Monster Carving and Upgrades
Carving your kills is one of 2 ways to obtain materials while
on a hunt. When you attempt to carve a creature, make a
Dexterity or Wisdom (Survival) check against the creatures Carve DC.
On a success, roll a d20 and compare the results to the
creatures loot table (Monster Hunter Loot Table PDF). On a
failed save, treat the roll as if they rolled a 1 on the loot table.
Carve DC = 10 + 1/2 of the creatures CR rounded down
Variant Carve Rule: Rewarding the natural 20
When you roll a natural 20 on a Carve check, you
roll an additional d20 and add that number to the
loot table roll. The new number is the material
found on that carve check.
Any total higher than 20, counts as if a 20 was
Certain creatures can be captured. A creature that can be
captured will have a captured section of their loot table. A
captured creature may provide loot that you are unable to
obtain, an increased or decreased chance to obtain certain
loot that you may have gotten from carving. When you
capture a creature, you obtain a number of materials as
labeled in the creatures loot table. No check is made, but the
material is not gathered until you return to town.
There are 5 rarities of weapons Common,
uncommon, rare, very rare, and legendary. Each rarity has a
number of slots the pc can place materials into,
enhancing their weapons with incredible effects. Additionally as
the weapons rarity increases their effects also improve.
rarity slots
Common (1 Slot)
Uncommon (2 Slots)
Rare (3 Slots)
Very Rare (4 Slots)
Legendary (5 Slots)
Which means even the most humble item can one day become legendary.
Below you will find a set of rules that limit the materials that
you can place in your armor, to provide a fair and balanced
1. A weapon can only have one extra damage or condition
inflicting material.
2. A weapon can only have one effect that uses runes.
3. A weapon can only have one bonus to spell DC and spell
attack rolls
4. A material can only be replaced with another material.
Once replaced the previous material is destroyed.
Upgrading your weapon
When you want to upgrade your weapon consult the table
below. Once you have the correct number of resources, a
smithy will upgrade your weapon for the cost listed. It takes
one week to complete the process.
Rarity Resource* Amount Needed Cost**
Uncommon Earth Crystal 5, 500 gp
Rare Machalite Ore 10, 1,000 gp
Very Rare Dragonite Ore 15, 4,000 gp
Legendary Carbalite Ore 20, 16,000 gp
*Some creature materials will state that it is a "rarity"
weapon crafting material, these can be used in place of the
resources listed in the table above.
**A weapon that uses a shield doubles its cost to upgrade.
Trinkets are not just for show.
They have 1 material slot that you can place a
weapon or armor magical effect into and still
gain their benefit as if it was in a weapon or
armor set. You can have up to two trinkets
on you at a time, but you only gain the
effect of one of the trinkets at a time. As
an action, you can swap which trinket
effect you are using.
Players can choose a trinket from the
Player's Handbook (p.159) or perhaps a
trophy from a creature they have hunted. If
they do not find something they like on the
list, the player can work with the GM to
choose an appropriate trinket for their
Creating your own Loot Tables
Creating a loot table for a monster can be a difficult task.
Trying to determine what type of material effects are
balanced for the creature's CR, how to determine the range
on die range for that material, and how many materials a
creature should have. This section will provide you with
guidance for these questions.
Breaking down a Loot Table
First thing that should be listed is
the creature's name.
Challenge Rating. The CR of the creature.
Carves/Captures. The number of materials that can be
obtained from the creature.
Carve Chance. The range of material can be obtained from
being carved.
Capture Chance. The range of material can be obtained
from being captured.
Material. The name of the material.
Slots. Lists where the materials can be placed in. A is for
armor, W is for weapon, O is for other.
Armor Material Effects. Lists the name of materials that
have armor effects and their effects if placed into armor slots.
Weapon Material Effects. Lists the name of materials that
have weapon effects and their effects if placed into weapon
Other Material Effects. Lists the name of materials that
have other effects and their effects or use.
Creating a Loot Table
When creating a loot table, we will assume you already have
a creature stat block in mind and know its Challenge Rating.
Once we know that information, we need to follow these
Determine the number of carves a creature
should have.
Most creatures below Challenge Rating 3 can be considered
minion creatures. These creatures typically follow some type
of pack leader. These creatures almost always have only one
carve available. If you believe a creature higher than CR 3 is
closer to a minion than a leader, then it is common to give
them two carves.
Almost all creatures above Challenge Rating 3, be they
pack leaders, or just powerful creatures, have three carves
available. This also holds true to creatures below CR 3 that
lead others, like the velocidrome (found in the Monster
Hunter Monster Manual) or the bulldrome found to the right.
Can I capture the creature?
Any creature can be captured, but in general, minion
creatures and creatures who are immune to the unconscious
condition cannot be captured. As such they should never have
a capture chance. In the grand scheme, it is really at your
discretion whether or not a creature should have the option
to be captured. Sometimes a creature may not be captured
due to lore reasons, like elder dragons.
Deciding on the Number of Materials.
Choosing the number of materials a creature has is not an
exact science. Typically low CR minion monsters have
between 3 and 4 materials while other monsters have
anywhere between 5 and 10 materials. These materials may
have armor, weapons, or other materials effects. minion
creatures typically only have one material effect per material,
but other creatures may have both armor and weapon effects
on the same material. Rarely will you see a material that has
all three types of material effects.
Sometimes the number of materials a creature has is
based on the information you have (like I did, using the
monster carves from the Monster Hunter video games),
perhaps you have an image of a creature, using it for
inspiration to create the materials it has.
Carve Chance and Capture Chance.
