White Cloaks


An ancient and honoured organization on the continent of Azoa, it has been centuries since the White Cloaks were founded with the goal of spreading the peace and joy of their patron, the Black Pharoah, and to cast out the scourge of magic on the continent and, eventually, the entirety of Aur.

Despite their good intent, it has been slow going. The Azlant that originally populated Azoa had a strong magical background, and magic flowed powerfully through the order was also a major setback. There loss at the end of the last war drove the White Cloaks back to their most heavily controlled regions.

But the returned queen proved to be a devout and powerful ally, even as a child, and the Order has managed to take control of the bulk of Azoa. Only some small regions still hold out under Resistance control, they can't last forever...


The White Cloak order is a fairly traditional one, with neophytes and trainees eventually working their way up the ranks as there talents and abilities dictate.

Still, there are some unusual side branches off from their main structure - primarily in the form of their mage hunters, specialists who have proven exceptional at both finding and destroying any who can cast magic. These troops are often given the latest in technological breakthroughs to help them in their divine goal.

Despite being outside the traditional structure of the order, they are highly respected, and often carry more authority than there rank would under normal circumstances.


Red Cloaks - The White Cloak order is, officially, a singular entity. However, some time ago, there was a second, opposed order - the Red Cloaks. Their beliefs were almost identical, with one exception: that as the Black Pharoh's chosen, they - and they alone - were worthy to use magic. During the schism that followed, the Red Cloaks were officially destroyed, there heretical beliefs crushed.
The reality was more insidious. What was left of the Red Cloaks joined the White Cloak order, one way or another, and have become a canker within the whole. Most of the time, the two groups align so close that there is extreme difficulty telling them apart - and the White Cloaks take pains to find their Red counterparts - but they are well hidden...
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Religious, Cult

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