Starfire the Red


During the destruction of Wyrms Rest, a young Adventurer touched a hidden Corrupted Star Stone to attempt to halt the destruction of the city. This act resulted in the magic of the adventurer being completely stripped away along with their gained immortality. While the magic itself was consumed by the Star Stone, the horrific event created a malevolent disembodied force seeking more power. This force has slowly been feeding off of the Cult’s Belief and Faith as the Cult has been attempting to use the dark entity as a form for their worship to take, thus slowly taking on a demigoddess form pictured at the top of the document. The being knows only fury, frustration and a deep abiding desire to overthrow existing social structures. This last one especially due to the Cult’s influence on the fledgling entity.

History on Aur

Starfire has been seen repeatedly near the town of the Crossroads.

Alchemists and gunslingers are common among Starfire's ranks, and anyone who opposes the Crawling Chaos.
Herald: Starfire is not believed to have any heralds.


The cult of Starfire is strongest in Azoa, where her very public assault on the Black Pharoah's temples made a strong statement. She also has a presence in the Crossroads.

Deific Obedience: The devotee shows there appreciate of the dragon and the alchemist by using alchemical items to create fire. Watch and contemplate the truths of the fire for one hour. The character will then get a Profane bonus to Natural Armour of +2, often taking the form of crimson scales.

  • Alchemical Tinkering 3/day, Draconic Reservoir 2/day, or Grand Destiny 1/day
  • Spirit of Discovery (Su) As a standard action gain an alchemist Discovery for one minute. For the purposes of this discovery, you must meet any prerequisites, and you count as a alchemist of half your character level or your alchemist level, whichever is highest. You may use this ability a number of times a day equal to half your intelligence modifier, and can only sustain one at a time - a new use ends the old one.
  • Anointed by the Dragon (Su) Select one Alchemist's Anointing and permanently apply the bonus

  • Dragonvoice 3/day, Shadow Dragon Aspect 2/day, Form of the Dragon II (Red Dragon Only) 1/day
  • Dragon's Breath (Su) The adherent can breath fire as there patron can as a standard action, inflicting 1d6 fire damage per character level in a 30ft cone. The DC to half this damage is equal to ten plus half the character level plus either there Intelligence, Wisdom or Charisma modifier. This ability takes 1 minute to recharge.
  • Avatar of Scales (Sp) Once per day, as a full round action, the devotee can summon an avatar of Starfire herself to aid her. This creature uses the statistics of a Young Adult Red Dragon with it's alignment changed to Lawful Evil and the Outsider type added.

  • Ricochet Shot 3/day, Violent Misfire 2/day, or Arcane Cannon 1/day
  • Gunslinger's Fury (Sp) Once per day, as a Swift Action, apply the effects of the Vital Strike feat to one attack made during a Full Round Attack.
  • Sharp Shot (Sp) When the adherent gets a natural 20 to hit with a firearm they can, as a swift action, force the creature to make a Fortitude Save, the DC of which is equal to 10 plus half the character's level plus the adherent's dexterity modifier. If they fail, the target dies, although some unusually tough or powerful creatures, such as deific beings or high ranked outsiders, may instead take damage as though the attack rolled Max Damage on a crit.
    This does not work with a Cyclop's Helm or other ability that forces a dice to be a 20.

Anti-Paladin Code

The church of Starfire the Red supports antipaladins and this is her code:
  • Those over whom you rule are Treasure, do all that you can to hoard and care for them, for the greater they prosper, the greater they shall gleam. Do not allow your subjects to fall prey to the machinations of others. Their prosperity is your prosperity, just as they too are yours.
  • Fight with subtlety, guile and flame to defend what is yours and take from the unworthy that which should rightfully be yours. Topple empires if they neglect their Treasure, destroy the unworthy and make their Treasure your own. Those whom you liberate from oppression will be grateful and this makes them yours.
  • Suffer not the minions of the crawling choas, they are anathema and should be put to the flame wherever so you find them. Their flesh is tainted and unworthy, their bones weak and pitiful. Do not use them in your magics or alchemy, they will dull your flame.
  • Knowledge is power, and a knowing adherent is powerful. Always seek to broaden your horizons and know all that you can. Cultivate knowledge like a farmer cultivates crops and your own power shall grow. Educate your Treasure and they shall multiply your power, for an educated populace is a powerful populace, and a powerful populace is a thriving one.
  • Cultivate your anger but keep it hidden like a craftsman's furnace. Only unleash your fury with Righteous Flame when it will do the most damage to your enemies and the most benefit to all that is Yours.
  • I will take what is mine. My enemies will burn.
  • Table of Contents
    History on Aur
  • Heralds
  • Worshippers
  • Deific Obedience
  • Evangelists
  • Exalted
  • Sentinel
  • Unique Aspects
  • Anti-Paladin Code

    Starfire the Red (Demigoddess)
    Title(s): The Lady of Scales, the Alchemist.
    Adjective: Adherents of the Red
    Realm: None (Formerly of the Crossroads)
    Alignment: Lawful Evil
    Areas of Concern: Duty, Opposing Oppression, Family.
    Worshippers: The oppressed, mages, dragon-blooded.
    Domains: Liberation, Fire, Magic, Law.
    Subdomains: Revolution, Ash, Alchemy, Loyalty.
    Heralds: None
    Favored Weapon: Rifle
    Symbols: Starburst
    Sacred Animal: Dragons
    Sacred Colors: Red, Gold


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