Character Creation for Serath Prime

"Whooo's ready to reeeckooonnn!"
Welcome, chosen warriors of the Auroraverse!
You've been handpicked by the God of Beasts to participate in the grandest tournament this side of Serath Prime!
But before you start smashing heads, you gotta define who you are and where your loyalties lie.  

Round 1 - D&D Beyond

Use the following link to create your character in the dedicated D&D Beyond campaign.   Any official Content is allowed to be used in the game! However, this does NOT include UA or One D&D content.  

Round 2 - Races and Classes

"Time for the main event!"
Head on over to D&D Beyond and start shaping your character's fundamental attributes.
Choose from the myriad races and classes of the official D&D universe or venture into the unique homebrew content of Project Aurora.
Remember, your choices here will lay the foundation for your character's abilities and influence their interactions in the world.   Homebrew Races!
Homebrew Subclasses!  

Round 3 - Stats

"Let's take a real close look at the action!"
Now, determine your character's core abilities.
These stats will define your character's strengths and weaknesses, shaping how you approach challenges in the game.
Choose from one of the unique stat arrays provided, or opt for the Standard Array or Point Buy if you prefer.   Specialist - 17 / 15 / 13 / 10 / 10 / 7
Well Rounded - 14 / 13 / 13 / 13 / 12 / 9
Auroraverse Special - 16 / 14 / 12 / 12 / 10 / 8
Standard Array - 15 / 14 / 13 / 12 / 10 / 8
Point Buy - 27 points to divide among your 6 stats
Cost 0 1 2 3 4 5 7 9
Score 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Round 4 - The Divine of Aurora

"The hype's as big as his biceps!"
In the Auroraverse, anyone can choose to worship a god, regardless of their class.
Will your character devote themselves to a deity from the Reincarnated Pantheon?
This choice could influence your character's motivations, relationships, and even grant them divine favor in their trials.   Here you can find a list of available deities - The Reincarnated Pantheon  

Round 5 - Faction Creation

"Get your blood-brellas ready!"
It's time to create your faction.
This is more than just a group; it's a statement of your character's beliefs, values, and ambitions.
Remember, your faction will play a significant role in the game, influencing relationships and granting a unique passive ability to all its members.
Use the provided template to shape your faction.  

Round 6 - Striker Ability

"The wild man himself!"
In this grand tournament, every warrior has a role. Choose a "Striker Ability" that will define your character's role in the game. This spell will grow in power as you do, leveling up at levels 5 and 7, and providing a sense of progression and development.  

Round 7 - Backstory

"Everything is on the line!"
Every warrior has a tale. Craft a backstory for your character that will weave into the fabric of the game, influencing faction relationships and potentially introducing NPC enemies into the campaign. This is your chance to truly bring your character to life.  

Round 8 - Character Appearance

"The finest battlecaster in Aurora steps up!"
Using Foundry VTT, bring your character to life with visuals. Create an image of your character and faction emblem that will be used in the game to enhance immersion and engagement.  

Round 9 - When do we level up?

"He engages, but will he survive? Hopefully, yes."
As the tournament progresses, your character will grow in power. After every round, your character will level up twice, allowing you to further develop your abilities and adapt to the challenges ahead.  

Remember, the God of Beasts chose you for a reason. Your strengths, your faults, your choices – they all led you here. Now, it's time to prove yourself in the grand tournament of the Auroraverse. "Whooo's ready to reeeckooonnn!"


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