When determining the die range for each material for both
the carve chance and the capture chance there are a few
things to consider.
The first material in the loot table, is the material the party
gets if they fail the carve check. When a player rolls a natural
20 for the material, the material gained should be the
material with the greatest benefit carried by the creature. Not
every material has to have combat effects. Non-combat
effects (social, cosmetic, gathering resources, etc) are great
materials that can provide some fun for your players. Finally,
it is okay to use the same material effects on multiple
creatures. A player isn't guaranteed a specific material when
they kill or capture a creature, so having multiple chances at
the effect is a nice bonus for your players.
The following are guidelines for determining the range for
your materials in your loot table. These guidelines do not
need to be followed 100% and you should adjust them as you
see fit, but should provide you a great starting point.
Minion Loot Table (Typically between 3-4 materials)
Your first material should have a range between 1 and 10.
This range is slightly less if you have 4 or more materials.
Your final material should have a range equal to the total
number of materials on the creature (to a maximum range
of 4).
If the creature only has three materials, the second
material fills the range between the first material and the
If the creature has 4 or more materials, the materials
(except the first and last materials) typically have a range
of 3 to 5 numbers within the loot table.
Creature Loot Tables (Typically between 5-10 materials)
Your first material should have a range between 1 and 5. It
might be less if you have a high amount of materials
Your final material can range from 18 to 20 on its loot
chance, but typically it can only be obtained by rolling a 20
with the second to last material having a range of 18-19.
Most other materials should have a range between 2 and
4 numbers within the loot table.
Just because the carve chance gives you a chance at a
material, doesn't mean you can get it from rolling on the
capture chance and vice versa.
Putting it All Together
Once you have your creature, the number of carves, how
many materials, and their capture and carve ranges, all you
have left to do is name the materials and determine their
effects. The name of the materials is up to you, but naming
them after parts of the creature is appropriate. The material
effects can be from the list of material effects found later in
this section, or you can create your own effects following the
guidelines below. Once you have your material effects in
place, then your loot table should now be complete.
Creating Materials
Creating materials is much like creating a magic item, but
separating each individual effect of the magic item into its
own material effect. In this section you will find the rules
used for creating these materials.
Remember that not every material in a creature's loot table
has to be the same rarity as its CR suggests. You can lower
rarity material effects if they fit your creature.
Determine the rarity of the magical effect
When you first set out to create a new material, the first thing
you need to do is determine what the rarity of the material is.
View the table below to help determine what the highest
rarity your material can be.
Challenge Rating* Rarity
0-4 Common
5-9 Uncommon
10-14 Rare
15-19 Very Rare
20+ Very Rare / Legendary
*Creatures at the top of their CR range, may have some
materials from the next rarity tier in their 15 to 20 roll range.
Now that you know the rarity of the material you are creating
you can use it and the creatures CR with the tables below to
create your own material effects, or you can choose an
already named material effect found in the Monster Hunter
Material Effects List appropriate for your materials rarity.
Material Effects Creation Tables
These tables list out the suggested types of damage, DC's,
damage reductions, and other effects that can be used when
creating a material of your very own. Use these as a guide to
best balance your creatures. In general these guidelines
should be followed unless you want a drastic power increase.
Damage Material
Damage materials are meant as general bonuses for
weapons typically, but can sparingly be used for spell damage
Damage Reduction, Resistances, Immunities
CR Range Effect
CR 0-1 Reduce damage by 2
CR 2-3 Reduce damage by 3
CR 4-6 1 turn resistance. 1 per long rest
CR 7-8 1 turn resistance. 2 per long rest
CR 9-13 Resistance to damage
CR 14-19 Resistance to damage or (rarely) damage
CR 20
Damage immunities plus (a condition
immunity, a damage resistance, or other lower
CR defensive material effect )
Saving Throw Materials
The savings throw table below is used for material effects
that don't use spellcasters save DC. This might be for a
weapon that requires a saving throw or it deals more
damage, or causes a condition for a minute. Other times it is
used with weapons that use runes (like in the Monster
Hunter Monster Loot Tables) or charges (like the staff of frost
in the DMG). These DCs are recommended, and typically you
should never go beyond a DC 18.
Spell attack and Spell Save DC*
When making a weapon material that provides a bonus to
spell attack or spell save DC use the table below to determine
the bonus. The material doesn't have to have both +bonus to
attack and DC. It can be either one. You can increase the
bonus by 1 if the material gives a bonus to only specific types
of spells, like fire spells, or enchantment spells.
CR Range Effect
CR 0-10 + 1
CR 11-20 +2
CR 20+ +3
Spell Levels
When adding a spell to a material, where it is cast on a
critical hit, as part of a material that has runes, or a number
of uses for a single spell use the rarities below to determine
what level spells can be used.
Material Rarity Maximum Spell Level
Common 1st
Uncommon 3rd
Rare 6th
Very Rare 8th
Legendary 9th
Upgrade Materials
If you are planning on making a material on your creature an
upgrade material. Use the below table to determine what type
of upgrade rarity it should be.
CR Range Effect
CR 0-4 Uncommon upgrade materials
CR 5-10 Rare upgrade materials
CR 11-19 Very rare upgrade materials
CR 20 Legendary upgrade materials
When creating a material that has runes you first need to
determine whether the material effect will have multiple
abilities or spells you can expend the runes on, or if the
material only has one ability or spell you can expend the
runes on. Next you need to determine how many runes the
material has.
Materials effects that have a single ability or spell typically
have 2, 3, 5, or 7 charges and you only have to expend 1
charge to use the ability or spell. When determining how
many runes to give the material effect you need to take into
consideration many uses keeps it the effect balanced.
