Geography of Ofenland Geographic Location in Aurmera | World Anvil
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Geography of Ofenland

The United Horde of Ofenland is a collection of various horse tribes that have formed themselves into a state. They are led by a single High Chieftain, however, often act independently as tribes and clans. Ofenland is a land that is characterized by its position in the Eastern Wetlands. This entire realm sits in low ground, and as such, contains a great expanse of wooded marshes. These swamps drain into many rivers that flow out of the Emerald Weald east into the ocean. This harsh terrain has traditionally heavily impeded travel in the region by outsiders.    Unlike the wildlands of Marbata, the tribes of Ofenland are more civilized and structured. While they abide by tribal and clan hierarchies, as well as practice the old ways of the horse and govern primitively, they are as modern as other states of Aurmera in terms of technology and trade. They have mastered their swampy terrain through the breeding specialty horses adept to the environment, utilizing light and nimble tactics, and the strategic use of boats for quick movement. These hardy horses and pack animals are sought across Aurmera for their performance in austere conditions.    These swamps are inhabited by more than the Tribesmen. With a weak central authority, the coastal marshes and secluded woods harbor every manner of whatever chooses to call it home.   


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