Geography of the Isle of Lolth and Isle of Gruumsh Geographic Location in Aurmera | World Anvil
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Geography of the Isle of Lolth and Isle of Gruumsh

Not much is known for certain about these two islands that sit on opposite sides of the sea. The Isle of Lolth is known to be inhabited by Drow, who worship a pantheon of darkness and were cast out of the mainland for their dark practices and hunger for power. Surveys of the the Isle of Lolth consist mostly of those that came before the exile of the Drow, however, traders and sailors have provided their knowledge of the land gathered from experiences with the Isle of Lolth. The Drow are true Zealots, and rarely allow outsiders, with the exception of the few ports around the Isle. Those that enter are closely watched, and are never allowed to journey beyong the port.   
  The Isle of Gruumsh is the home island of the Orcish and Goblinoid races. Practically nothing is known about the settlements, government, and terrain of the island. While many an orc and goblin have told tall tales of their home when they are encountered on Aurmera proper, not much can be verfied due to the dangers involved with traveling to the island. It is assumed that it is a savage island consisting of warring tribes jockeying for local power.   


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