Common materials 2 runes or once per day, Uncommon
typically have 3 runes, and rare and higher materials can vary
between 3, 5, and 7 charges.
Materials that have multiple options to expend its runes on
(Most often, multiple spell options), are a bit more
complicated. The number of runes this type of material has
can vary and you can adjust the number as you see fit, though
most often it has 5 (rare or lower rarity) or 10 charges (rare
or higher rarity). The goal behind this material type, is to
allow 3-5+ uses before it needs to recharge. This is
accomplished by having different rune costs for each effect.
Spells are the best example for this; Spells have a rune
cost equal to their spell level, so a 6th level spell costs 6
runes, a 1st level spell only requires you to expend 1 rune,
and a 3rd level spell requires you to expend 3 runes.
From the information above, if you had a 10 rune material,
you could expend 6 runes to cast the 6th level spell, then 1
rune for that 1st level spell, before expending your last three
runes to cast the 3rd level spell. In another case, the
character might cast three 3rd level spells and one level spell;
or perhaps they cast ten 1st level spells.
CR Range Damage
CR 0-2 1 damage
CR 3-4 2 damage
CR 4-8 1d4 damage
CR 8-13 1d6 damage
CR Range Damage
CR 14-19 1d8 damage
CR 19-24 1d10 damage
CR 25+ 2d6 damage
CR Range Save DC
CR 0-1 DC 10
CR 2-3 DC 11
CR 4-6 DC 12
CR 7-8 DC 13
CR Range Save DC
CR 9-11 DC 14
CR 12-13 DC 15
CR 14-19 DC 16
CR 20+ DC 17
Runes with multiple options need a detriment, or most of
them could almost be considered legendary quality magic
items. Much like the staff of frost and staff of fire found in the
DMG, expending all your runes can be detrimental, though
not as bad as those two staves. When you expend all your
runes on one of these materials, you roll a d20. On a 1, you
can't regain any expend runes for this material. It's a painful
effect, but it is still better than the two staves that are
destroyed when you roll a 1 in a normal campaign.
Finally, when you are making these materials, make sure
you are still only granting the spells that are weaker or equal
to their rarity. An uncommon material shouldn't have a 7th
level spell as an option to expend your charges on.
Recharging expended runes
When expended runes recharge can vary. Most commonly,
runes recharge daily at dawn, but other options exist. They
could also be regained at: dusk; a couple days; weekly; after a
long rest; or a short or long rest.
The number of charges they regain can also vary. Typically
material roll to recharge their full amount. Typically this is
either a 1d3, 1d4+1, or 1d6+1. If you don't use the standard
charges, you will need to determine what the player rolls to
recharge their material.
In other cases, with powerful materials effects, they may
not roll for their full amount instead rolling for closer to 80%
of their charges. In the case of 10 charges, the player would
roll 1d8, with 5 charges it would be a 1d4. It is up to you to
decide on which type of recharge the material deserves.
Monster Hunter Monster
Loot Table Material List
Below you will find a list of named material effects found in
the Monster Hunter Monster Loot Tables organized by rarity.
These material effects can be used in your own monster loot
tables if you believe they fit, or may work as a guide for
creating your own effects.
Weapon Materials
The list below is every weapon material effect found in the
Monster Hunter Monster Loot Tables.
Common Weapon Material Effects
Name Material Effect
While attuned to this weapon, your
wyvernfire can now be used twice per long
While attuned to this weapon, you can add
your Strength modifier to the damage of
your shell attacks.
While holding this weapon you are
unaffected by the waters current, natural or
magical, unless you otherwise choose to
Entomologist. When you capture an insect with a bug net,
you instead catch two.
When you roll for initiative, your
greatsword, longsword, or charge blade
gains 1 charge, spirit, or phial charge.
When a creature must succeed on a
saving throw or become stunned by the
effect of a weapon attack, increase the
save DC by 2.
Hunter. While attuned to this armor you gain one
extra ration from whatever you hunt. Weapon
Your spread ammo deals an extra 2
damage. Weapon
When a creature you can see attacks a
target other than you that is within 5 feet
of you, you can use your reaction to
redirect the attack to you.
Uncommon Weapon Material Effects
Name Material Effect
Status Atk
up (S).
Whenever you inflict a condition on a
creature or object that has a duration of 1
minute or longer, the maximum duration of
the condition is increased by 6 seconds.
While attuned to this weapon, your
wyvernfire can now be used twice per long
rest and you can add your Strength modifier
to the damage of your shell attacks.
When you roll a 17-20 on a range attack roll
die, it does not consume the ammo or arrow.
While you are attuned to this weapon, your
save DC for your mighty weapon property is
increased by 3.
Tranq bombs & ammo roll an extra 3d8 when
they hit a creature.
You have advantage on your first carve
attempt on a creature while you are attuned
to this weapon.
Charger. When you use your action to Dash, you can
use a bonus action to shove a creature.
During the first round of combat your melee
weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of
17 or higher.
(Hunting Horn only) While attuned to this
weapon, your melody lasts an extra 30
seconds longer than normal.
Load Up. Your normal ammo capacity increases by 10
while you are attuned to this weapon.
(Sorcerer & Wizard only) This weapon has 5
runes. While holding it, you can use an action
to expend 1 or more of its runes to cast one
of the following Spells from it, using your
spell save DC: burning hands (1 rune)
scorching ray (2 runes), aganazzar's scorcher
(2 runes), or flaming sphere (2 runes). This
weapon regains 1d4 + 1 expended runes
daily at dawn. If you expend the last rune it
cannot regain any runes for one week.
Palico Rally.
