The Rude Claw

The third constellation to appear in the night skies is this claw, bathing Aur in a ruddy red light. Few is the person who feels comfort while looking at it, and most describe it with worse names than what is common (or polite). Something about it brings a feeling of general disquiet and reports of bad dreams or sleepless nights are common. "Woke up under the Claw" is quickly becoming an excuse for poor work or a bad attitude. Rare is the bard who knows the true story behind its appearance. But whispers in back rooms and shady alleys attribute it to one Heather Greenberg supposed "bird knighted slayer of gods", known braggart and liar. The story goes that when she died it was in a vain attempt to impress all of Aur by becoming one with the world's leylines, and so disgusted was the planet itself at her touch that her soul was blasted away, tearing the now familiar constellation in the sky.