Team Harmony Character in Aurora | World Anvil
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Team Harmony


  Team Harmony are the primary main antagonists in The Aurora region. They are a team of eco terrorists that want to wipe out humanity by converting everyone into becoming Pokemon. Their goal is to infect the ones worthy of guiding their vision of a new world with a virus that will change them into becoming Pokemon. Afterwards, they plan to summon Yveltal to rebirth the world. If left unchecked, Team Harmony will be left unopposed.   After being inspired by Howard Clifford's failed scheme, they realize that where Howard failed, they can potentially plan better and succeed. Their main goal is to infiltrate the small region of Aurora and to take it over as a base of opperations and to scheme unnoticed.   It's team consists of various members, although they don't wear any uniforms to hide their identities.  


  ASHTON:   Ashton is the leaders of Team Harmony. His bitterness over the nobility and how he grew up poor caused Ashton to plot against the world. His goal is to put an end to humanity and to start a new age and world ruled by Pokemon. His signature Pokemon is a Goodra.   TIN:   Tin, aka Tina is one of the higher ups of Team Harmony. She is a tinkerer and creator of gadgets which she gives out to members of Team Harmony. She hates Pokemon training and wants to put an end to "Pokemon being exploited." Her friend, Alberto the Keldeo is not only a partner, but also a good friend. Her signature pokemon is a Tinkaton.   ALBERTO:   Alberto is a Keldeo who can talk like Team Rocket's Meowth. He was trained by special Dodrios when he was a foal (Casowary themed variants) before meeting Tin/Tina. While he knows that not all humans or people are bad, he prefers to assist Team Harmony and their efforts to put an end to the "slow destruction of the world" as he puts it. He believes he is doing good and is blind to his actions or the harm they cause.   While Alberto is a part of Team Harmony, he still has morales and doesn't want to harm anyone if he can help it. First, He'll try to reason with those who oppose Harmony's goals. Secondly, he will become enraged if he sees a human harm their Pokemon and stop at nothing to rescue that Pokemon from being abused.   Tin/Tina has given him special bladed weapons that can be inserted into his hooves which turn him into a extremely dangerous opponent. He also wears special gear that prevents pokeballs from being used on him.   RATLIN:   Ratlin is another of the commanders of Team Harmony. He is a master spy of sorts whose goal is to spy on and to look into potential threats to Team Harmony plans. His job is to spy on the fighting styles of other trainers and to gather the appropriate Pokemon to counter that groups team. Ratlin's signature pokemon is Greninja.   TEAM HARMONY GRUNTS:   The grunts of Team Harmony avoid sticking out like a sore thumb by blending into the crowd. Its for this reason, that they don't have any uniform that would be a dead giveaway. Instead, Team Harmony use special sign language as a code to communicate with each other. They are granted certain Pokemon.   TEAM HARMONY EXPERT:   Team Harmony Experts are promoted members of Team Harmony. They are more advanced Pokemon Trainer who are granted access to stronger Pokemon.   TEAM HARMONY ACE:   There are rarely Ace members of Team Harmony as they are the highest ranking you can get. An Ace has to accomplish a lot within the organization to reach this position. They are given the strongest Pokemon to make sure their missions are a success.  


  • To end the age of humanity and to begin a new age with Pokemon.
  • To bring an end to the many faults of humanity
  • To take over Aurora to use it as a base for their plans.

      BOSHER:   Bosher knows about Team Harmony and their attempts to take over Aurora. If any member of Team Harmony is spotted, Bosher will order their arrest almost immediately. He has also put out various wanted posters promising a hefty reward for each member of Team Harmony turned in.   The Wandering Troupe:   The Wandering Troupe has heard of the deeds that Team Harmony is capable of and are always on the lookout for anyone suspicious. Despite Gerald's disagreements with Bosher, he still thinks of his brother and wants to help him stomp out spies or members.


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