NPC allies within 10 feet of you gain +1 AC
and +1 to attack rolls while you are attuned
to this weapon.
Name Material Effect
Partbreaker. You deal an extra 1d4 damage when you
critically hit with this weapon.
While attuned to this weapon, you gain +1
bonus to ranged attack rolls with this weapon
if the target did not move on their last turn.
A creature hit for the first time by the
Hammers Mighty Weapon, has disadvantage
on the saving throw.
While attuned to this weapon, you can always
sheath it as a free action even if you have
already drawn a weapon as part of your move
During a short or long rest you can spend
your time sharpening a bladed weapon. When
you hit a creature for the first time after
sharpening it, the weapon deals its maximum
piercing or slashing damage to the target.
Shotplus. Your normal ammo deals an extra 2 damage.
While attuned to this weapon, your coat
arrow now coats up to 20 arrows and your
dragonpiercer an extra 1d6 piercing damage.
The first time you mine or gather on an
expedition, you gain double the amount of
ore or herbs you would normally receive.
When you hit a creature with this weapon, its
speed is reduced by 5 feet until the start of
your next turn.
Rare Weapon Material Effects
Name Material Effect
Atk up
Whenever you inflict a condition on a creature
or object that has a duration of 1 minute or
longer, the maximum duration of the condition
is increased by 12 seconds.
When you make a ranged weapon attack and
roll a 15 or higher on the attack die, the
ammunition returns to you unbroken after
hitting the target(s).
When this material is placed in a weapon that
does not deal cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, or
thunder damage, it rolls one extra damage die
when it hits. For example a shortsword now
rolls 2d6 and a greatsword deals 3d6.
During the first round of combat your melee
weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of
15 or higher.
When you critically hit with a weapon or spell
that deals cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, or
thunder damage, you deal an extra 1d6 damage
of that type.
When you critically hit with a weapon or spell
that deals cold damage, you deal an extra 1d6
cold damage.
Name Material Effect
When you critically hit with a weapon or
spell that deals lightning damage, you deal
an extra 1d6 lightning damage.
Critical Eye. Your weapon attacks critical hit range is
increased by 1.
Critical Status
When you make a weapon attack with this
weapon, and roll a 20 for the attack roll,
the target is poisoned until the end of its
next turn.
Critical Status
When you critically hit with this weapon,
the target must succeed on a DC 15
Strength saving throw or be knocked
prone. A Huge or larger creature makes
their save with advantage.
Deadeye+. (Range Weapon only) Your weapon's
normal attack range is doubled.
When a creature must succeed on a saving
throw or become stunned by the effect of
one of your weapon attacks, they make the
save with disadvantage.
Load Up+.
While attuned to this weapon, you
increase the maximum capacity for all of
your ammo by 2.
Whenever you use a reaction that
increases your AC, the next attack you
make with that weapon deals extra damage
equal to the bonus AC the reaction
Partbreaker+1. You deal an extra 1d6 damage when you
critically hit with this weapon.
Pellet Shot.
When you roll a 15 or higher on your
attack roll with this weapon while using
normal ammo, you can make an attack
against an additional creature within 5 feet
of your original target.
Quick Load. You can reload as a free action while you
are attuned to this weapon.
Special Ammo
Your coating now coats up to 25 arrows
and your dragonpiercer deals an extra 2d6
piercing damage.
Siege. This weapon deals double damage to
objects and structures.
While you are attuned to this weapon, your
spread ammo deals an extra 1d4 piercing
damage and your power coating gains +1
to attack rolls.
Status Pursuit.
You have advantage on opportunity attacks
and creatures within your reach provoke
opportunity attacks even if they took the
Disengage action, if the creature is
afflicted with a Condition.
Your weapon deals max damage to a
creature that is vulnerable to this weapons
damage type.
Very Rare Weapon Material Effects
Name Material Effect
Status Atk up
Whenever you inflict a condition on a
creature or object that has a duration of 1
minute or longer, the maximum duration
of the condition is increased by 12
When this material is placed in a weapon
that does not deal cold, fire, lightning,
necrotic, or thunder damage, it rolls two
extra damage die when it hits. For example
a shortsword now rolls 3d6 and a
greatsword deals 4d6.
Blast Coat. See Brach Marrow material on the
brachydios loot table
The weapon has 10 runes, you can use an
action to expend 1 or more of its runes to
cast one of the following spells from it,
using your spell save DC: scorching ray (2
runes), melf's minute meteors (3 runes),
or wall of fire (4 runes). The weapon
regains 1d6 + 4 expended runes daily at
dawn. If you expend the last rune it cannot
regain any runes for one week.
Bonus Shot.
(Bow & Light Bowgun only) When you
take the attack action, you can make one
additional attack with this weapon as a
bonus action.
Whenever you succeed on a saving throw
to end a condition, you gain a +1 bonus to
your attack rolls and spell save DC, and
your weapon or spell attacks deal an extra
1d4 cold, fire, or lightning damage (your
choice) until the end of your next turn.
While you are attuned to this weapon and
suffering from an abnormal status effect,
such as poisoned, burning, slowed,
blinded, etc, all attacks and spells deal an
extra 1d10 spell or weapon damage.
Critical Boost.
You roll one additional weapon damage
die when determining the extra damage
for a critical hit with a weapon attack.
During the first round of combat your
melee weapon attacks score a critical hit
on a roll of 13 or higher.
Critical Eye+. Your weapon attacks critical hit range is
increased by 2.
Critical Status
When you make a weapon attack with this
weapon, and roll a 20 for the attack roll,
the target is afflicted with dragonblight
until the end of its next turn.
