Geography of Fallvelia Geographic Location in Aurmera | World Anvil
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Geography of Fallvelia

The Empire of Fallvelia is a hardy land full of even hardier people. As with most of the states in Aurmera, it is bordered by the Pellum Mountains in the north. The Arkus Range forms it's western border with Seretia. The vast Illyrian Plains form the eastern border with the Erolin Theocracy. The south is hugged by the Great Gulf and Marrum Sea. Generally, the climate throughout most of Fallvelia is dry, with the exception of the coastal peninsula in the south. Due to lying to the east of the Arkus Mountains, the plains that cover most of the region of semi-arid. The region and its people are dominated by the Castrix River. Its valley, watershed, and delta are the base from which most of Fallvelian agriculture, commerce, and power radiate from. 
Starting in the North, the headwaters of the Castrix River can be found flowing out of the Pellum Foothills. The western extent of the Pellum Foothills begin here in Fallvellia, continue east, and border the edge of the rest of the Pellum Range. Due to its proximity to the mountains, these high plains and foothills are generally cooler than the more south reaches of the Illyrian Plains. This region is incredibly sparsely populated. Home to mostly smallscale livestock herders and practically no settlements. Here is located the highest concenration of deserts in Aurmera, with cold deserts occupying the areas of the foothills closer to the mountains. This unforgiving environment, while hyper-rural, does produce the most skilled horsemen in the Empire.  
  The southern half of the Illyrian Plains sees the Castrix River grow in strength as the Shadeveil and Rubellum River join it. Here the weather becomes more temperate and the rail slightly more plentiful, but not plentiful enough to support forests outside of river valleys. In the west of this region, is the furthest eastern extent of the Selmar Forest. Here lies the heavily militarized border with Seretia, with the forest and Arkus River providing the natural border south of the mountains. Here, irrigation and determination yields the grains that feed Fallvelia. The agriculture here is limited in scope, needing to remain the watersheds. Harvest here never provides enough crop for export beyond regional markets. Similar to the more northern plain, livestock herds are common here, with talented horsemen to tend them.
  The south of Fallvelia is where the population of the Empire is concentrated, as well as the bulk of its commerce. The Illyrian Plain quickly gives way to verdant forest as the moist winds of the sea carry rain onto the peninsula. Here, the Castrix River reaches its largest width and the Eris River winds in from Erolin. Between these two mighty rivers, lies the capital of Nordholm. The location of this the capital of Fallvelia is notable, with most seats of power being where they are due to the riches brough by trade, Nordholm grew to prominance due to its strategic military position between the two most important rivers in the region as well as being on the Aurmeran Road. Further onto the peninsula, is where the Elben Forest is located and where most of the Fallvellian population resides. The towns become regular along the roads, industries become more varied, and ports become more numerous. This is where traders come to exchange goods and coin for the seemingly only things of value in Fallvelia, fleet horses and mercenaries.


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