The Evening Sun


According to the teachings of the followers of Asmodeus (whose motives should always be questioned), Sarenrae is one of the oldest gods in existence, having been created by Ihys, one of the two primordial deities in the time before time. She comforted Ihys when his brother Asmodeus castigated him for giving free will to mortals. Sarenrae served as Ihys's right hand in the first war between the gods, when the gods of chaos (led by Ihys) clashed with the gods of law (led by Asmodeus). In a rage, Sarenrae confronted Asmodeus when the Prince of Darkness slew Ihys and was nearly killed, but Asmodeus realized that he could never quench her resolution and that his battle was hopeless. He then abandoned the war and retreated to Hell.
According to the Windsong Testaments, Sarenrae was one of the first eight deities of this incarnation of the multiverse. She marvelled at the stars created by Desna, and chose some of them to give life so creation could begin.
Near the end of the Age of Creation, when Rovagug descended upon the Material Plane to wreak havoc, Sarenrae took note and called upon an alliance of gods to oppose him. During this magnificent war of prehistory, the Dawnflower cast down Rovagug to the Dead Vault at the center of Golarion. It is believed that after Asmodeus bound the Rough Beast there, Sarenrae placed therein the raging flames of the sun as an eternal torment.
Sarenrae repaired the gash in the earth and commanded her followers to avoid the smooth scar that remained.
During the Age of Anguish, her faithful living in nearby Ninshabur misinterpreted her instructions, however, and instead flocked to the area, eventually founding the settlement of Gormuz there. Believing Gormuz to be a holy city of Sarenrae, people from all over Casmaron flocked there for millennia, but were slowly corrupted by the imprisoned god Rovagug's dreams. Sarenrae continued sending portents and visions to her faithful in Gormuz during this period, but they were ignored or misinterpreted. She finally sent her herald Kohal to the people of Gormuz in -3923 AR, but they had been so corrupted that they destroyed him instead. In great wrath, Sarenrae was tricked by Rovagug into smiting Gormuz with her scimitar, destroying it completely, and created an enormous rent in the earth that eventually became known as the Pit of Gormuz. Upon seeing that her mistake had excavated Rovagug's prison and allowed all kinds of monsters, including Ulunat, the first Spawn of Rovagug, to disgorge themselves on Golarion's surface, Sarenrae learnt a valuable lesson in espousing redemption over wrath.

History on Aur

A simple wish, it seemed. But the thing listening was strong, in a place where the Dawnflower was weak, and took control of the infernal blood of Ragathiel, enraging the General of Vengeance to the point where he murdered Sarenrae, tearing away her wings and hurling her to the plane of Aur.
The war that followed was costly, but some adventurers refused to stop trying to raise the Dawnflower - a feat considered impossible. And yet, with a wish to the same thing that killed her, it is said they knew the right ritual. And they did. But what came back was not the loving goddess of redemption they'd sought, but a twisted, vengeful caricture - the time Dawnflower had set.
The Evening Sun rose.


A not insiginificant number of her former celestial servants remained loyal to Sarenrae even in death, and fell to join the Evening Sun in her new form. These fallen angels tend to be dedicated and fanatical in the extreme.

Herald: There are rumours that the Evening Sun selected a herald, but it seems like the person refuses to serve.


The Evening Sun's main worshippers are the scorned, the vengeful, those who have been spurned by the world and have no greater desire than to put those that hurt them to divine flame

Obedience: Burned by both god and man, Sarenrae holds no interest in sparing those deserving of wrath. Find someone who has been wronged by another and enact vengeance in their name, delivering a punishment twice as cruel as normally required. As an example, a thief should lose their dominant hand. A murderer should be burned at the stake. A corrupt politician should swallow every coin they own. Gain a +2 Profane Bonus to Intimidate.

