Geography of Seretia Geographic Location in Aurmera | World Anvil
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Geography of Seretia

Seretia is a Kingdom nestled in the far west of Aurmera. Naturally protected by the Pellum Mountains to the North, the Arkus Mountains to the East, the Great Gulf to the South, and the Marrum Sea to the West, Seretia has enjoyed prosperity due to its geographic isolation, high amount of rivers, and plentiful rain. The major biomes of the region can be observed to be temperate forest sandwiched between the drier belts of savannah to the south and the plains to the north. Due to being belted to the north and east by mountain ranges, these plains are tall-grass praires in nature, thus providing ample amounts of farmland. In addition to these expanses of grassland, the border mountains give way to plentful waterways that not only help sustain the agriculture in the area, but also Seretia's population. 
We will now dive into the major subregions of Seretia, starting with the Umberwood. The Umberwood is home to some of the densest forests in Seretia,  and is also the regional home of the Fae. While the Fae kind are also sporatically found in the forests to the south, the sparsely populated nature of the western Umberwood gives them the isolation and autonomy they prefer. This runs directly counter to the interests of the human inhabitants, who run a large logging industry on the peninsula. This region is the largest ship building manufactury, as well as contains the most thriving ports due to it's proximity with the capital.
Next, is the Seretian Plain, the namesake of the Kingdom and region. A tall-grass praire, this area is the breadbasket of the kingdom and generates enough bounty to be sold for export. While sparsely popuated compared to the river cities, coasts, and trade centers, this region is still host to many farming freemen and peasants alike. From North to South the river of the Seretian Plain are as follows. The Zarri River, The Halcyon River (with the Elyrian River feeding into it at the south fork), The Foxtail River which flows into Magnusbay, and the mighty Crestfall River to the South. To the east, the region ends at the Thaloren River. This region is mostly home to Seretia's large scale food production, but is also home to many specialty crops, and large ranches for livestock. 
  Continuing east from the Seretian Plain is the Waste Reach. This high praire is the dominating feature of this region. As the elevation increases increasing quickly as one heads East from the Thaloren River valley, the soil becomes harsher and the rains more sparse. The only productive and fertile areas in this belt are those that lie directly along the headwaters of the Crestfall and along the Thaloren. Continuing east, lies the Arkus Highlands and then the Arkus Mountains. The Arkus Highlands are primarily a Cold Desert, with the steep Arkus Mountains that form the border between Seretia and Fallvelia being mostly Mountainous Tundra and Taiga. While many livestock are produced here, as well as skilled cavalry and horsemen, this region is one of the most inhospitale in Seretia. 
  The North is the most sparsely populated region in Seretia. The fertile Seretian Plains in the west and the Waste Reach in the east quickly give way to hills and mountains of the Pellum Range as one heads North. The land here is harsh. High in altitude and heavilily forested in the valleys, the north is difficult to traverse off the the small trails between small towns. These towns are few and far in between, nestled into mountain valleys, they offer refuge for traders, travelers, and trappers. The Pellum Mountains to the north are nearly impassable, with the only Valley that cuts north into the deeper range located at Last Port. The Pellum's have long served as barriers between the the new kingdoms of Aumera to the south of the mountains, and the old ruins and darkness to the North.
The main run of the Crestfall River marks the transition of the Seretian Plains to the Selmar Woodlands. Not as dense and with less rainfall than the Umber Forest to the west, the Selmar is larger and more populated. Areas where soil composition does not agree with widespread forest consist of high scrubs and Savannah. Here we find the cross roads of Seretian peoples and geography. The Selmar is located inbetween the grandeur of the great cities of the Crestfall and the wealth of the southern plantations. As a result, the people here are a convergence of all walks of life, with easy access to many goods flowing between north and south as well as off the Aurmeran road winding in from Fallvelia. This region is also home to much of Seretia's non-human population. while the more "cosmopolitan" nature of the large cities along the Crestfall River offers non-human races a greater chance of prosperity, the Selmar offers a life away from the city with their on kind. However, this also goes for beasts, races, and creatures that would take advantage of the forest's relative seclusion and access to resources. 
  The last major region of Seretia that will be covered is the tropical savanna in the south of the region. This region to the south of the Selmar Forest receives less rain than the forest, but more than the savannas and grassland to the north. This allows for more trees, while still being much more open than a temperate forest. With adequate rainfall coupld with more open spaces, this region has developed in to an agricultural hub for cash crops. Fields of tobacco, hemp, grapes, and indigo sprawl across the landscape. Outside of the Crestfall watershed, the rain from the forested interior flows out to sea on number rivers and creeks. Swampy conditions can exist near the coast in the rainy season. 


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