Geography of the Marbata Wildlands Geographic Location in Aurmera | World Anvil
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Geography of the Marbata Wildlands

The Marbata Wildlands consist of narrow peninsula in the north and a large island in the south, divided by the Stormhorn Stait between them. On the Marbata Peninsula, the civilized Eldamari portion of the upper peninsula quickly gives way to the wildlands in the forests south of The Pinch. Both geographic regions are heavily and continuously forested by Temperate Rain Forests, making marshes and creeks abundant, and travel difficult. The Island of Marbata is more isolated than the peninsula, and thus is more free from foreign influence. Both the peninsular region and island region are inhabited by numerous tribes, clans, and chiefdoms. These groups are more savage, primitive, and disperate than that of the United Ofenland Horde. Following the war that ravaged the realm of Marbata, all manner of peoples moved in to stake their claim and live the way they liked. Tribal groups of every race can be found here. They range widely from puppet tribes on the border with Eldamar to savage barbarian war-clans constantly trying to conquer their neighbors. This realm contains two international neutral ports of trade; The Landing on the Peninsula and Stillwater on the Island.   
A map of the territory of various known Tribes, Clans, Cheifdoms, and Hordes: (go to the map of Aurmera and follow the instructions to the interactive map in order to find the names of each respective group by territory)
The notable international ports of Marbata warrant discussion. The Landing is located on the southern extent of the peninsula and is well sheilded from storms and pirates deep in it's natural harbor. Stillwater exists on the north shore of the island and is the larger of the two international zones. Both serve as forward zones of exchange near the vital Stormhorn Strait, where nearly all east-west Aurmeran trade must flow. All of the Aurmeran states maintain some sort of customs house in both of the cities, in order to buy, sell, inspect for quality, and handle buisness in a neutral way before reaching terminal ports. Due to the insistance of the Aurmeran states to still tax these goods, a thriving black market exists in both cities. These cities also exist as places of storage for excess goods, in order for the various states and burghers to more easily manipulate supply and demand. Both Cities are well fortified, and are garrisoned by a collection of land and naval military assets from all across Aurmera. Both cities are governed by a Counsel of Ambassadors appointed by the various governments of the every participating Aurmeran State.    A key difference between the cities, and why Stillwater is the preferred place of trade for many of the Aurmeran states, is due to the manipulation and strong arming that occurs in The Landing. The criminal underground, privateers, Counsel of Ambassadors, and customs officials of The Landing are heavily influenced by Gamarki and Erolini interests. In The Landing, national loyalties tend to dissolve over time, when coin can be made through bribery and illicit activites. 


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