

A smaller continent only a few weeks travel from Anfortas, Ezira remains largely unknown and little more than a rumour to most thanks to it's strong isolationist policies. It's rumoured that to set food on the continent is dangerous, and that's predominantly human, purple-eyed populace does not always take well to outsiders.

The truth of the continent is even deeper. A splinter faction of the Azlant that arrived in Azoa desperately seeking to escape the persecution of magic there, the continent of Ezirah is now the opposite side of the coin with Azoa - a realm where magic is king and it's lack is seen as a failure of character.

Outsiders are limited to the port city of Glycerin, protected by an impressive armament of magically enhanced and animated siege engines, and here alone are visitors allowed. As there are a number of industries magic can't copy, it is rumoured that a lot of the magic items found in Aurea have there origin as apprentice's pieces made here for trade, to pay for the goods and medicines they find useful.

Outside of Glycerin, however, outsiders are unwelcome at best and hunted at worst. There very presence is illegal, and thus any punishment is warranted against them. Those without purple eyes should be very wary stepping onto the continent proper...


The Government of Ezira is an unofficial mageocracy. Although magical ability isn't officially needed to serve in public office, unofficially the more powerful a persons ability to cast, the more likely they are to recieve higher office.

This is true across the continent, with even smaller villages and towns tended to elect mayors, sheriffs and officials with a significant degree of magical ability.

As a result, the nation's Premier and the Council of Elders tends to be composed almost entirely of powerful spellcasters, often those with access to the highest tiers of magic. The ability to cast higher levels of spells is often used to unofficially decide hierarchy, when such things come into contention.


Many are surprised to learn that Ezira has rejected the majority of the Gods familiar to other continents, and worships only two - Aroden and and the Aboleth Sovereignty, led by Sulung the Eldest, Ruler of Xxiphu.

For those who know of these two, it is perhaps not a surprise that there is some...contention...between those devoted to the Last Azlant and the Aboleths, but for the most part the two function. Still, tales of atrocities commited by one side against the other are not uncommon, and who can say how many are true?

All other worship seems to be banned. Even the port of Glycerin, otherwise accommodating to outsiders, shies away from clear displays of divine power, and not temples or shrines stand within its borders.

Points of Interest

Glycerin - The first point of call for most outsiders, and the last as well for the vast majority. The city has an open, friendly feel to it, with all the amenities a port normally does, although perhaps the locals are just a little too...wooden...in there reactions. Notably, beyond the docks, warehouses and a small residential section, there isn't much else to the city. Even walls. Instead, it's defences are an eternally vigilant corps of golems and gargoyles, and a barrier over the city at night renders it invisible.

Nodor - A small town with little to offer beyond supplies and a place to rest. Rumour has it that the sheriff is a powerful magus, among other things, and keeps the peace mostly on her own. Still, it's known to be deeply inhospitable to outsiders, even by the standards of Ezira as a whole.

Frostriver - A port city that seems deserted, at first glance. A collection of ships - many recorded as lost to the sea in Anfortas and Azoa - sit in the harbour here, under somethings watchful eye. Nothing is ever seen, but the presence is felt.

Casaltan - The capital of the nation, and the heart. Much of the populace lives here, in the enchanted walls, and enjoy a life rarely seen in other places. Magic lives in the heart of the city, and is on constant display.

Ashrac - The most northern port on the continent, Ashrac is primarily a fishing town and supplies much of the sea-based foods and, more importantly, magical reagents and materials needed in Casaltan. As a result it has a thriving population of pearl divers, many of whom are rumoured to be able to swim far faster and deeper than even an Azlant should be able.

Ocul - Sitting between the mountains and the Great Ocul Lake, this town effectively blocks travel between the East and West parts of the continent. It has, as a result, become an abundant trade hub the various caravans and traders.

Ectic - This small town sits at the edge of one of the western side of the continents larger forests. A significant lumber industry has grown up, although there are strict rules for harvesting lumber: several rare and unusual magical ingredients can be found in abundance, making it an important natural resource.

Sinan - The western most port, it contains a number of impressive magically augmented shipyards, rumoured to be constructing a fleet for reasons unknown.

Harmony Meadows Pshyciatric Hospital - If asked about this location in Glycerin, the locals will enthusiastically tell you this a cutting edge facility built exclusively for Ezirans in need of care. In other locations, the answers vary, but the warning remains the same: don't go there.

Table of Contents

Points of Interest