Dragon Soul.
Your kinsect takes on the characteristics
of a dragon and your kinsect attacks deal
an extra 1d12 bludgeoning damage.
A creature hit by this weapon cannot use
an action that has a recharge until the start
of your next turn. The creature can still roll
to recharge its ability at the end of its turn.
Name Material Effect
You have advantage on Intelligence
(Arcana) checks and you increase any
elemental damage die your weapon deals
by one size. IE: a d6 becomes a d8.
When you roll for initiative, your
greatsword, longsword, or charge blade
gains 2 charge, spirit, or phial charge.
Heavy Polish. This weapon ignores a creature's
resistance to slashing damage.
H.Load Up+.
(Bowgun only) While attuned to this
weapon, you increase the maximum
capacity for all of your ammo by 5.
Honed Blade.
This weapons damage die is increased by
1 size up to a maximum of a d10. A d6
becomes a d8, and a d8 becomes a d10.
Latent Power
When you are reduced to a quarter of your
maximum hit points for the first time in
combat or at the start of your turn on the
10th round of combat, whichever comes
first, you gain the effects of the haste spell
for 1 minute. Once used, you must finish a
short or long rest before you can use this
property again.
While your hit points are full and you are
not suffering from any levels of
exhaustion, you deal maximum weapon
damage with your attacks.
Coating Up.
When a creature must succeed on a saving
throw after being hit by an arrow coated
with the paralysis coating, or when it
repeats its saving throw in an attempt to
end the effect, it does so at disadvantage.
Partbreaker+2. You deal an extra 1d8 damage when you
critically hit with this weapon.
When your hit points are full and you roll a
1 or 2 on a damage die for an attack you
make with a melee weapon, you can reroll
the die and must use the new roll, even if
the new roll is a 1 or a 2.
Punish Draw+.
All creatures hit by your hammer's mighty
weapon make their saving throw at
Rapid Fire.
(Light Bowgun only) Whenever you use
the attack action on your turn using this
weapon, you can make one additional
attack with it as a bonus action.
Rapid Reload.
You can reload as a free action while you
wear this armor. Additionally, when you
make a ranged weapon attack roll and roll a
20 for the attack roll, you can make one
additional attack as a free action.
Name Material Effect
When you make your first attack on your turn
with this weapon, you can choose to without
care or regard for consequences. Doing so
gives you advantage on melee weapon attack
rolls using Strength during this turn, but has
disadvantage on all saving throws and all
attack rolls against you have advantage until
the start of your next turn.
Until the end of your turn, you gain a +1
bonus to attack and damage rolls against any
creature that has damaged you since the end
of your last turn.
Soul of the
(Insect Glaive) When you make a single
weapon attack against a target as part of your
standing leap, you make the attack with
Boost +2.
Your coating now coats up to 30 arrows and
your dragonpiercer deals an extra 3d6
piercing damage.
(Bladed Weapon) You can spend 1 minute
sharpening a bladed weapon. When you hit a
creature for the first time after sharpening it,
the weapon deals its maximum piercing or
slashing damage to the target.
When fighting a Huge or larger creature, this
weapon deals 1d6 extra weapon damage and
its crit range is increased by 1.
Once per turn when you hit a creature with
this weapon, it must make a DC 10
Constitution saving throw or gain one level
of exhaustion. A creature cannot gain more
than 2 levels of exhaustion from this
weapon's property.
When you hit a creature with this weapon
you can use your bonus action to push the
creature back 10 feet.
Trump Card. You have advantage on attack rolls vs
creatures that are grappled.
Your weapon deals max damage to a creature
that is vulnerable to fire or this weapons
damage type.
Legendary Weapon Material Effects
Name Material Effect
See the Fatalis Horn material from the fatalis
loot table
The weapon has 12 runes, you can use an
action to expend 1 or more of its runes to
cast one of the following Spells from it,
using your spell save DC: aganazzar’s
scorcher (2 runes), heat metal (2 runes),
scorching ray (2 runes), melf's minute
meteors (3 runes), wall of fire (4 runes),
delayed blast fireball (7 runes). The weapon
regains 1d8 + 4 expended runes daily at
dawn. If you expend the last rune it cannot
regain any runes for one week.
Name Material Effect
Your weapon attacks critical hit range is
increased by 2 and you deal an extra 1d10
damage when you critically hit with this
Whenever you succeed on a saving throw
to end a condition, you gain a +2 bonus to
your attack rolls and spell save DC, and
your weapon or spell attacks deal an cold,
fire, or lightning damage (your choice)
until the end of your next turn.
While suffering from an abnormal status
effect, such as poisoned, burning, slowed,
blinded, etc, all attacks and spells deal an
extra 1d12 spell or weapon damage.
You can roll two additional weapon
damage dice when determining the extra
damage for a critical hit with a weapon
Critical Eye+2. Your weapon attacks critical hit range is
increased by 3.
See the Pulsing Dragonshell material from
the safi'jiiva loot table.
When you are below one-tenth of your
maximum hit points, your melee weapon
attacks with this weapon deal maximum
Heavy Polish+. This weapon ignores a creature's immunity
and resistance to slashing damage.
Honed Blade+.
This weapons damage die is increased by
1 size up to a maximum of a d12. A d6
becomes a d8, a d8 becomes a d10, a d10
becomes a d12.
Latent Power
When you are reduced to a half of your
maximum hit points for the first time in
combat or at the start of your turn on the
10th round of combat, whichever comes
first, you gain the effects of the haste spell
for 1 minute. Once used, you must finish a
short or long rest before you can use this
property again.
