Geography of Irvernia Geographic Location in Aurmera | World Anvil
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Geography of Irvernia

The Grand Duchy of Irvernia. A state nearly entirely defined by a single river. The mighty Staghorn River is the longest waterway in all of Aurmera and is second only to the Eldertide is total discharge. The Staghorn River Valley is the breadbasket of The East, and its agricultural products are exported even as far as Seretia. The headwaters of the Staghorn are created by glacial melt out of the Pellum's at the northwest edge of the Valley of Valon. Here, the river winds through the Pellum Highlands and into the verdant rolling hills of central Irvernia. The lower Staghorn joins with the Aeonsplit River out of Tergund. The Dravenhall River combines below that, and there the Capital of Montbeliard stands prominately, keeping watchful guard over the vital waterway. Irvernia shares an extensive border with the Eldamari, however, it is only militarized on the Eldamar side. The Irvernians keep most of their military might focused East, to defend against the constant raids from the Ofenland Horde.   
The northwest of Irvernia is considerably less populated than down-river. Nestled in the Valley of Valon, the small town of Valon is the furthest extent of Irvernian settlements. This large valley was carved by glaciers, and as such has fertile glacial till for it's soil. However, being so high in elevation, mostly cold tolerant grains are grown here. Following the river to the southeast, we enter the Pellum Highlands. Here is where a prosperous highland sheep and goat industry is located. The breed of sheep here is adapted to the cold climate, and it's particular wool is coveted by weavers and tailors alike. Further down the river, we reach the Irvernian heartland. It is at this point that the population begins to rapidly increase and settlements are more frequent. This region is diverse in its production of agricultural goods, from golden fields of wheat, to artisinal cheeses from the hill country, to wine fit for peerage. The fertile soils brought by the Staghorn produce products that are both plentiful and coveted.   
The lower Eldertide is where the bulk of the Irvernian population lives and where most trade is conducted. The Capital of the Grand Duchy is in the city of Montbeliard. Located at the confluence of the Staghorn and Dravenhall Rivers, all river traffic into upper Irvernia via the Staghorn and north into Tergund via the Aeonsplit passes through here. Being aware of the strategic importance of these waterways, as well as the potential taxes to be collected, The Irvernian Grand Duke erected one of the most impressive forifications in Aurmera. Across the width of the Staghorn, orginating from the citadel of Montbeliard, spans the Aquilon Wall. This wall is an engineering marvel, achored by towers that emerge from the river, the wall connects these towers above the water, with numerous large iron bars that extend below the wall into the flow of the Staghorn. This assures that any and all river traffic is diverted to the only gate on the Aquilon, which is heavily manned with Irvernian soldiers and is convieniently located at the Customs House. The Aurmeran Road crosses over the top of this fortification, though it is not uncommon for the soldiers at the garrison to exact their own "tax"   In the far northeast of Irvernia, is the area of the Grand Duchy that is furthest from it's major rivers. This area is fairly rural, and is under near constant threat of incursions from the hordes that lie to the east. As a result, this area has an increased military presence, and the towns are heavily fortified. Notably, the forests of this area are home to rare flora that are refined by the locals into equisite perfumes.  


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