Geography of Tergund Geographic Location in Aurmera | World Anvil
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Geography of Tergund

The Duchy of Tergund is the only Dwarvish state in Aurmera. Tucked in the far northwest of the subcontinent, the region is secluded and easily defended. Tergund is defined its high elevation, being nearly entirely within the bounds of the Pellum Highlands, and stretches north into the Pellum's in some places. The Dwarves of Tergund are the only state and people to settle this deep into the Pellums. The Aeonsplit Rivers flows out of the mountains and through the Highlands, giving the Tergunians their only navagable waterway. The Dwarves have taken advantage of this major waterway, by building a complex series of aquaducts and irrigation to their keeps, cities, and farms.    The Tergundians are a mountain people, and as such, have become adept at mining. While they have many settlements throughout the region, mining is by far the most widespread and important of professions in Tergund. Dwarven forges and stonemasons create the highest quality of ingot and cut stone. The Dwarves control this trade of their metal and mineral wealth. In nearly every major city in Aurmera, an enclave of Tergundians can be found. They run their own Miner's Guild, with outposts across Aurmera, which is the only way to buy Turgundian metals and stone.   One notable feature of Tergund is the Pellumkeep. The mighty fortress is located at the terminus of a narrow trail that winds up the tallest mountain outside of the Capital of Thundercliffe. This keep is considered impregnable, and is wher the Duke of Tergund resides. Naturally, there is also a mine within the keep.  


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