Aurmeran Subcontinent Overview Geographic Location in Aurmera | World Anvil
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Aurmeran Subcontinent Overview

The continent on which we call home is punctuated by numerous rivers, soaring mountains, sprawling praires, and deep forests. To the North, the subcontinent is bordered by the nearly impassable Pellum mountains. To the West, the land ends into the Silver Sea. To the South, between Exingia Island and Marbata lies the Sea of Marrenos. To the East, is the vast and largely unexplored Wayward Ocean.   
Across the subcontinent, there are 10 regions. These have largely organized themselves into their own polities. These vary greatly in culture, race, religion and governance. This can be viewed in other articles on these states. Geographically, each state is tied to the region in which its people settled. The rivers and steams of Aurmera nearly all have their origins in the snowmelt of Pellum Mountains. This can be observed as the major rivers generally run from North to South. Historically, this hindered travel from West to East, particularly when flood prevention was more primitive. As a result, many of the state borders also meander from North to South. As the refugees flooded south through the few passes of the Pellum Mountains, they followed and then settled along these major river systems. The Seretians along the Crestfall River, the Fallvelians along the Castrix, the Erolini on the Aeloria, the Eldamari spread along numberous river valleys from the Alfarion to the Eldertide, and the Gamaraki from the Eldertide to the coast. Rivers so effect the destiny of the people who live among them, the Grand Duchy of Irvernia lies entirely within the Staghorn River valley. The exceptions to this rule in some way, is the Dwarves of Tergund and the Horsemen of Ofenland. The Dwarves, while having plentiful water features thanks to their proximity to the mountains, preferred to settle there due to the protection provided by the highlands around them. The Horsemen were driven to the lowland creeks, rivers, streams, and marshes of Ofenland by force, but quickly made what most would deem an unlivable swamp, into a region in which they adapted and flourished.   There are many Islands to the south of Aurmera. We will provide a broad overview of the largest among them. The Island of Marbata was once owned and inhabited by the Elves of Eldamar. Since the loss of the land due to war, the Marbata Penninsula and Isle of Marbata are wildlands inhabited by numerous competing tribes. More on these tribes can be found in the article on the Marbatan Wildlands. Notable to the Isle of Marbata is the Port of Stillwater, which is an international trade city. Stillwater lies at a chokepoint from the Marrenos sea to the Wayward Ocean. This city is administered by a council with a representative from each major state, and is used as both a port of exchange and headquarters for many merchant guilds. It has a equivenlant on the Marbatan Peninsula, the port known as "The Landing," however, this port is widely known to be under the influence of Gamaraki and Eldamari interests. Next is the Isle of Lolth. Once a verdant paradise named O'Lindar inhabited mostly by Druids, the entire island is now home to the cultish religious followers of Lolth, forcabley exiled from the continent. Those inhabitants have changed much about the island, and it is rarely visted by outsiders. Next is the Isle of Gruumsh to the southwest of the Marrenos Sea. This is the home island of the Orcish and Goblin races and subspecies. It is not known whether they settled here or if this is where they were spawned, but it is an island with no established governmental hierarchy beyond the waring chiefdoms that inhabit it. Lastly, we have the Exingia Islands which are owned by the Fallvelian Empire. These islands are relatively under developed and are used as trade stops, naval bases, and military staging areas. These lands were taken from The Kingdom of Seretia in war, and Seretia still claims them. 
  This has been a broad overview of the geography of Aurmera. See other articles for more in depth information regarding regional geography.


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