Memento Mori - The Fallen of Aurea

Memento Mori - Fallen Player Characters

Serra (Lawful Good Samurai/Omdura) Mostly unknown tengu woman. A cheery, bright personality albeit a bit over talkative and inquisitive. Clearly naive, lost to the nightmarish zombie plague only days after arriving. No one ever even knew her name.

Lazaro (Chanotic Neutral Dhampir Vampire Hunter/Bard)
A brave dhampir who fought against the undead twice. Unfortunately on his second battle he fell to the ravages of the undead chickens and his allies were unaware of his dhampir nature.

  O'Phuk Mainees (Goblin Barbarian)
One of the last adventurers to come through via the Aurelian City portal before the city's destruction. They stylized themselves as a Shin Reposessor and scrimshaw artist, though never really got a chance to ply either trade as a Zombie Plague descended upon the land and O'Phuk jumped at the chance to get fresh bones for their craft. Unfortunately O'Phuk contracted the Zombie Plague and, rather than seeking out aid at the healer camp, chose to take their own life to avoid becoming a threat to the populace.

Memento Mori - Dead Non-Player Characters

Alan Riverfoot, The God Tripper (Monk/Fighter/Opportunist/Rogue/Champion)
Mythic denizen of Aurelian and owner of the Gilded Rose. A rarely seen weathered, balding halfling in a loose robe over simple but clean Commoner's Clothes. Even his attire under the robe is loose over tight, yellowed skin. He seems to have no extra weight to his form, and a once charming face is pulled tight by age or some other process. He always seems to be armed, with an unusual sheath on his hilt with a leather and bone handle sticking out. Slits in his clothing and robes, holding them in place, are a pair of folded wings covered in vermillion feathers. Downy vermillion feathers are also slowly creeping up the back of his head, replacing black hair that seems to be almost gone.
The God-Tripper was in his inn when Aurelian was destroyed. Character Sheet

Azarite (Lawful Neutral Druid/Monk) Azarite a Druid Monk who was teaching survival training classes and gardening and life skills at Spilt sliver.

Syshchiki-S-Rodiny-Agency boys-This group of Hapless detectives of a disbanded agency were often found at the rose being rowdy and talking about the good ole days when they worked for Nikolay and were called The Boys affectionately by the old Russian Drow. In order of Appearance Gus Lawson a gruff Tiefling with a heart of gold, James Mason a ruthless Orc with an eye for detail, Emgron Sternflight the well put together fighting dwarf and Mr. Barnett Griffain a human with a sorted past. They were doing some good work and doubling as the city watch for the sheriff when they were taken to the bowels of hell.
Lord Eduard P. Cunningham (Arcanist/ lame curse bone Oracle)- A Cheliax noble who found his way to Aurelian. He is seen as a philanthropist as viewed by those outside of nobility. He however has caused the most damage to The Hamlet during the rabbit raid with an Apocalyptic Hellfire ray in hopes of killing the Rabbits. It, unfortunately, did not work. He has become somewhat of a recluse after a duel with the Archmage Magorath. He is known as a great Barrister and people seem to believe Dr. Perry is one of his greatest rivals. Perhaps even related to one another.
His lordship fell at the hands of adventurers hoping to end the undead menace, but it turned out he was but a simulacrum of another...

Doctor Perry (Human Oracle/Wizard)
The other part of the fractured mind that was Cunningham, the insane necromancer was responsible for a massive outbreak of the undead. Eventually deciding that the only one he could trust was himself, he recruited other versions of himself,but even this was not enough to stop him from being errased from time...

Stanly Stills (Monk/Samurai)
A skilled trainer in his early years, many people have learned how to be a fighter from him, his ability to teach was great. Despite his great skills he held doubts and continued to thrive to be better. He’s an older gentleman now, and mostly works as a border guard for the town of Aurelian.
He fell guarding the city during the first wave of undead.

Ellen Gnomesbane-Orkheimer (Arcanist/Wizard)
Max's gnoll ex-wife. He left her when Nethys demanded he sacrifice his marriage to dedicate himself totally in his search for immortality, he regrets it mostly but doesn't feel he can go back, she feels betrayed and angry.
She fell during the first wave of the zombie horde, her ex-husband left to mourn.

  July, Judy, Trudy & Max Jr Gnomesbane-Orkheimer
Alienated by Max's decision to leave their mom for a crazy reason. They have multiple children themselves whom they dedicate themselves to now dotingly.
The small family was still living in Aurelian when the city went to hell. Sadly, none of them have been seen since...

Ozmokai (Lizardfolk - Sandro)
Born with the power of the storms in his blood, Ozmokai, and his clan were pillaged and captured by the Azoans to be experimented upon and enslaved. Ozmokai managed to escape but with his powers greatly diminished and his mind damaged by the Azoan's torments. Fortunately, Several adventurers have helped Ozmokai escape to great Turtle Island, and have even helped to heal his mind. Though his new friends have healed his mind, a great rage still holds him. a rage he wishes to unleash against those that still hold his people in cages. He fell to the first wave undead doing a diplomatic mission for Sandro's settlement.
Jane Oliver(Fighter/brawler)[/br] A fighter who formerlly lived in the Hamlet. She and her husband were retired there, but she was killed during an assault by the undead.

