
To make Fleshwarped creature, you are required to take the Fleshwarper feat. You can find some details of the Template ( Here)

  Feat: Fleshwarper
Requirements: Craft (alchemy) 5 ranks, Heal 5 ranks, evil alignment, Cast Level 5, Augment Grafting (Fleshcrafting Grafts) (You also need a gm to watch over the creation process and it can’t be done via downtime.)
It is important to note that there are some races and creatures that can't be fleshwarped. Best examples are Dwarfs and the fey, Dwarfs have never been successfully fleshwarped (in game it means that they are immune to the effects and die unsuccessfully ending the process) and the fey are particularly resilient to the process.

Fleshwarping Details

The entire fleshwarping process requires 1 day per Hit Die of the final fleshwarped creature. During this time, the fleshwarper must succeed at a Craft (alchemy) check with a DC equal to the creation DC of the fleshwarped creature (15 + the final fleshwarped creature’s Hit Dice) each day. Creating a fleshwarped creature takes a number of days equal to 1 + the final fleshwarped creature’s CR. The fleshwarper can’t gain the benefit of aid another nor can she take 10 on these checks. Due to the delicate nature of this process, the crafting cannot be interrupted or paused.   Failure indicates the subjects undergoing the fleshwarping process takes 1d3 points of Constitution damage, which can’t be healed until the process is complete, and that day’s work doesn’t count toward the total creation time. If a fleshwarping subject’s Constitution damage (whether from this failure or the final Constitution damage at the conclusion) ever equals or exceeds its Constitution score, its body collapses into protoplasmic goo. Creatures slain in such a fashion can’t be raised from the dead except by true resurrection or equally powerful magic, and if any of the component creatures break down in this way, the final fleshwarp fails.   During the entire process, the subject is racked with the agony of the changes it is undergoing. At the conclusion of the fleshwarping process, the final creation takes 2d6 points of Constitution damage. A successful DC (15 + the final fleshwarped creature’s Hit Dice) Heal check made by an attending participant can mitigate the suffering a subject undergoes, reducing this Constitution damage to 1d6 points.   If the subjects survive through each day, and the final Heal check, they become the listed Fleshwarp. Their sheet will need to be changed to reflect their new race and resubmitted for approval as such.   The alchemical components for fleshwarping are expensive, difficult to create, and expended after a single use.   The ingredients for fleshwarping vary from one practitioner to the next, but often include corrosive fungi, poison from several breeds of giant insects, assorted pulverized oozes, essences from a chaos beast, protean spittle, and other exotic reagents. These reagents have a combined cost of 10,000 gp per subject to be fleshwarped in addition to other costs associated with specific fleshwarping procedures.   You may only make the fleshwarped creatures that are used as examples here. Also you may only fleshwarp npcs or creatures you can control that arent cohorts or animal companions. They arent inherently loyal to their creator so it would be an opposed Diplomacy/Intimidate check against the Fleshwarped creatures will save (If they arent stated out and they’re on the example list, the gm must stat it out)  
Acquiring Fleshwarp Mutations
  Any long-term magical hazard can potentially carry the risk of fleshwarp mutation.   Exposure to polluted alchemical labs, vile curses, bizarre rituals, wild magic zones, and cursed magic items are all good examples of fleshwarp mutations sources. A source of fleshwarp mutation is a hazard and is assigned a corresponding CR that reflects its relative severity.   For every day a living creature is exposed to a fleshwarp mutation source, that creature must succeed at a Fortitude save (DC = 15 + the CR of the corruptive source). Success means the creature has fought off the fleshwarping effects for the time being. On the first failed save, the exposed creature immediate gains an early fleshwarp mutation and takes 1d3 points of Wisdom damage (or 1d6 points of sanity damage, if using the sanity system) due to the sudden and horrific nature of the metamorphosis. The second failed saving throw while the creature is within the same area increases the severity of the mutation. The creature gains an advanced mutation, and takes 1d6 points of Wisdom damage (or 2d4 points of sanity damage). Once a creature has at least one advanced mutation, further exposure within the same area causes another advanced mutation on a failed save. However, this level of physical deformity is extremely taxing on a mutated creature, and each subsequent new mutation imposes a cumulative –2 penalty to the creature’s Constitution score as long as the fleshwarped creature has the mutation. If the total penalties from mutations are greater than or equal to a character’s normal Constitution score, its body can’t support all the conflicting mutations, and it either dies or spontaneously warps into a mad, horrific creature.   Fleshwarp mutation effects are transmutation effects, and may also be poison effects based on the nature of the corruption causing the mutations. All mutations are extraordinary abilities. Fleshwarp mutations can be healed with curative magic. Lesser restoration, restoration, or greater healing magic can remove all early fleshwarp mutations. Greater restoration, heal, or restoration can remove all advanced fleshwarp mutations (check the template for the chart).   Table: Early Fleshwarp Mutations  
1-4 Animal Traits Fur or scales grow all over the creature’s body.
5-8 Bloated Neck The creature’s neck becomes inflated and toadlike.
9-12 Bone Protrusions Bony protrusions grow across the creature’s body.
13-16 Bulbous Cranium Misshapen lumps and nodules cover the creature’s head.
17-20 Elongated Tongue The creature’s tongue elongates and cannot fit inside its mouth properly.
21-24 Eye Stalks The creature’s eyes protrude from their sockets on short stalks.
25-28 Forked Tongue The creature’s tongue becomes forked like a snake’s.
29-32 Gnarled The creature’s flesh takes on knotty, whorled patterns all over the body.
33-36 Hair Loss Hair falls out in clumpy patches across the creature’s body.
37-40 Huge Ears The creature’s ears become large and floppy, like those of an elephant.
41-44 Lidless Eyes The creature’s eyes become saucerlike and lidless.
45-48 Lipless Mouth The creature’s mouth becomes lipless, with exposed teeth and gums.
49-52 Long Fingers The creature’s digits elongate and gain additional joints.
53-56 Lurching The creature grows a few inches taller, becomes gaunter, and walks with a lurching and ponderous gait.
57-60 Molten Flesh The creature’s skin sags, appearing to run like a melted candle.
61-64 Noseless The creature’s nose rots away, exposing its sinus cavity.
65-68 Pallid The creature’s flesh becomes translucent, revealing the veins and muscle beneath.
69-72 Ridges Prominent ridged protrusions grow on the creature’s forehead.
73-76 Sores Painful blisters and sores erupt all over the creature’s body.
77-80 Tumors Tumorous growths appear across the creature’s body.
81-84 Unnatural Eyes The creature’s pupils become unnaturally shaped or colored.
85-88 Vertical Eyelids The creature’s eyelids now form vertical slits that open and close from side to side.
89-92 Vestigal Digits Additional vestigial digits grow from the creature’s hands and feet.
93-96 Webbing Webbing grows between the creature’s fingers and toes.
97-100 Wide Eyes The creature’s eyes subtly migrate toward the sides of its head.

