to live this long? Most magic doesn't work on her. She is a by-the-books hardass and speaks well to crowds.

  Lady Melada Silvarai (Human Necromancer/Alchemist)
The scion of a prestigious Azlant bloodline and a well known and highly skilled Nercomancer, the Lady Silvarai is powerful and respect, well positioned to take a seat on the Council of Elders when one becomes open. She is also known for doing many favours, although the floating eyes around her attest to what happens when you fail to pay what the Eyetaker is owed.

  Balthazar Rexius (Human Fighter / Grey Paladin)
A man of the people dedicated to seeing this continent thrive without the petty political or divine machinations that plague the rest of the planet. He focuses on making the day to day lives of those in his port of call better by ridding them of needless outside influences and helping them to build a better place to live. While Ezira is his home, the sea is his love and traveling from port to port helping those in need is his life.

  Alvin Oak (Chaotic Neutral Human Arcanist (Aeromancer)/Summoner)
He just wanted to be like his fellow kids who goes to his book store/coffee shop. They were like Alvin you can do magic so cast this. He did and landed his ass into the land of magic Eriza, now he just flies around on his modifed skateboard. He goes around to find the perfect spot that isnt popular to set up his new magic book store/coffee shop. His Eidolon is all of those fellow kids who told him to cast the magic, they melted together turning into the weird fish thing. He is also looking for a way to get his fellow kids back before it gets cool. The people of Eriza dont really know how to think about him other than he can cast a mean spell. they just try to stay out of his way.

  The Collective of The Found Path (Group/Organization)
An eclectic 'faith' organization that seeks to uncover the secrets of Aur. No actual headquarters, as each cell operates according to a loose code in the groups guidebook, "Finding the Way and You, a guide to the rest of your life." While individuals in the group get no special benefits, each believes that they are helping to correct the balance of the world and in doing so better themselves for their next mission. Sometimes they are doing the right thing, sometimes not.
  Aurora (Tattoo sorcerer/Primalist bloodrager)
This women is a spell scribe of Eriza and her magic is quite powerful. She like to run in the wilds of Eriza and if she is in town she speak as little as possible prefering to get straight to the point. Many see her magic as simple and often something to look down on. But her services are still sought by the desperate and the poor.

  Calliope (Arcanist/wizard)
A nurse maid to noble and powerful families. She takes care of those those who don't wish to take care of there own. Much like a nanny.

  Commandant Caladium Incarnus (LN Stormwalker Ranger / Warpriest)
Commandant Incarnus is a brutal enforcer of Erizan law and a public worshipper of Aroden. At the tip of his lightning struck spear-sword, the garrison he leads has earned a reputation of strict oppression, much to the pleasure of his superiors. As a rising star, Commandant Incarnus is willing to do anything to maintain his quotas and further his career. Rumor has it that he is a prolific sponsor of male concubines.