Grimglob the Collector

The abomination known as the Grim was one of the defining aspects of Aurea, but his time came to an end when an Aurean adventurer killed him, ramming the glaive of the Runelord of Greed - the only thing that could kill the collector - into his gullet, reducing him first to gold, then to coins that vanished into the abyss of his realm.

Below is the information on Grimglob for posterity, but he is not, currently, a worshipable deity.

Grimglob (Eldest Fey Abomination)
Titles: The Collector, The Endless, The Meat, The Betrayer
Adjective: The Grim
Realm: The Great Forest, Aurea - The Dark Tapestry
Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Areas of Concern: Slavery, Abominations, Mischief
Cleric Alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Neutral Evil
Domains: Chaos, Madness, Trickery, Travel
Subdomains: Whimsy, Truth, Greed, Trade
Favored Weapon: Mancatcher
Symbol: A stone circle with 8 eyes and 8 mouths
Sacred Animal: Humans
Sacred Colors: Red and Gold
  Obedience: Convince someone to give up something of theirs in an unfair deal without them catching on and without directly lying. If the person backs down after the deal is complete, make sure they lose even more than they were willing to give up in the original deal, but never take their life. You gain a +2 profane bonus to Linguistics and Diplomacy.