Old Navlu's Clutch

Old Navlu isn't that old really. I mean, for a kobold sure, but she just likes the rest of the kobolds to call her old so they think of her as the smartest and wisest. Shes smart like that. A daisy blue scaled kobold who rose to power over a like-minded group of kobold refugees fleeing from the yearly blood wars caused by the arrival of the pheonix dragon, Navlu has taken to spending most her time telling the others what they're doing wrong or teaching the next generation of hatchlings her own skewed versions of history.
  The kobold followers that she has currently range anywhere from 50 to 250 on any given day depending on where they decide to warren, who else is around and other factors. This fluctuation never seems to bother her though as long as there's someone around to tell what to do. As a group they are mostly about avoidance and supply raids rather than direct attacks or aggression towards anyone else, a way of life that has made them standout amongst others of their kind. They are just as likely to trade with travelers as they are to hide and wait for a chance to 'borrow' some items permanently.
  Old Navlu's Constellation Explanations: Spook the Bird or 'The Balancing Rock'- Many younglings wish to know about the strange lights in the sky. First seen was the balancing rock. Its important because as the rock tips back and forth during the year, you can use it to navigate. The rock helps us avoid the dark elves and dangerous kobold eating spiders. Whenever you can't see the night sky, you can always balance a rock just like in the sky and whichever way it tips is the way to go. Most all of the returning scouting parties swear by it.
  Bronwyn's Blades or 'Where to Find Stuff'- Much like the guiding lights of The Balancing Rock, this skylight formation shows a smart kobold where to head at night. Under it's crossed bones you're always likely to find the best of loot to bring back and present the warren matron. But beware! For when you can see the light, so can others. Its a race to see who is smartest and quickest to collect it all, because those who don't often become the loot for the next night's bones.
  Rude Claw or 'Big Huge Jumping Fish'- For some reason no kobold likes this collection of stars. Something about them just seems annoying and dumb. But that's okay, because while it lingers overhead is the best time for relaxing and fishing. All forms of watersport are blessed and well received by everyone during this time. When fish catching seems to be too much work, its okay because the tall fleshy folk usually catch a ton too and they never seem to mind sharing. But always remember the game they like, where they try to hide the good stuff and pretend to sleep while we work hard and get to keep the prizes we collect.