The Librarian

The Librarian is a mysterious, lesser known deity is most commonly encountered within the Orelic Library, serving as it's...keeper.


The mysterious being known as the Librarian is unknown outside of the dark tapestry, and well known within it.

History on Aur

The Librarian has only lightly touched Aurea - legend has it that she appeared, once, in the domain of Grimglob when several heroes were in dire need, and revealed several secrets. Beyond that, many people have gone to the Library, seeking vital knowledge. Some even found it.  


As far as people are aware, the Librarian has no direct servants.
Herald: No one is currently aware of the Librarian having a herald.


The Librarian has few real worshippers, but many people have a library card - one bearing there true name - to allow them access to her domain.

Deific Obedience: Learning something you never learned before and writing it down and burning it for it to add to her collection of knowledge. +2 to all Knowledges as long as this is performed.

Fey Sworn
  • Capricious Knowledge (Sp) : gain the effects of the misdirection spell. you can take a standard action to select an object within 60 feet to serve as the target of detection spells used against you. 1/day
  • Wall of etherealness (Su): gain the effects of Emergency Force Sphere around you and an object 1 sq ft per level in order to protect or keep lost knowledge from another. 2/day
  • May the Dormouse lead you (Sp): 1/day as per the maze spell you can remove someone from your vicinity

Anti-Paladin Code

The mysterious Librarian takes few dedicated worshippers, and even fewer as Anti-Paladins, but the very few that do exist follow the following code;
  • Knowledge is sacred. Additions to the Library must be found. No price is too high.
  • Destruction of knowledge is profane. All things must be known, somewhere.
  • Not all knowledge is for all people. The Orelic Library houses many secrets. Some must be kept.

  • Table of Contents
    History on Aur
  • Heralds
  • Worshippers
  • Deific Obedience
  • Feysworn
  • Unique Aspects
  • Anti-Paladin Code

    Eileen (Eldest Fey)
    Titles: The librarian, the Shapeshifter, the hunter, the guardian, the crow, the revan, dragon of knowledge, The lost fae
    Adjective: The Changeling
    Realm: The Orelic Library, anywhere- The Dark Tapestry
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
    Areas of Concern: Knowledge, Truth, History
    Cleric Alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, True Neutral
    Domains: Chaos, Madness, Knowledge, Void
    Subdomains: Whimsy, Truth, Education, Isolation
    Favored Weapon: Book
    Symbol: A book with blank pages
    Sacred Animal: Dormouse
    Sacred Colors: Blue and Silver
