Ambrosy, God of Fairies & Trickery

About Ambrosy   Standing about one foot tall, Ambrosy is the embodiment of laughter, chaos, and glitter. Everywhere she goes, glimmering sparkles follow and everything she does is for the greater good of disorganization and personal delight. Her wings carry her as she flies to and fro in order to spread the glory of the Feywilds. On her person, she carries a bow and an array of glittering missiles as arrows in her quiver.   Ambrosy's Relationship with Other Gods   Phenax. During her mortalhood as a follower of Phenax, Ambrosy remained very loyal to the God of Deceit. She basked in the mischief and favoured his ability to turn every situation in his favour by employing his quick, legendary wit and wonderful speech. Although their methods in deceit were a bit different, and even after she ascended, Ambrosy still considers Phenax as a source of inspiration and motivation. She does not want to be like him, but she understands that there is a lot of truth whispered into his lies.   Nylea. While some would say that it would be natural for the two huntresses to become rivals, Ambrosy could not help but admire Nylea and her wonderful skill as well. As she posses druidic abilities herself, Ambrosy felt that the two probably have more in common than the first impressions lead on.   Ceri. The Harbinger of Love is someone who is just as carefree as Ambrosy is. She enjoys his gossip, his investment in emotion and his dedication to his appearance (and work). In fact, she considers him almost as stylish and as flash as she is, although there is a long way for him to go before he gets on her level. Still, he is very interesting in her eyes and she never gets bored around him.   About Ambrosy's Champions   Champions Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Chaotic   Suggested Classes: Hunters, Druids, Bards, Sorcerers   Suggested Cleric Domain: Trickery Domain   Suggested Backgrounds: Acolyte, Athlete, Charlatan, Entertainer   About Ambrosy's Ideals
D6 Ideals
1 Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what they stand for. (Any)
2 Creativity. The world is in need of new ideas and bold action. (Chaotic)
3 Creativity. I never run the same con twice. (Chaotic)
4 Independence. I am a free-spirit, no one tells me what to do. (Chaotic)
5 Friendship. Material goods come and go. Bonds of friendship last forever. (Good)
6 Aspiration. I'm determined to make something of myself. (Any)
Ambrosy's Levels of Piety   Ambrosy's Devotee. Whenever a worshipper of Ambrosy reaches +3 Piety, they learn the spell Faerie Fire which outlines the 20-foot cube made in the form of glitter and sparkles against their target that will never, ever come out, ever. Not even when the target tries to cast prestidigitation on themselves, the glitter never leaves.   Ambrosy's Votary. Whenever a worshipper of Ambrosy reaches +10 Piety, per DM's discretion - they gain Advantage in Deceit or Persuasion.   Ambrosy's Disciple. Whenever a worshipper reaches +25 Piety, to activate this feature, the worshipper of Ambrosy - as an action gains a set of glittering, spectral wings that sprout from their back. The instant they transform, other creatures within 10 ft of them, that the Disciple can see, must each succeed on a Charisma Saving Throw (DC 8 + your proficiency bonus + Charisma modifier) or become glitterfied (Charmed) of the Disciple until the end of their turn. This transformation lasts for 1 Minute or until they end it as a bonus action. During this transformation, once on each of your turns, you have a fly speed of 20ft. Once the Disciple uses this trait, they cannot use it again until they finish a long rest.


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