Ceri, God of Love

Ceri, the god of love
Kind and carefree. Ceri is the guardian of love and bonds and enjoys this above all else. Ceri spends his free time placing bets with his champions on who will be the next big couple. Ceri is one of the easiest gods to contact, if he recognizes you it is almost a guarantee that he will answer right away. Be warned that he will talk your ears off before you can even get a sentence in.
  Ceri is always depicted as a young humanoid male figure with curly blonde hair, winged boots, a longbow, and a beautiful pair of pure white feathered wings. His appearance is extremely charming and stylish, seemingly having an unlimited amount of clothing options. He is never seen flying with his wings however, only with his boots. Some say his wings are too powerful and will cause hurricanes to form if he even dares to flap them, others say he's just not bothered to actually use them.
Relationship with other gods
Mogis, the God of slaughter: Ceri believes himself to be Mogis’s biggest rival(the feeling isn’t mutual) as he hates his blood pacts, believing those are just barbaric ways of showing bonds and that Mogis is stepping onto Ceri’s territory.
  Keranos, the God of the Storms: Ceri views Keranos as a man with extreme anger issues. He doesn’t like speaking to him due to his anger. Whilst Ceri believes Keranos to be a meathead, he doesn’t realize how wise Keranos can be.
  Pharika, God of Affliction: Ceri’s favorite god to gossip with. Ceri may not realize it but Pharika may just be pretending to be his friend for any info he gathers.
  Nylea, God of the Hunt: Despite Ceri’s usual calm and carefree attitude, he gets very excited when talking to Nylea. He wishes to learn her skill with a bow and seems to always pay attention when the subject is on Nylea.
  Heliod, God of the Sun: Ceri finds Heliod to be an interesting case. He finds his behaviors to be strange, but he cannot find himself ever really disliking him.
Ceri’s champions
Ceri doesn’t seek anything too special in his champions. All he requires of them is to not get in the way of love, help others find love, and make sure to break up toxic relationships. His champions are usually Oath of Devotion paladins, College of Glamour bards, and Divine Soul sorcerers. Ceri’s most notable champion was Jam, the lute of love. Jam was an Aasimar College of Glamour bard and was the only champion to ever beat Ceri in one of his bets of who the next big couple would be. This has always stuck with Ceri and will never leave his mind on how he was bested. Despite this, Ceri cares for all of his champions including Jam.
  Ceri’s Champions alignment: mostly neutral, usually good.
  Suggested classes: Paladins, Clerics, Bards, and Sorcerers.
  Suggested Cleric Domain: Life, Order (See in Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, Tasha's Cauldron of Everything)
  Suggested backgrounds: Charlatan, Folk hero, and Sage.
  Champions of Ceri strive to keep the world in harmony and make sure that everyone is treated as an equal. They usually prefer to not resort to violence but will if they must. Champions of Ceri will sometimes gossip with the god himself. They are incredibly calm and lax and have an incredible tongue, always seeming to get others onto their side.
Ceri’s ideals
Ideals D6
1. Devotion. My devotion to my god is more important to me than what he stands for. (any)
2. Passion. I will not let others get in the way of my ideals. (neutral)
3. Kindness. I will treat all as equal, no matter the race or appearance. (good)
4. Carefree. Others will not sway me into their issues easily. (neutral)
5. Gossip. I will share information about others, whether it be good or bad. (chaotic)
6. Silver Tongue. I will use talking to get out of situations rather than fight. (good)

Earning and losing piety You can increase your piety score to Ceri when you expand the god’s influence in the world in a concrete way through acts such as these:
  • Giving words of prayer and overseeing a wedding • End a fight between two friends/lovers/family members • Help end a toxic relationship.
  Your piety score to Ceri decreases if you diminish Ceri’s influence in the world, contradict with his ideals, or let him down through acts such as these:
  • Get in the way of true love • Spread lies or cause discourse between others willingly • Discriminate others based on race or appearance
  Ceri’s devotee (Piety+3 Ceri Trait) As a worshipper of Ceri, you have proven time and time again that you have a way of words, and Ceri has noticed this. You can cast Suggestion with this trait a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier (minimum of once). You regain all expended uses once you finish a long rest. Charisma is your spellcasting ability for this spell.
  Ceri’s Votary (Piety+10 Ceri trait) You gain advantage on all Charisma saving throws.
  In addition, you have advantage on saving throws against being charmed.
  Ceri’s Disciple (Piety+25 Ceri trait) Whenever you would make a Charisma check or saving throw, you can use your reaction to treat a 9 or lower as a 10.
  Champion of love (Piety+50 Ceri trait) You can increase your Dexterity or Charisma by 2 and also increase your maximum for that score by 2.
Ceri’s monsters
Creatures who worship Ceri are always depicted as beautiful beings or are able to attract others easily. However, Ceri does not approve of how some of them use their beauty but he just doesn’t care enough to do anything about it.


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