
The capital city of Kingdom of Ballaver on the continent of Azoa, Gisele was once known as the City of Magic, the jewel of the nation of magic. Now, it is a centrepiece of Azoan technological might.


The city of Gisela is traditionally ruled directly by the king or queen of Ballaver, as there seat of power.

With the close ties to the White Cloak order, it is there troops that patrol the streets, man the defences and control the gate. Even the Palace is guarded by the religious order.

On a more day to day note, a small council of the mayor, the current ruler, the commander of the guard and traditionally representatives chosen by the townsfolk set the budget for spending, decide on amenities and the like.

Place of Interest

The Palace - Seat of power for the ruler of the kingdom, this case is an impressive edifice filled with the latest defences and technology. This has not stopped it falling to attack twice in the last decade.
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Places of Interest