The Mort


No one is entirely clear where the cat-like being known as the Mort came from. They just...showed up, demanded food, and took over a variety of divine couches. The pantheons as a whole are confused.

History on Aur

Rumour has it that the Hummingbird called in a favour from the Mort to keep someone vital to there plans alive during the war between Heave and Hell. There's also a rumour they stole some gold off some adventurers off plane.


All cats are the Mort's, in one way or another - whether the cat wants to be or not.
There is no currently recorded herald of the Mort.


Cats, and Catfolk, make up a significant part of there worshippers. Occasionally other races are accepted as well, so long as they remember there place in the hierarchy of cats.

Deific Obedience: One must feed and home my children if they please. Remember you are mine as well as theirs. In turn you will learn the way of stalking gaining a +4 to Stealth.

  • Deadeye's lore 3/day, Alpha instincts 2/day, see in darkness 1/day
  • Rise of the Felne (su): Death is no excuse, once per day you cast raise animal companion without any material cost. However this only works on animals/creatures that are cats as The Mort only has control over those beings. Even large felines such as lions and tigers
  • Displaced Trust (SP): The mort finds you either funny or trustworthy enough to summon one of his most powerful servants of a displacer beast.

  • Cheetahs sprint 3/day, Cats grace 2/day, see in darkness 1/day
  • Catnip (Ex): Mort thought it was funny if you always smelt like the drug. Cats and other felines will seek you out and are always at least friendly enough as cats can be. You also gain a +4 handle animal with all felines or to diplomacy for interacting with magical felines
  • Gated Community (SP):You have been granted access to the cat cafe, you can cast gate 1/day.The gate only goes to the cat cafe. Or you can use the gate for summoning a mass of cats.

  • Magic fang 3/day, pouncing fury 2/day, see in darkness 1/day
  • Smell thy enemy (Ex): The mort is displeased with things that hide their scent. You gain scent, if you already get it from a different ability, the range is increased. 3/day you can still follow and smell something that has no scent. This ability lasts only 1 round/lvl.
  • Hunters Grace (Ex): The connection you have with The Mort has made you even more of a hunter. You gain traceless step, pounce and your claw damage dice goes up a size category

Antipaladin code:
  • Remember The Mort and all cats own me and all my deeds are theirs. Once you forget this, an unholy smite is coming your way.
  • If it's comfortable I will sleep where I wish, if I fits I will sits.
  • If you harm a cat and fail to protect a cat, the wrath on those who caused them harm shall be tenfold from my own hand
  • Remember the hunt, the hunt is the best part, doesn’t have to lead to the prey's death, but it does have to cause them to fear you. If you need you may drop off your new hunt to your property to eat after it’s killed.
  • Everyone is below me, everything I claim is mine and therefore also Cat cafes
  • I will stalk and hunt those who have wronged me, being fleet of foot and watch them learn how they have wronged me.
  • No slight is too little,I will always remember them. I will always find a way to cause pain that is to be remembered by the ones that have slighted me and will watch them suffer from near and far.
The Mort (She Who Does Ten Thousand Chaoses)
Titles: Cosmic Cat, Namer of cats, The Bored one.
Adjective: The Cat
Realm: Cat cafe, Ethereal plane
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral.
Cleric Alignments: Chaotic Evil, Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, True Neutral
Domains: Animal, Chaos, Madness, Trickery
Subdomains: Fur, Riot, Insanity, Thievery
Favored Weapon: Claws, cawblades
Anethema: Food bowl empty.
Symbol: A catspaw
Sacred Animal: All cats of any kind
Sacred Colours: Purple, Red and black

The Mort in a more formal form, for dealing with stupid stuff they don't care about.
The Mort at play. Fingers may be lost.