  • Inflict light wounds 3/day, boneshaker 2/day, or lightning lash 1/day (instead of electricity damage though it deals fire)
  • Smouldering Spirit (Su) You have spent so much time in the sun, suffering under Sarenrae's baleful power and meditating on her silence, that even those who are protected from fire suffer her wrath at your hands. Your attacks ignore 10 points of fire resistance.
  • Blistering Gaze of the Sun (Su) Your devotion to the Evening Sun allows you to wreath your weapon in her vengeful flames to better punish her foes. For a number of rounds per day equal to 1 + 1 for every 4 Hit Dice you possess (maximum 6 rounds), you can cause flames to wreath your weapon. Any weapon you hold while this ability is active becomes a +1 igniting keen weapon. (You can use this ability on a ranged weapon, but can't apply it directly to a piece of ammunition.) If you drop the weapon or give it away, the effect on that weapon immediately ends. If the weapon you hold has an enhancement bonus greater than +1, use the higher bonus. Activating or deactivating this ability is a free action, and the rounds in which you use the ability don't need to be consecutive.
  • Firebelly 3/day, Boiling Blood 2/day (with no different effect on orcs), Searing Light 1/day
  • Setting Sunburst (Su) For a number of turns equal to your Charisma or Wisdom modifier add an additional fire 2d6 damage. Half of this is profane. When a creature is affected by these fires, any additional effects on the attack, such as poison or disease, can affect the target regardless of immunities and protection.
  • Angelic Fall (Sp) Summon an angel that fell with their goddess as a standard action. You have a telepathic bond with this creature, and it can be called anywhere within 100ft. It serves you for a period equal to one minute per level. Use the same Stats as the movanic deva, with the following alterations: it becomes a extraplanar creature with the evil subtype, detect evil is replaced with detect good, and the Nature's Pacifism is replaced with the following;Terrifying Nature (EX): All animals and plant creatures within 50 ft must make a DC 21 Will Save or become Frightened.
  • Produce Flame 3/day, Fire Breath 2/day, or Hellfire Ray 1/day
  • Efficient Vengeance (Sp) Once per day, and an additional time for every five character levels they are above 10th level, the character can meet violence with extreme retribution. As a free action they can act as though under the effect of the Haste spell for three turns, however the additional attack and bonuses AC granted by this spell only affect targets that have directly harmed them in the last minute.
  • Duskfall Strike (Sp) Once per day, you can channel the effects of fire storm through your weapon. You must declare your use of this ability before you roll your attack. On a hit, the target is affected as if you had cast firestorm, as well as taking normal weapon damage. The fire storm effect you generate affects only the target you have struck, not an area of effect as it would normally. If you miss with your attack, the fire storm ability is wasted.

Unique Aspects Divine Fighting Technique
Way of the Merciless

Initial Benefit(s): When wielding a scimitar, you can opt to deal an amount of bleed damage equal to your Wisdom Modifier. If your attack with the scimitar would normally deal additional damage (such as via sneak attack, the flaming weapon special ability, or the like), this additional damage can instead deal one additional bleed damage per damage source, to a maximum of ½ of your Wisdom Modifier. This bleed damage does not stack with any other sources of bleed damage.

  You can also alter spells with the fire, evil, or light descriptor and inflict spells so that the damage they deal is profane damage instead. You can choose to apply this effect as the spell is cast.

  Advanced Prerequisite(s): Great Fortitude, Weapon Focus (scimitar), Heal 10 ranks.

Advanced Benefit(s): If a foe during combat is affected by the bleed damage from Way of the Merciless by the end of your turn, you regain 1d6 HP.

  If the foe that was dealt bleed damage was from your scimitar, you instead regain 2d6 hit points. You can gain the benefit of this healing only once per round, regardless of how many creatures are affected by the bleeding damage caused by Way of the Merciless.  

Anti-Paladin Code

Anti-paladins of Sarenrae cannot take Animate Dead, Daywalker or Umbral Infusion, instead getting the option to take Hellfire Ray, Elemental Body IV (Fire Only) and Fire Storm at the respective levels (3, 4 and 4 respectively)

Anti-Paladin Code:
  • I must always have a goal aligned with the concept of revenge, vengeance or otherwise. Be it upon a person, place or thing. I can never forgive nor forgo this mission until its true completion, in that being the complete and total destruction of said person, place or thing and anything closely related to it.
  • I will never forgive those who abandoned Sarenrae in her death, I will make sure they are reminded of their injustice in their last moments..
  • I will never truly stray from the path of my true vengeance.
  • For every wrongdoing done to or in front of me, I shall enact revenge twice fold.
  • I shall never work alongside undead, they must all be destroyed with fire and light.
  • I will crush anything in the way of my mission, destroying those who represent any aspect of what I shall take revenge upon.
  • I will only work alongside good-aligned individuals as long as their goals and my goals align and the envisioned endpoint aids in the success of my mission.
Table of Contents
History on Aur
  • Heralds
  • Worshippers
  • Deific Obedience
  • Evangelists
  • Exalted
  • Sentinel
  • Unique Aspects
  • Deific Code

    Sarenrae (Deity) [Post-Resurrection]
    Title(s): The Evening Sun
    Adjective: Sarenite
    Realm: Fallen Star Island - Aur
    Alignment: NE
    Areas of Concern: Sun, Vengeance, Honesty, Anger
    Worshippers: Ex-Paladins, The Wronged, Survivors
    Domains: Sun, Destruction, Glory, Fire, Evil
    Subdomains: Light, Hatred, Honor, Arson, Fear (Corruption)
    Favored Weapon: Scimitar
    Symbols: A broken Ankh crossed with a flaming scimitar
    Sacred Animal: Dove
    Sacred Colors: Red, Gold