Mind's Eye. Your attacks with this weapon bypass the
damage resistances of any creature.
Partbreaker+3. You deal an extra 1d10 damage when you
critically hit with this weapon.
See Golden Glimstone material from the
kulve taroth loot table
Steady Hand.
Your weapon attacks critical hit range is
increased by 1 and it bypasses a creatures
resistance to slashing damage.
See the Zionium Crystal material from the
safi'jiiva loot table
See Xeno'jiiva Gem material from the
xeno'jiiva loot table
Armor Materials
The list below is every armor material effect found in the
Monster Hunter Monster Loot Tables.
Common Armor Material Effects
Name Material Effect
Botanist. When you successfully gather a plant
resource, you instead gather 2.
While attuned to this weapon tranq bombs
and tranq ammo roll an extra 2d8 when
they hit a creature.
Detect. You gain a +1 bonus to your passive
Perception while you wear this armor.
When you take damage you are not
immune or resistant to, roll a d4 and
reduce the damage you take by the number
rolled. You can use this feature a number of
times equal to your Wisdom modifier. You
regain all expended uses when you finish a
long rest.
While you are attuned to this armor, you
can use a bonus action to conjure two
earplugs in the shape of your choice. While
using these earplugs, you are considered
deafened. You can dispel the ear plugs as a
bonus action ending the deafened effect.
Entomologist. When you capture an insect with a bug net,
you instead catch two.
Geologist. When you successfully gather a mining
resource, you instead gather 2.
While attuned to this armor, you double the
amount of days you can go without food or
water before suffering a level of exhaustion.
Guard. You cannot be pushed or knocked
backwards while you wear this armor.
Once per day, when you use an herbalist kit
to gather plants, you gather 1 honey with it.
ill Omen.
Your Charisma score increases by 1 while
you wear this armor, but you have
disadvantage on persuasion and deception
checks due to an overwhelming feeling of
disaster to those around you.
Whenever you use a consumable item that
has a duration, its duration is increased by
an additional 6 seconds.
Jump Master.
While wearing this armor, you can use an
action to double your jump distance. You
can use this property twice, regaining all
expended uses on a short or long rest.
Roll a d20 at the end of a successful hunt.
On a 18-20, you get one additional material
from the creature.
While wearing this armor, your walking
speed increases by 5 feet.
Name Material Effect
Mushroomancer See the Mosswine Hide material from
the mosswine loot table
Recovery Speed.
Whenever you roll a Hit Die to regain hit
points, double the number of hit points
it restores.
Team player. You may use the help action as a bonus
action twice per long rest.
Well Rested.
When you finish a long rest, you gain 5
temporary hit points for 24 hours while
attuned to this armor.
Uncommon Armor Material Effects
Name Material Effect
You ignore difficult terrain created by ice or
snow and you have a swimming speed
equal to your walking speed while you wear
this armor.
See Dodogama Talon material in the
dodogama loot table
Detect+. You gain a +2 bonus to your passive
Perception while you wear this armor.
When you take damage you are not immune
or resistant to, roll a d6 and reduce the
damage you take by the number rolled. You
can use this feature a number of times
equal to your Wisdom modifier. You regain
all expended uses when you finish a long
Effluvia Resis.
You are immune to damage from Effluvia
and you reduce acid damage you take by 2
while you wear this armor.
Extender (S).
You have a +1 bonus to Dexterity saving
throws while you wear this armor.
Free Meal. While attuned to this armor, you no longer
need to eat or drink.
When you are reduced to 0 hit points but
not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit
point instead. Once you use this property,
you can’t use it again for 2 days.
Heat Guard.
While wearing this armor you are immune
to damage from lava and you are unaffected
by extreme heat.
Hero Shield.
You have immunity to bludgeoning,
piercing, and slashing damage from CR 2 or
lower creatures while you wear this armor.
While wearing this armor, you can cast the
jump spell twice per short or long rest, but
can target only yourself when you do so.
While wearing this armor, you can take the
dash action as a bonus action. You can use
this property a number of times equal to
your Dexterity modifier, regaining all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
Name Material Effect
You have advantage on Strength (Athletic)
checks when attempting to Climb Onto a
Bigger Creature (DMG p.271) while you are
attuned to this weapon.
Meat Lover.
Consuming meat, cooked or otherwise,
counts as 1 days ration. After consuming it
you temporarily ignore one level of
exhaustion for an hour.
You are immune to wounding effects, such as
the Odogaron's bloody wound or the bearded
devil's infernal wound while you wear this
Perceptive. You are proficient with perception checks
while wearing this armor.
While you are attuned to this armor and you
use a reaction that would increase your AC,
you gain an additional +1 bonus to your AC
until the start of your next turn.
While you are attuned to this armor, you can
use any consumable, such as a potion or
food, as a bonus action; so long as you are
the one consuming it.
While you wear this armor, you can move up,
down, and across vertical surfaces and upside
down along ceilings, while leaving your hands
free. You have a climbing speed equal to your
walking speed. However, the armor doesn't
allow you to move this way on a slippery
surface, such as one covered by ice or oil.
While wearing this armor, you can use an
action to cast the haste spell from it once per
day, but can target only yourself when you do
so and you gain 3 levels of exhaustion when
the spell ends.
While you are attuned to this armor, you
count as one size larger when determining
your carrying capacity and the weight you can
push, drag, or lift.
While you wear this armor, you can set pitfall
traps or shock traps as a bonus action and
you can use an action to cast the snare spell
from it. Once used, the snare effect can't be
used again until the next dawn.
When you must make a saving throw while
taking the dodge action, you can use your
Armor Class in place of making the roll. You
can use this property three times, regaining
all uses when you finish a long rest.
