
The History of Rosilia

The massive city of the Drow and a hub of the Underarmpit, Rosilia is one of the largest and most powerful cities on - or more specifically, beneath - Aurea's surface.

Aurelia first came into contact with them during attempts to clear the Mines of Torag, linking the above and below nations. Deep underground, little was initially known about this settlement. Upon contact they were friendly with those that arrived. A new road has been constructed to the mines of Torag to facilitate travel and trade. A map has been made with the help of the Denizens. The town has become known as Rosilia.

More was been discovered about Rosilia in the following months since the initial meeting. Rosilia breaks the norm for Drow cities, in that it has established law and order. The peacekeepers dispense justice to any who breach the common peace, and law is kept in the public square. However, there is a dark underbelly that almost always follows drow society, and the nobility of the city are almost always at constant silent war with one another.

Long ruled by a council of five noble houses, the city is a well maintained, orderly place for the most part, although long standing issues with slavery and the alchemical drug trade continue to cause some small discord.

A trade agreement was brought into effect between Rosilia, Wyrm's Rest and Aurelianthat saw the former two cities struggle when a vast number of slaves was stolen, and Rosilia called in the aid agreement. This agreement's validity now that both of the cities no longer stands is questionable.

Rosilia, although invited, took no part in the war of the heavens when Aurea was invaded by both celestial and hellish forces.

As a result of their lack of action during that war, a recent crisis in the city has gone largely unaided. It's founder, the Lich Rose, has been killed causing further turmoil. This has had the effect of destabilizing the city, as Dark Folk forces from the Underarmpit begin to attack the out lying areas of the city...   The City herself   Rosilia is, if nothing else, a beautiful city, full of softly glowing crystals of varying hues. The Drow, and their slaves, have carefully carved their forms from these crystals and the living rock, making their vast home a true wonder to behold. A notable benefit to those living here is that no form of teleportation has yet been found that can enter the city, forcing those that wish to visit for any reason use the tunnels and gates the Drow have made (and paying any taxes they might deem needed).

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