Cerastes Warrior

Amongst the Forbidden expanse resides the vast desert sands and mesas. To most, the forbidden expanse is an endless wasteland of nothing but Arid rock and sand. However, to the Cerastes Warrior this is their home. Mimicking their fighting style off of serpents(specifically the Cerastes), these warriors weave sand manipulation, mysticism, and blade into their fighting style. Slithering through the battlefield, these fighters leave bodies & even armies in their wake as even a single Cerastes Warrior is a force to be reckoned with.
  Cerastes Warrior often go under trials of the sand to gain their sand manipulating abilities. These trials are harsh, but those who survive are blessed with great speed, the ability to vanish with the wind & even become a sandstorm themselves.

Focused Fangs

3rd-level Cerastes Warrior feature
  After undergoing the trials, you’ve gained mystical prowess in the form of focus. You gain a limited amount of focus equal to your proficiency bonus. You may use focus to use some of the following abilities down below.
  Focus replenishes on a long rest. Upon taking a short rest, you gain half of your focus amount back(rounded down). For Focus based abilities that require a DC, the DC is determined by 8 + prof bonus + DEX modifier.
  Sand push. Once on each of your turns, immediately after you hit a target with a melee attack. You may force that creature and all creatures in front of you within a 15ft cone to make a Strength saving throw. Upon fail, all creatures either are pushed 5 feet backwards or are knocked prone. You make this choice when you use this ability & before they make their saving throw.
  Mark of the Sand. As a bonus action, you may mark 2 creatures of your choice within 30ft of you and one another. When marked in this way, once per turn when attempting to attack a marked creature, you may teleport to them before or after you make the attack.
  The number of creatures you can mark increases to 3 at level 11, 4 at level 15, 5 at level 18.

Cerastes Knight

7th-level Cerastes Warrior feature
  You gain one more way to use your focus, gaining the Sandstorm ability.
  Sandstorm. Mark a point within 20 feet of yourself. Upon using this ability as an action, you became a storm of sand and blade and travel to this location (avoiding any attacks of opportunity). All enemies within 5 of you during your travel to that point all take damage equal to your dexterity modifier.

Sand Slither

7th-level Cerastes Warrior feature
  Your walking speed increases by 10 feet.

Cerastes Champion

10th-level Cerastes Warrior feature
  You gain another way to use your focus, gaining the Sand Wall ability.

Sand Wall. As a bonus action, you form a protective sandy force around yourself and your allies. 2 creatures of your choice within 10 feet of you gain +2 to their AC until the end of your next turn.

Sand Sphere

15th-level Cerastes Warrior feature
  You can use your action to summon a large sphere of sand and serpent in a 20-foot radius. Creatures of your choice must make a constitution saving throw or be blinded for 1 minute or until they exit the sphere. You may move the sphere up to 10 feet by using a bonus action.
  If you enter the sphere, you gain +1 to your AC.

Sand Burial

18th-level Cerastes Warrior feature
  While you're within your Sand Sphere, you gain 1 additional attack per Attack action.
  If all hostile enemies are reduced to 0 hit points within the sphere. Sand Serpents strike all creatures within 10 feet of the sphere dealing damage equal to your dexterity modifier.



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