Saul the Friendly Salt Troll.
Saul sports a mutation that makes him immune to the petrifying affects of sunlight that others of his species are weak to. Furthermore, thanks to his "Lucky Ring" Saul does not feel the ravenous, insatiable hunger that drives all trolls to chronic aggression. That being said, he is far from harmless. friendly or not, he is still a troll, and does occasionally cause trouble around the rural neighbourhoods outside the city, if left unchecked. fortunately, most of his antics have been harmless. at least so far. Unfortunately, he was crushed by the flying manor in the sky on his way to the Estate to join the party.

Irony of Eralis (Arcanist/Warpriest)
One of the ambassadors to the undersea kingdom, Irony is a powerful healer and well-known in both Anfortas and Aurelian. She died during the first wave of Zombie attacks much to her mother's fury who has vowed revenge on the land folks for the grave injustice. Due to Irony's death treaties with Erasil and Anfortas have fallen apart.

Colrizan (Failed Vigilante)
His mind fractured too far, and now there are thirteen of him.
#1 First split, Daltaire, grouchy and inapproachable unless alcohol is involved at which point he's your Orc.
#2 Second split, Karone, apathetic, drunk most of the time, no real cares beyond his next drink, slightly pathetic.
#3 Lora, barbarian with all the stereotypes, loves their axe... female, unlike any other alt.
#5 Altari, dumb as a box of rocks, gentle and good natured. Great hiding place for...
#6 Kelsan, the gentleman Orc. Chivalrous, polite, speaks in high style because he thinks it makes him sound more cultured.
#7 Rasteris, doubting, suspicious, trusts nobody, not even himself.
#8 Ornos, basically your average hippy, adores flowers and nature, very gentle.
#10 Cassanix, the first and original. Most aware of the others, cultured and... semi polite.
#11 Chiforela, spent too much time with the fae, rejoices in the chaos.
#12 Samarias, the 'ordinary Orc' , loves fighting and drinking in that order. Not fully aware of all the splits, but most of them aren't.

This Poor orc was slain in the manor while trying to defend the innocent from the undead hoard Dr Perry released.

Karandir (Necromancer)
Listed amongst Aurelian City's fallen is Karandir. He was stuttering and shy but he was also a necromancer who worshipped Zyphus. Neutral evil. but only ever wanting to help others see the merit in every action. He was last scene in the Glided Rose before Aurelian city became a crater.

Xarrai Xarrai a criminal element who was trying to establish herself as Kyton spawn underlord, Was at the Rose celebrating a recent win when the dreaded explosions happened.

Kiara Lawson (Club Manager & Accountant) She caught the Zombie rot plague one of the first to catch it. No clerics were able to get to her in time.

Orc Bork (Stage Manager & Bard DJ) Was slain by a pack of zombies trying to defend Liquid Core.

Captain Lin (Underboss & Elite Guards) He was murdered in an act of betrayal from one of his loyal followers and was made undead by the fog.

Unknown (the Barkeep) He caught the Zombie rot plague from his boss and refused treatment falling to the plague only a few days later.

Littleholt (Fey Community, Fallen)
Once a small, tightknit but Xenophobic Fey village hidden away in a liminal space, Littleholt failed to reach out for help when the zombie rot reached them. The liminal space now contains only the dead, hopefully sealed away...

Selene D'argento
Manager of The Gilded Rose. She is the sister of the recently deceased barkeeper at the Rose. She tend to the memorials that are there of Spook and her sister. She is a little tall on the average, with diminutive tusks and hazel eyes. Her hair is often moderately dressed, but never dyed; naturally auburn. She is one of the more paitent barkeeps in all of Aurea.
Sadly, she was still in Aurelian when the city was destroyed.
Character Sheet

The Merchant's Caravan
The merchant guild that would due trade between the cities. Simpkins, Rodger, Bobby, Karen and Carla.

The Mays
A priestess of Immonhiel and her husband Mrs. Sally and Mr. Seth May.

Trogdor "Goldskin" Furnacekin. (Fighter/Barbian)
Well known in Aurelia as a local strongman, and for the fact that his skin shines metallic gold. His nickname was the golden Dwarf.
Sadly, he was still in Aurelian when the city was destroyed.

Unnamed Mage
A 'mage' that was leading the slave caravans from Aurelian, wryms rest and Anfortas into Rosilia. She was in negotiations when the explosions happened.

Peilu Chambers (Tiefling, Wizard Apprentice - Dandelion Asylum)
One of the elder members of Clan Chambers, Peilu was a student at ACME before he was stolen by the Suneater. Between the events there, the strain of school and other, still undisclosed events, he suffered a mental break that has seen him become one of the Dandelion Asylum's more long term residents. He perished under a rockslide when the continents ripped apart on the day of stars.