Table: Advanced Fleshwarp Mutations  
1-5 Bioluminescent The creature’s flesh sheds an eerie light, the strength of a candle’s. The creature takes a –4 penalty on Stealth checks.
6-11 Clogged Ears The creature’s ears close up and become useless. The creature is deafened.
12-17 Crooked Spine Strange ridges and dislocations mar the creature’s spine. Reduce its carrying capacity by half.
18-25 Deformed Joints The creature’s joints are knobby and twisted. It takes a –4 penalty on Dexterity-based skill checks.
26-30 Deformed Legs The creature’s legs are warped or misshapen in some fashion. Reduce its land speed by half.
31-37 Dermal Fissures The creature’s flesh painfully splits in dry cracks and exposes tender tissue beneath. Double the armor check penalty of any armor it wears and increases any bleed damage it takes by 1 point.
38-43 Elongated Limbs The creature’s limbs elongate slightly, causing bone aches. It takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls and Strength-based skill checks.
44-59 Eye Clusters The creature’s eyes divide and cluster into multiple, smaller eyes contained in each socket. It takes a –4 penalty on visual Perception checks.
60-62 Frail The creature’s organs fail easily. It takes a –2 penalty on Fortitude saves and on Constitution checks to stabilize while dying.
63-68 Light Sensitivity The creature’s eyes take on a reflective sheen, and it gains the light sensitivity universal monster ability.
69-74 Malformed Gills The creature gains nonfunctional gills that don’t allow it to breathe water, but it also has difficulty breathing air and develops a wet, labored breathing. Additionally, it becomes fatigued for 1 hour anytime it runs or charges on land, though this condition ends if it submerges itself in water for 1 minute.
75-80 Misshapen Mouth The creature’s mouth is warped and deformed. All spells with verbal components suffer a 10% spell-failure chance and the creature takes a –4 penalty on checks that require it to speak, such as Diplomacy or Perform (oratory) checks.
81-87 Rubbery Flesh Thick, rubbery hide replaces the creature’s skin. It takes a –2 penalty on Dexteritybased skill checks and Reflex saves.
88-94 Tumorous Brain Large tumors form in the creature’s brain, causing its skull to deform. Anytime the creature casts a spell or attempts an Intelligence-based skill check, it becomes staggered for 1 round.
95-100 Weeping Sores Open sores weep strange fluids down the creature’s body. The creature takes a –4 penalty on Fortitude saves to resist diseases.

  Fleshwarp, Ghonhatine – d20PFSRDhttps://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/fleshwarped/fleshwarp-ghonhatine/ Fleshwarp, Grothlut – d20PFSRD https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/fleshwarped/fleshwarp-grothlut/ Fleshwarp, Halsora – d20PFSRD https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/fleshwarped/fleshwarp-halsora/ Fleshwarp, Irnakurse – d20PFSRD https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/fleshwarped/fleshwarp-irnakurse/ Drider (35 RP) – d20PFSRD https://www.d20pfsrd.com/races/other-races/more-races/very-powerful-races-31-rp/drider-35-rp/(you don't take the stat stuff, or what comes with base drow but you get the legs and climb stuff. You use the stat bonuses from the fleshwarped template, up to gm) Oronci - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database (aonprd.com) https://www.aonprd.com/MonsterDisplay.aspx?ItemName=Oronci Fleshdreg – d20PFSRD https://www.d20pfsrd.com/bestiary/monster-listings/aberrations/fleshdreg/