When you finish a long rest, you gain 10
temporary hit points for 24 hours while
attuned to this armor.
Spells you cast such as fog cloud, can no
longer be dispersed by wind, magical or
otherwise while you wear this armor.
Rare Armor Material Effects
Name Material Effect
The first time you drop below half of your
hit points maximum in combat. You gain a
rush of Adrenaline. On your next turn your
movement speed doubles and you can take
one extra action.
While wearing this armor, you can cast the
jump spell from it as a bonus action at will,
but can target only yourself when you do so.
Alert. You can’t be surprised while you are
Botanist+. When you successfully gather a plant
resource, you gather an extra 1d4 more.
Capturer. When you capture a creature, you gain one
extra material from it.
Chain Crit.
Every consecutive hit on a creature
increases your crit range by 1 until you
score a critical hit, miss an attack, or hit a
different creature.
Whenever you cast a cone or line spell that
deals lightning damage, you can choose any
location within 30 feet of you as the starting
The duration from slowing effects, such as
the slow spell or a copper dragon's breath
attack, are reduced by half while you wear
this armor.
When you take damage you are not immune
or resistant to, roll a d8 and reduce the
damage you take by the number rolled. You
can use this property a number of times
equal to your Wisdom modifier. You regain
all expended uses when you finish a long
When you fall below half of your maximum
hit points you gain the dragonblight
condition for 1 minute. While affected by
dragonblight, you have resistance to cold,
fire, lightning, and necrotic damage.
You gain a +2 bonus to Dexterity saving
throws while you wear this armor.
This armor has 3 runes, and it regains 1d3
expended runes daily at dawn. When you fail
a Dexterity saving throw while wearing it,
you can use your reaction to expend 1 of its
runes to succeed on that saving throw
Flinch Free.
While wearing this armor you cannot be
knocked prone, or unwillingly moved from
your current location by any means.
You have advantage on survival skill checks
to track, forage, or travel while you are
attuned to this armor.
Handicraft. For 24 hours, you gain proficiency with one
artisan tool of your choice each dawn.
Name Material Effect
Health Boost.
While wearing this armor, your hit
point maximum increases by 1 for
each character level you have.
Imperial Wrath.
You have advantage on intimidation
checks when interacting with nobles
while you wear this armor.
Item Prolonger+.
Whenever you use a consumable item
that has a duration, its duration is
increased by an additional 12 seconds.
While wearing this armor, your walking
speed increases by 10 feet and you
ignore difficult terrain if it was not
created by a magical effect.
Mushroomancer+. See banbaro loot table
Negate Sleep. You cannot unwillingly be put to sleep
by any means while wearing this armor.
You have a swimming speed of 40 feet
while wearing this armor and your
swim speed increases by an additional
10 feet for every lagiacrus material you
have in your weapon, armor, or trinket.
Pack Rat.
While you are attuned to this armor,
your party can gather double the
normal number of resources available
on a hunt.
Recovery Up.
Whenever you regain hit points from
any potion or plant, the first die is
You have advantage on Dexterity
saving throws if you are suffering from
a condition.
Rock Steady.
While wearing this armor, you can't be
unwillingly knocked prone and you
ignore effects like the kushala daora
and amatsu's wind barrier.
Sand Surfing.
While wearing this armor you're able to
swim through desert terrain as if it was
Secret Arts.
Whenever you make a skill check with
a skill you are proficient in, you gain a
+3 bonus to the roll.
Stam Recov.
When you take a long rest, you reduce
your exhaustion by 2 levels instead of
Stamina Surge+1.
While wearing this armor, you can use
an action to cast the haste spell from it
once per day, but can target only
yourself when you do so and you gain
2 levels of exhaustion when the spell
Name Material Effect
When an ally, that you can see, is reduced to 0
hit points you can use your reaction to gain
+1 AC, +1 damage, and +1 to attack rolls for 1
minute. Once this ability has been used, it
cannot be used again until the next dawn.
While wearing this armor your proficiency
bonus is double for any ability check made
with a tool you are proficient with.
You cannot be knocked prone while you wear
this armor.
When you use herbs, Antidotes, Cool Drinks,
Hot Drinks, Adamant Seeds, or Might Seeds;
all other creatures within a 10-foot radius of
you gain its effect.
You have resistance to thunder damage and
you suffer no ill effects from strong winds
(DMG p.110) while you wear this armor.
Very Rare Armor Material Effects
Name Material Effect
You become proficient with dung bombs
while you are wearing this armor, and you are
immune to blight effects such as waterblight,
iceblight, or the blight spell.
While wearing this armor you are immune to
blight spells, spell like abilities, and
Whenever you carve a creature of CR 5 or
higher, you can carve it two extra times. This
property does not stack with any other carve
effect equipped by your or others.
While attuned to this armor, you have
advantage on Dexterity saving throws. Also
the durations from slowing effects, such as
the slow spell or a copper dragon's breath
attack, are reduced by half.
While you are attuned to this armor, you can
carve a creature of CR 13 or lower 1 extra
When you take damage you are not immune
or resistant to, roll a d10 and reduce the
damage you take by the number rolled. You
can use this property a number of times equal
to your Wisdom modifier. You regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
While wearing this armor you are immune to
damage from Effluvia and you have resistance
to acid damage.
You have a +3 bonus to Dexterity saving
throws while you wear this armor.
Evasion. You have advantage on Dexterity saving
throws while you wear this armor.
Name Material Effect
Frenzy Res. Whenever you make a saving throw against
the frenzy virus, you do so with advantage.
