Thule (Th-huool)

Azoa as a continent is mostly united by the Kingdom of Ballaver, Thule stands separately, an island city in the heart of the landmass. Still, Thule possesses an impressive level of might, trading it's main export - well trained, broken slaves - in return for weapons and technology from there neighbours.

As a result of there good relationship with the rest of Azoa, Thule is a prosperous, impressive town that remained relatively untouched during the last war.

Culturally, Thule is closely related to the rest of Azoa - magic is illegal, and cannibalism is rampant - but they have a significantly heavier investment in slavery and the training thereof.


Thule is run by a council of five who operate in the city's best interest. Internal politics means that they often consider what is best themselves, individually, to be what is best for the city, but they can and do generally work well enough together that, to the outside world at least.

The Council is currently comprised of;
Jafar Harpakrut - Vizier - Head of the administrators, beuracracy and other bits and pieces that keep the city running smoothly. He also acts as something of a social lubricant with his fellow council members, keeping them mostly focused on there own tasks and not fighting each other.
Amun Karespt - Master at Arms - The sheriff and defender of the city, and the one in charge of it's impressive fortifications. Despite Thule's forces almost never seeing combat Amun keeps them impressively sharp and well trained.
Chione es Lamvest - Mistress of Trade - Rumoured to be one of the rare ooff worlders who has somehow managed to secure a high place in society on the Azoan continent, Chione is a skilled merchant who keeps Thule's economy running with vicious focus.
Eliana Lanzo - Medicae - Eliana is in charge of the cities medical care, healers and surgeons, and also the modifications that some slaves require to meet there role in life.
Isaac Kralc - Master of Flesh - The one who oversees the welfare and training of the cities main export - slaves - and the one who makes sure that losses are kept acceptable. He is also the owner of the Oasis.
Places of Interest

The Castle - The central administration centre of the town and a hold over from a time when military might was needed. As a point of pride the defences are well maintained, up to date and extensive.

The Slave Markets - The primary reason to visit Thule, and a source of much of there wealth. Here any kind of slave can be found, modified for any purpose, trained to suit any need. This level of training and alteration comes with a steep price, and Thule-trained slaves are widely sought by those that can afford them.

The Oasis - An artifical sanctuary on the frozen continent, this brothel is themed towards the richest in the city. The climate is kept far warmer than Azoa's usual frigid temperatures, allowing the slaves there to dress...appropriately.
Table of Contents
Places of Interest