Geography of Gamarak Geographic Location in Aurmera | World Anvil
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Geography of Gamarak

The Principality of Gamarak lies in the far southeast reaches for Aurmera. Sitting this far east, and being surrounded by by water to the west, south, and east, Gamarak is an incredibly lush region. Gamarak is dominated by rain forests. in the Northwest, the realm is mostly Tropical Seasonal Forests and contains the mighty Eldertide River. In the Northeast, precipitation continues to increat and creates Tropical Rainforest. The South, being closer to the seas on all sides, is characterized by it's Temperate Rainforests. These series of rainforest biomes are collectively known as the "Sabinov Rain Forest." While technically a continuation of the Emerald Weald, the difference in precipitation creates a distinciton. Where the land meets the sea in Gamarak is nearly entirely swamps and river deltas. Despite this, the Gamarki have built plentiful ports, both up it's many rivers, and on the sea were high ground allows. These ports are vital. Due to the Principality being so heavily forested, with near constant rains, and with leeched soil, nothing grows with any vigor or regularity. The Gamaraki have made the rivers, waterways, and seas their home. They are notable merchants across Aurmera and skilled seamen. This is exemplified in the Capital and port of Andris, being the city with the largest international market in Aurmera.   
The region can cleanly be divided in half along its east-west middle axis. Northwestern Gamarak experiences more seasonal rains, while northeastern Gamarak experiences them year-round. In the Northwest, this has created large floodplains that swell during the rainy season, making the upper Eldertide river valley the only place in Gamarak with consistant agriculture and somewhat arable soil. This flooding has carved the Eldertide Valley deep, thus making it the confluence of all other major rivers of the northwest; these include the Windveil River and the Solovka Fork. At the confluence of the Eldertide and the Solovka, as well as on the border of the Temperate Rainforests, Temperate Deciduous Forests, and Tropical Seasonal Forests, lies the Capital of Andris. Sitting on the crossroads of these varied forest biomes, Andris is the hub where herbal medicine products flow along the Solovka from the Tropical Rainforests of the Northeast, pelts and furs flow south along the Eldertide from the Northwest, and strong timber is moved from the Temperate Rainforests of the South.   In the far eastern reaches of Gamarak, where the land meets the sea, the heavy rains of the interior find their way into the lowlands and out into the ocean. These outflows are numerous and stripe across the lowlands along the coast, creating large bogs, swamps, and low forest marshes. It is in these lowlands where Gamaraki authority is the weakest, and is host to every manner of creature, bandit, and those who wish not to be bothered. 
Southern Gamarak is similar to the north, with a few notable distinctions. The forests of the North are tropical in nature, whereas the forests of the south are more temperate. Here in the south, the coastal marshes continue, and the largest inland portion of them are located at the southern most tip of the Gamarak Peninsula. The southern most region is generally poorer than that of the central region. However, the temerate forests of the far south yield the region's most valuable commodity: lumber. The forest here grows pletiful Oak and Teak wood, which the shipwrights of the area use to build the best vessels in Aurmera. Much is also hewn, bought, and sold along the local trade routes and ports. Same as the coastal wetlands of the north, the southern forest marshes contain every manner of creature, bandit, and those who wish not to be bothered.


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