Geography of Eldamar Geographic Location in Aurmera | World Anvil
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Geography of Eldamar

The Republic of Eldamar is a land dominated by the lush woodland of the Emerald Weald. Historically the rulers of Erolin and Marbata, the Eldamari are an ancient and prowd people. Since the wars that saw Erolin gain independance and Marbata torn into wildlands, Eldamar has receded from its place of prominance. Aided by its natural geography, the Eldamari have become staunch isolationists. The region is marked by 7 major rivers running north to south out of the Pellum Highlands and the dense Emerald Weald. This makes east-west travel quite difficult off the main road. However, the longest portion of the Aurelian Road within a single state lies in Eldamar. This region is also has two major chokepoints on the continent. The first is the stretch of forest between the Pellum Highlands the the edge of the Marbata Gulf at Farandale. The second is "The Pinch," the isthmus that connects the rest of the Aurmera with the Marbata Peninsula. These chokepoints and natural barriers all contribute to Eldamar's ability to live in isolation, while still remaining in a strong geographical position.  
Western Eldamar is the most populace region of the Republic, followed by the northwest border with Irvernia. The plentiful water ways that flow forth from the glaciers of the Pellums make up the hallmark of this region. From west to east, the major rivers are: The Alfarion River, on the border with Erolin; The Lylsanadora River, with the port of Tlaumarien at its mouth; The Thunderwreath River, which is navagable from Ssyana at its mouth all the way to base of the Pellums at the village of Crild; and the Rysenor River, with the mighty Capital of Farandale at it's mouth. The Rysenor river not only feeds into the capital of the Republic, but is also bisected by all three major east-west roads in Eldamar (including the Aurmeran Road). These factors combine to make Farandale the most populace city in the Republic as well as it's largest port. Finely crafted Elven luxury items such as silks, exquisite jewlery, and fine porcelain, are constantly moving along this major waterway.   This region of Eldamar is heavily forested, being the beginning of the vast Emerald Weald. The enviornment quickly changes with the coastal moisture of the Gulf of Marabata causing consitant and heavy rainfall yearround. Even the colder Pellum Highlands are mostly forested in this region. The inland areas of the Emerald Weald here recieve enough rain and are dense enough to be classifed as Temperate Rainforests. Within these deep woods are every manner of beast, aberation, and creature that is known on the material plane. However, unlike the Erolini low-elves, the High Elves of Eldamar hold these creature of magic and forest as sacred, and thus they are protected within the Republic. The same applies to the Faywild, access to which exists in abundance throughout Eldamar. While the High Elves have a live and let live policy with these species, the same cannot be said for outsiders who find themselves within the woods.
Eastern Eldamar is much the same as the west. It is also characterized by the expanse of the Emerald Weald and rivers out of the Pellum Mountains and Highlands. The rivers from west to east are as follows: The aforementioned Rysenor River, which flows to the Capital; The Pellamar River, which is the longest river in Eldamar, and empties in to the Gulf of Gamarak on the opposite side ot the Marbata Isthmus; The Windveil River has its head at a spring near Aerkard, which then forms a valley and flows southeast into Gamarak; Last is the Eldertide River, which also has its start in Eldamar as a small stream near Shemmar. The Eldertide has carved a deep valley, and quickly gains strength as it flows southwest, eventually becoming one of the mightiest rivers in Aurmera once inside of Gamarak.    What can be said concerning the non-elven residents of the forests of western Eldamar can also be said of the east. The only notable difference being that the East lacks the dense Temperate Rainforests of the West. So, while heavily forested and devoid of population in some areas, the forest poses less of a hinderance to adventurers.   A notable major difference between the east and the west is the reduced militarization of the border. Eldamar is well known for it's towering citadels and fotress cities throughout the repubilc. However, the entire border with the zealots of Erolin is heavily militarized, with bastions dotting its extent even into the Pellums. This is not the case in the East. The border with Gamarak and Irvernia, while still watched and controlled closely, is not deemed a major threat. Still, and very intentionally, the only major road crossing into the eastern states out of Eldamar is the Aurmeran Road.  
Southern Eldamar is as "rural" as High-Elves get. The Isthmus of Marbata is the dominant feature of the south, and is commonly known throughout Aurmera as "The Pinch." The Pinch is fairly depopulated, and is home to a mighty wall at it's most narrow point, constantly manned by Eldamari garrisons. South of this wall, the lies the furthest extent of remaining Eldamri settlement on the Marbata Peninsula, as well as the beginning of the Marbata wild forests. These towns are heavily fortified, and while sharing the parent culture of the rest of the Eldamari, the High-Elves here are fiercely independant. This border region with the Marbata Wildlands is a place where overland trade flourishes, and the locals are suspicious, but somewhat more used to outsiders. This region is also the only place where Eldamari isolationism waivers slightly, as they consistantly interfere with tribal politics of the clans and hordes on the other side of their border. This has somewhat secured this region south of the wall, but has also grown resentment among the various cheiftans and warlords with regards to the High Elves. The road south to Wildecove is the main overland route out of the civilized states of Auermera and into the wildlands and danger of Marbata.


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