Good Luck.
While you are attuned to this armor, you
have one luck point that you regain daily at
dawn. You may use this point as if you had
the Lucky feat.
When you are reduced to 0 hit points but
not killed outright, you can drop to 1 hit
point instead. Once you use this property,
you can’t use it again until you finish a long
Handicraft+2. For 24 hours, you gain proficiency with two
artisan tools of your choice each dawn.
While wearing this armor, your hit point
maximum increases by 2 for each character
level you have.
While below 25% of your maximum hit
points your weapon attacks deal 1d4 extra
damage and you have resistance to all
damage except psychic damage.
HG Earplugs.
While you are attuned to this armor, you
can use a bonus action to conjure two
earplugs in the shape of your choice. While
using these earplugs, you can only hear
creatures you choose to be able to hear.
Iron Skin.
While this material is in your armor, your
AC cannot be reduced in any way. You do
not retain AC granted to you by a shield if
you drop it; or a potion, or magical effect
after it has expired.
Iron Wall. You have a +2 bonus to your armor class
while you wear this armor.
While wearing this armor, you can use an
action to cast the haste spell from it once
per day, but can target only yourself when
you do so and you gain 1 level of
exhaustion when the spell ends.
Whenever you would gain temporary hit
points, you can instead increase your hit
point maximum and current hit points by
that amount for 24 hours. You can only
increase your maximum hit points by 20
with this effect, any additional temporary
hit points gained beyond that are lost. Once
used, this property can't be used again for
24 hours.
When an ally, that you can see, is reduced
to 0 hit points you can use your reaction to
gain +2 AC, +2 damage, and +2 to attack
rolls for 1 minute. Once used, this property
can't be used again until the next dawn.
Name Material Effect
While you wear this armor, you are able to
detect when a monster is weakened enough
to be captured.
When you use Herbs, Antidotes, Cool
Drinks, Hot Drinks, Adamant Seeds, or
Might Seeds; all other creatures within a 20-
foot radius of you gain its effect.
While you are attuned to this armor, you can
use an action to summon a wind barrier
around you for 1 minute. While the barrier is
active, you have half cover against range
attacks, resistance to nonmagical
ammunition, and disperse any fog like effect
in a 5-foot radius around you. Once used,
you can't use this property again until you
finish a long rest.
Legendary Armor Material Effects
Name Material Effect
The first time you drop below half of your hit
points maximum in combat. You gain a rush
of Adrenaline. On your next turn your
movement speed doubles and you can take
one extra action.
The elemental damage done by your weapon
is increased by one die size and the duration
of consumables is increased by 50%.
While you are attuned to this armor, you can
carve a creature of CR 15 or lower 1 extra
While wearing this armor you have advantage
on Dexterity (Stealth) checks to move silently
and you have advantage on any ability check
made with an Alchemist kit. Also your bow,
light bowgun, and heavy bowgun ammunition
capacity doubles for all ammunition.
Dark Finale. See the Fatalis Eye material from the fatalis
loot table
While wearing this armor, you gain a +1
bonus to AC, you are immune to lightning
When you take damage you are not immune
or resistant to, roll a d12 and reduce the
damage you take by the number rolled. You
can use this property a number of times equal
to your Wisdom modifier. You regain all
expended uses when you finish a long rest.
This armor has 5 runes, and it regains 1d5
expended runes daily at dawn. When you fail a
Dexterity saving throw while wearing it, you
can use your reaction to expend 1 of its runes
to succeed on that saving throw instead.
Name Material Effect
You gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws
and you have advantage on Dexterity saving
throws while you wear this armor.
For 24 hours, you gain proficiency with
three artisan tools of your choice each
Iron Wall+. You have a +3 bonus to your armor class
while you wear this armor.
You have advantage on Dexterity
(Acrobatics) checks and Dexterity saving
throws while you wear this armor. Also
when you are subjected to an effect that
allows you to make a dexterity saving throw
to take only half damage, you instead take
no damage if you succeed on the saving
throw, and only half damage if you fail.
Whenever you are subjected to poison
damage, you take no damage and instead
regain a number of hit points equal to the
half of the poison damage dealt.
Whenever you roll a Hit Die to regain hit
points, double the number of hit points it
restores. Additionally, you regain all
expended hit die when you finish a long
You regain the maximum number of hit
points possible from potions or plants that
you consume.
Silverwind X.
While wearing this armor, you have
advantage on Dexterity saving throws and
Dexterity (Stealth) checks made to hide.
Name Material Effect
While wearing this armor, you can use an
action to cast the haste spell from it once per
day, but can target only yourself when you do
You have advantage on Dexterity (Stealth),
Intelligence (Investigation), Strength
(Athletics), Wisdom (Insight), and Wisdom
(Survival) checks.
While wearing this armor, you regain 1d6 hit
points every 10 minutes provided that you
have at least 1 hit point. Also, whenever you
would gain temporary hit points, you can
instead increase your hit point maximum and
current hit points by that amount for 24
hours. You can only increase your maximum
hit points by 20 with this effect, any additional
temporary hit points gained beyond that are
lost. Once used, this property can't be used
again for 24 hours.
While wearing this armor, you double the
effect of the material in your trinket.
While you are attuned to this armor, you can
use an action to summon a wind barrier
around you for 1 minute. While the barrier is
active, you have three-quarters cover against
range attacks, resistance to nonmagical
ammunition, and disperse any fog like effect
in a 10-foot radius around you. Once used,
you can't use this property again until you
finish a long rest.
While wearing this armor, you cannot be
unwillingly put to sleep, poisoned, paralyzed,
or stunned.
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