Former Aurelian Decree: Codex Statute

1. Thou shall not kill, nor shall thou defile the flesh or spirit of another of mortal flesh.
1.1 Any being in violation of this rule shall result in banishment or a death sentence.

2. Thou shall not steal or rob the wealth of any citizen of the city of Aurelian. Trade of goods and services shall be done in an open manner, and with full consent of both parties.
2.2 Tax shall be collected in trade, and shall not be withheld.
2.3 Any in violation shall be banished, or put to hard labor in service of the state until the debt is paid.

3. Thou shall find labor, and shall perform said labor in benefit of self or state. If a job cannot be acquired by the individual, then a job shall be assigned to them by the state.
3.2 Inability to work will be tolerated only if by unintended illness or infirmity due to age.
3.3 Attempts to avoid all work, or denial of work assigned to them shall be punished by hard labor. failure to perform even this will result in banishment.

4. Violation of the rights of citizens is a high crime punishable by death or banishment.
4.1 The Right of Labor: Citizens have the right to seek and be employed by themselves, each other, or the state.
4.2 Right of Property: Citizens have the right to own and manage property within the city itself.
4.2a Slaves can be kept but not sold or traded in Aurelian.
4.2b Illicit goods whose sole purpose is deemed to be used to break the law will be confiscated from citizens and foreigners alike for the safety of the whole community.

5. Vigilante justice on a person of no resistance is a crime punishable by death or forfeiture of worldly goods and banishment.
5.1 Paladins (or religious warriors) of any faith who strike down another without just cause (as determined by the state) are to be exiled and possibly excommunicated in addition to normal punishments.
5.2 Individuals who take the law into their own hands are considered enemies of the state. They shall be uncovered and their deeds made known and punished.
5.3 State issued bounties are to be brought to city hall within the shortest time possible.

6. No establishment or residence of Thieves Guilds or Assassin Guilds within city limits.
6.1 Banishment or imprisonment for those who bend or break this law.
6.2 Crimes committed by known members of such organizations can be punished by death.

7. Citizenship may be purchased for 250 gold and is automatically forfeited if accused of a crime in city limits.
7.1 Citizenship can be returned by a city official if found not guilty of the crime which you are accused.
7.2 People who employ the services of illicit organizations are just as criminal as those they hired and will fall under the same jurisdiction for citizenship and punishment.
Record, Historical