Athreos, The God of Passage

God Athreos (a.k.a. God of Passage, the River Guide)

The worship of Athreos is characterized by a profound respect for the natural order, the inevitability of death, and the connection between the living and the departed.
— Follower of Athreos
  Athreos, the River Guide, is the somber deity responsible for ferrying the departed souls across the Tartyx River to the Underworld. Cloaked in ragged robes and adorned with an ensemble of golden masks, Athreos presents a gaunt figure with gray flesh stretched thinly over a barely human skeleton. His identity remains veiled, hidden beneath the shroud of mystery. Athreos is accompanied by an ancient staff named Katabasis, which he transforms into a ferryboat for the purpose of guiding souls to their final destination. The god can change shape, although such transformations are rare, as Athreos adheres to an enigmatic and unchanging existence.   Artistic representations of Athreos often depict him in a shroud of darkness, surrounded by the glow of the Tartyx River. Ancestral themes are prevalent, showcasing the connection between the living and the departed.  

Athreos Champions

Followers of Athreos are usually lawful and often exhibit an evil alignment. Their faith centers around acceptance, honoring the past, and guiding others through the passage of life to death. Clerics, monks, rogues, and wizards find common ground in their service to Athreos.
Suggested Classes: Cleric, Monk, Rogue, Wizard
  Suggested Cleric Domains: Death, Grave (described in Xanathar’s Guide to Everything)
  Suggested Backgrounds: Hermit, Sage, Sailor, Urchin

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Symbols associated with Athreos include masks, a skeletal hand holding an oar, and a stylized river flowing between two realms. These symbols represent the god's role as a guide between life and death.

Tenets of Faith

Embrace the Inevitability of Death: Followers of Athreos acknowledge death as an integral part of life, neither to be hastened nor avoided. They find solace in the natural order, accepting the cycle of existence.   Honor Ancestral Memory: Worshipers of Athreos hold a deep respect for their ancestors, preserving their memory through traditions, rituals, and storytelling. Ancestral veneration is a sacred practice.   Facilitate the Passage: Devotees strive to ease the transition of the living into death, offering comfort and support to those facing the end of their mortal journey. They see their role as facilitators of the natural order.   Acceptance of Fate: The River Guide is impartial, and so are his followers. They accept the unyielding nature of fate and avoid futile attempts to bargain or manipulate destiny. Athreos reads the truth of each soul without bias.  

Religious Practices:

  Funerary Rites: Rituals and ceremonies are conducted to honor the deceased and guide their souls on a peaceful journey to the afterlife. These rites vary across cultures but share the common theme of reverence for the departed.   Ancestral Altars: Worshipers maintain altars dedicated to their ancestors, adorned with mementos, candles, and symbols representing the continuity of life and death. Offerings are made to honor the memories of those who came before.   Meditative Reflection: Followers engage in meditative practices that contemplate the transient nature of life and the inevitability of death. This reflection fosters acceptance and understanding of the natural order.


Passing Tide Festival: A commemorative event celebrating the passing of souls to the Underworld. It includes rituals, processions, and storytelling to honor the departed.   Ancestral Remembrance Day: A day dedicated to recalling and honoring ancestors through familial gatherings, shared meals, and the recounting of ancestral stories.
Current Residence
Between Plane of Existence and the Underworld


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