Geography of Erolin Geographic Location in Aurmera | World Anvil
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Geography of Erolin

The land of the Erolin Theocracy is very much a transitionary realm. Here, the Illyrian Plains in the north and the Elben Woods in the south stretch east to their terminus. The end of both of these features yeilds to the start of Eldamari territory. The western border of Erolin, while defined techinically, is nothing more than where various feudal lords compete back and forth for open stretches of unpopulated grassland. Its emptyness can often leave a traveller wandering where Fallvelian authority ends and Erolini authority begins. This problem does not exist in the east, where the border is marked by the start of the great Emerald Weald which stretches east until it meets the ocean in Ofenland. To the south, the Marrum Sea gives way to the Marbatan Gulf, which both serve as the south extent of Erolin.  
  This realm can be divided nearly cleanly in half. In the North, the land is very much an extention of what lies to its west. The Pellum foothills continue to wrap around the great range to the north. The Illyrian Plains extend east until the Emerald Weald springs up out of the hills, only being interupted by the forests in river valleys and the occasional savanna scrubland. While the floodplain of the Aeloria River offers some fertile ground, and there is interspersed rural peasant hovels, towns are rare and practically non-existant off the main roads.   
In the South, the Elban Forest dominates. the Aeloria River grows rapidly into an imposing body of wate as it enters the temperate forest. In the east forest, the Elselon River emerges. This is a highly populated region, where trade and industry flourish. Southern Erolin has an abundance of natural ports which lend themselves to a mercantile society. Within Erolin, the trade of magical goods is unique among it's ports. The High Elves of Eldamar would never willingly market the prized enchanted items of their people. However, the low elves of Erolin have no such qualms. Erolini are Cultish zealots that see the buying and selling of magic as another way to spread the word of the power of their god. This fundamentalism plays a deep role in the geopolitics of Erolin. The border in the west with Fallvelia and the border in the east with Eldamar are both heavily militarized. Additionally, the more empty areas of the Elban Forest are dotted with Fey Wild as well as every manner of Eldridge and Arcane creatures. The higher rainfall in the east creates thicker woods and more dense canopy, thus sheltering these beings. The Erolini religion deems these creatures as apostates and unclean. Thus they are hunted, sold, sacrifed, and harnessed for their magic. Despite this, scholars still agree the the deep wood still holds many fey strongholds and numerous beasts.  


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